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Who hates there job???

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  • #46
    Originally posted by meaiken
    I completely forgot about this Thread....

    After I responded that I didn't mind my job, I went to work the next day and was ready to quit. Every thing went wrong and was the worst day and reminded me why I hated my job.
    I know what you mean...I posted this thread and had the worst f***ing day at work the next day!

    Everyone says to find your passion and do that...well if they would pay me for sitting on my ass...drinking...and looking at girls..I would be rich by now.
    lets do this!!!


    • #47
      I love my job.........Here's the rule of thumb........Find what you LOVE doing, and the money will follow!

      Once you find what it is you enjoy, just become the BEST there is at it, and you will make money doing it. Money also does not mean happiness..........

      I also read books"The Purpose Driven Life" !!!!!!!!!!

      This book will change your life FOREVER, I promise just

      remember shopping for Man Bags and looking for girls with big

      huge Fake BOOBS is not a bad way spend some of your free

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