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How To Get To Heaven When You Die

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  • 387652854_wherethesidewalkends-copy.jpg
    Last edited by xfrodobagginsx; 06-14-2015, 10:12 PM.


    • What is that Chief?


      • You asked if I had any cliff notes.


        • But seriously, do you want me to provide you with the reasons why I believe the way that I do?


          • Originally posted by xfrodobagginsx View Post
            You asked if I had any cliff notes.



            • Lol
              Last edited by xfrodobagginsx; 07-03-2015, 10:29 PM.


              • Story of Angel and Cousin Sarah

                Several years ago, My cousin was playing with a lighter in his bedroom. He caught a newspaper or comic book or something on fire and threw it on his bed. There were several people sleeping there. The whole house went up in flames. Everyone got out except for my 3 year old cousin sarah. They had written her off as dead. The whole house was in flames and filled with smoke. An off duty fireman happened to be driving by and saw the smoke. He stopped to help. He looked into the bedroom window and saw her sitting under the window with her hands on her head. He pulled her out and she was burned and has some scars to this day. He asked her how she knew to come over to that window and sit on the ground. She said that the man in the fire told her "Don't be afraid, to go over to the window sit down and put your hands over your head and face". Years later, she recounted her story with me. She said that the man had no face, light shining from it, he was 3 feet tall and dressed in white. He was floating in the corner of the room. My Grandparents were deeply committed Christians. Often times my Grandmother would be up all night, having trouble sleeping, praying for the safety of the family. At the same exact time that the fire was going on, my grandmother was several miles away sleeping in her bed. She heard a voice that told her "There's been a fire, Liz and the kids got out ok". A few minutes later, my Grandfather got the call on the phone "There's been a fire, liz and the kids got out ok" He tried to tell her what they said, but she already knew. The reason that God Spoke to her, I believe, is because it was HER prayer that the Lord was answering. Otherwise, my cousin would have died in the fire.


                • Isn't this from a book?


                  • No, it actually happened in my family. It's a very true, miracle from God. It's not the only one I have seen.


                    • What do you base your beliefs upon?


                      • To those who haven't yet, please take the time to read this first post and vote in the poll.


                        • The koran wasn't written until hundreds of years after the events in the bible. The koran CONTRADICTS the actual secular history of the biblical events, the bible does not. The bible was written by the actual eyewitnesses to the events, the koran was not. Mohammad wasn't there, the biblical writers were. Since what he says grossely contradicts the biblical, eyewitness accounts, I think it's safe to say that mohammad is a liar. It's like someone telling you that George Washington wasn't really the First U.S. President, he was a shoe salesman. That person lives today. Who are you going to believe the actual people who were there and/or lived in his time or some idiot who came along hundreds of years later refuting history and eyewitnesses to the events?


                          • I was saved when I was 4. I was raised in church, but the churches that I attended were what I would consider legalistic. When I turned 18 I stopped going due to the legalism. As I remained out of God's will, I became more and more miserable. I tried to return to the Lord, but circumstances were as though the Lord wasn't going to allow that yet. He wanted to teach me something. The Lord never left me, but I felt like He was a million miles away at times. I went to college, but everything and I mean everything, Job, school, ect. all went against me. Nothing would work out for me. Way too many details to tell, but basically I felt like I had a curse on my life. I actually came to the point of suicide. I became so very hardened by just a ton of abuse that had happened to me. I told the Lord that if things didn't change, I was going to end it all. I could feel Him standing over me and lift His mighty hand away, just little. I met my wife and got married, had kids. On 9-9-2001 I turned 30. Two days later was 9-11, when the Twin Towers were attacked. I realized that the Lord was coming soon and did not want to remain where I was. He had already been dealing with me for a few years prior, but now it was time to go back. I searched for a church and visited one that was very legalistic. I filled out the visitor's card and they came out to visit on a wed. They asked me to come back. I said "How do I know that this is the church that God want's me to go to"? The man said "have you asked Him" I said "no" He said "Why don't you pray and ask Him and we'll get going". I prayed half heartedly for the Lord to let me know if that was where He wanted me.

                            That night, about midnight, I laid in my bed, my wife facing the opposite way. I was thinking about whether I wanted to go back there or not and decided, No, I was not going to go back there. The very Moment that I made my decision, I felt God's Holy Spirit begin to slowly move through my wall and hover over my chest. He was in the form of a cloud. I felt His eyes look directly into mine and say "I want you to go back to that church" in a very mild, meek, soft voice, yet without any sound. It was crystal clear. I said "Ok, Lord, if that's where you want me to go I'll go back there. If that's what you want me to do I'll go back to that church". Then I broke down and told Him that I was sorry for my sins and that I would serve Him from now on. I had big issue with the pastor of that church. He was a very strict, breathe down your neck type of a person, yet God used him in my life. He discipled me and taught me how to do the music. The Lord kept opening doors there to serve in a huge way. They had a tract ministry there where they printed up millions of gospel tracts and a booklet called "The Baptist Bread". It's similar to "The Daily Bread".




                              • Foxes Book Of Martyrs:


