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Op-Ed *** Iraq *** Sad but True .....

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SFLINSJ
    The one thing I can't stand about the whole ordeal is that it seems even our media portrays all the bad things about the US military being in Iraq, but they never show any of the good things. Despite what you may see on TV, there is a LARGE population of Iraqis that are happy we did what we did. For some reason, the media fails to give a damn about that part though.
    I recently watched an interview with Bernard Kerik, ex NYC police chief. He echoed the same statement. The media only reports the negative while there's much more positive going on.


    • #17
      My dear friend frank zero :
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Cripple Fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Tom Foolery
          My dear friend frank zero :
          HA HA!

          That's so funny! Real original. Do you have a mind of your own?

          Tom RocketScientist, let me ask you a few questions. What do you think the United States should do regarding Iraq?

          Should we pull out all our troops and go home?

          Weren't you pro-Bush and/or anti-Kerry during the election? I guess when the game gets tough you wanna take your ball and go home. It figures.


          • #20
            Frank zero - Reread the article ....the crux of WHAT I agree with IS : para 6 -14 ---- cross through any reference to Sheehan , skip 15-18 and pick up w/ para 18-22 ...

            I don't have a solution do you ? All I'm saying is : Probablity of having a GOOD outcome in IRAQ +320 !
            Answer to your Q's -
            Q1 - Very Complex problem hard to go back and right a wrong !
            Q2 - NO - can't just cut and run now that we've fucked up their country.
            Q3 - Yep voted for Bush , doesn't mean he is infallible

            ************************************************** *****************
            W screwed up , by having a plan to Win the War w/ No plan of how to Win the Peace ....plan and simple we are there so now what ??
            Even Poppa Bush and his advisors knew in '91 that we couldn't just go in and collapse the Govt. w/o creating a HUGE Power Vaccum ! My feeling is that we should of stuck to Afganistan ....dealt w/ Saddam later ! JMO

            Have a Great day !!


            • #21
              P.S. W sends his regards
              Attached Files


              • #22
                Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                Cripple Fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                what does cripple fight mean?
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #23
                  Originally posted by jcindaville
                  what does cripple fight mean?

                  saw it on southpark!!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SFLINSJ
                    Not sure I understand what Frank is getting at, but that was kind of a harsh reply In all seriousness, I'm in the military, and I can obviously sympathize with the mother here, but I don't agree with what she's doing. I will admit that I'm the biggest momma's boy ever, and my mom loves me so much, more than I will ever realize. Despite this, if I was to ever die in combat, (knock on wood), regardless of the reason we're there, I know she would never pull a stunt like this. Although she constantly begs me not to volunteer to go to Iraq or the other hell-hole, she also knows that if I ever do have to go over there, it is PART OF MY LIFE NOW THAT I'M IN THE MILITARY AND SHE WOULD ACCEPT IT.

                    It's even hard to get a concensus of military members opinions one way or another regarding the situation in Iraq. Personally, I don't feel like we made a mistake going over there, but I do think we executed a failed plan. We can't just pull out now though, I know that much. I pray all the time that this shitty situation will end soon.

                    The one thing I can't stand about the whole ordeal is that it seems even our media portrays all the bad things about the US military being in Iraq, but they never show any of the good things. Despite what you may see on TV, there is a LARGE population of Iraqis that are happy we did what we did. For some reason, the media fails to give a damn about that part though.
                    Fins is right.....there is alot of good going on there......businesses are popping up that are owned by iraqi's ad have iraqi employees who show up everyday because they do not want the insurgents to win.....i still have many marine buddies that are there and although it is a tough mission, many are supportive of the overall plan......and they have the toughest job of all......

                    it is frustrating as hell to be bombed with iud's and not know where it is coming from........

                    i do not know the solution, but i do realize the average american is soft.....real SOFT and has had it easy their whole life and figure why get involved???? also our nation has no stomach for setbacks and seems to show no resolve when the gong gets tough.....Also for some reason we think we as citizens deserve a play by play of the war.....leave the war to the generals people.....this is not a game.....

                    do i believe in the war???? i said from the outset that i did not think it would be in our best interest......but i echo someone who said earlier...we haveto see it through.......i feel bad for mrs. sheehan, but that does not deter me from supporting the commander in chief and our men and women on the ground.....

                    so i am with frank........Tom i appreciate the viewpoint, but i think you have swallowed the liberal koolaid......lock and load


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                      Fins is right.....there is alot of good going on there......businesses are popping up that are owned by iraqi's ad have iraqi employees who show up everyday because they do not want the insurgents to win.....i still have many marine buddies that are there and although it is a tough mission, many are supportive of the overall plan......and they have the toughest job of all......

                      it is frustrating as hell to be bombed with iud's and not know where it is coming from........

                      i do not know the solution, but i do realize the average american is soft.....real SOFT and has had it easy their whole life and figure why get involved???? also our nation has no stomach for setbacks and seems to show no resolve when the gong gets tough.....Also for some reason we think we as citizens deserve a play by play of the war.....leave the war to the generals people.....this is not a game.....

                      do i believe in the war???? i said from the outset that i did not think it would be in our best interest......but i echo someone who said earlier...we haveto see it through.......i feel bad for mrs. sheehan, but that does not deter me from supporting the commander in chief and our men and women on the ground.....

                      so i am with frank........Tom i appreciate the viewpoint, but i think you have swallowed the liberal koolaid......lock and load
                      Tony WTF you talking about .... reread what I said ! If you're calling McCafferty a bleeding heart liberal , that would fit me ....
                      to me BH libs would be, errrr.... democrats ! You need to come correct !


                      • #26
                        tom you are a mouthy lil man!!! i would like to come correct...with you and me in a room wise ass!!!

                        just because 1 general says is not gospel.....i know many grunt officers on the ground who support this are a little troublemaker and i have yet to hear a solution from your punk ass mouth


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Tom Foolery
                          Q2 - NO - can't just cut and run now that we've fucked up their country.
                          Fucked up their country? Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. The overwhelming majority of Iraqi are thrilled they got their country back. Most of the insurgency is from foreigners. Not Iraqis.

                          Tom, your problem is your memory span is toooo short. You can't remember beyond a few days ago.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                            Fins is right.....there is alot of good going on there......businesses are popping up that are owned by iraqi's ad have iraqi employees who show up everyday because they do not want the insurgents to win.....i still have many marine buddies that are there and although it is a tough mission, many are supportive of the overall plan......and they have the toughest job of all......

                            it is frustrating as hell to be bombed with iud's and not know where it is coming from........

                            i do not know the solution, but i do realize the average american is soft.....real SOFT and has had it easy their whole life and figure why get involved???? also our nation has no stomach for setbacks and seems to show no resolve when the gong gets tough.....Also for some reason we think we as citizens deserve a play by play of the war.....leave the war to the generals people.....this is not a game.....

                            do i believe in the war???? i said from the outset that i did not think it would be in our best interest......but i echo someone who said earlier...we haveto see it through.......i feel bad for mrs. sheehan, but that does not deter me from supporting the commander in chief and our men and women on the ground.....

                            so i am with frank........Tom i appreciate the viewpoint, but i think you have swallowed the liberal koolaid......lock and load
                            Tony, GREAT post. American's are soft. We are spoiled. Once the going get tough we quickly change sides. Tom is a perfect example. As a native NYer it saddens me that 911 is forgotten.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                              tom you are a mouthy lil man!!! i would like to come correct...with you and me in a room wise ass!!!

                              just because 1 general says is not gospel.....i know many grunt officers on the ground who support this are a little troublemaker and i have yet to hear a solution from your punk ass mouth
                              Dbl TNT I don't think you really know me that well ...
                              I take it you don't like to be disagreed with either !! You and I said basicly the same thing I don't see where the disconnect is .... hate being in a fucked up war , now we have to stay ....we disagree on what point exactly ?? I said at the out set that I don't have a solution .... mouthty lil man ....I thought we were having a discussion here :confused:


                              • #30
                                [QUOTE=Tom Foolery]Tony WTF you talking about .... reread what I said ! If you're calling McCafferty a bleeding heart liberal , that would fit me ....
                                to me BH libs would be, errrr.... democrats ! You need to come correct ![/QUOTE

                                when you answer a man with "what the fuck are you talking about"? to me is a little bit confrontational.....i just picked up the pace is all.....i can discuss...but when i feel insulted personally is when i get a little i assume i having to come correct...means your way of thinking........i do not have a problem w/ anyones point of view...just do not like being corrected by someone who simply has another point of just seem like you are a know it all and when someone disagrees you get personal.....and then you back track when called out......i have no idea who you are and what you are....but when i get talked to in a disrespectful manner.....i feel the need to defend myself.....

