Even though Savage thinks differently from most, he is mostly civil in his discussion and I think this thread was very entertaining and intellectually stimulating. No harm done to anyone. Keep the thread alive.
Even though Savage thinks differently from most, he is mostly civil in his discussion and I think this thread was very entertaining and intellectually stimulating. No harm done to anyone. Keep the thread alive.
Now KB and Savage can get a roomf
Flare-I am glad that at least for NOW everything seems to be hunky dory. lol
I sure hope we can keep it that way.
I am glad that you and hopefully others have enjoyed the thread and found it challenging and made you think with the god given brains all of us were given.
I hope I can post topics which will be interesting and would love to see you guys post some non-gambling topics which are either important to you and/or which would make a good topic to discuss.
Since the "show goes on," so to speak, just an example which imo all of us (including me) should consider before making a snap decision about something or when there you have a difference of opinion in a topic under discussion in the forum or even in your everyday lives(sorry-I don't want this to sound like a sermon;I am just speaking from personal experience):
Now lets face it in this particular thread(as well as a few others), things got pretty heated, and it appears we have as Wayne said moved beyond that stage.
Now for the example-You know before I got married, I spend many many hours and nights in nightclubs to try to find a suitable mate in addition later on to personal ads, dating sites, etc.
Now keep in mind that most of this occurred prior to when I bought my own pc in the 90's, meaning I had lot more free time then then now at least at night-during the day there was no comparison as I was still employed(and obviously internet dating was virtually non existent).
Anyways, the point I want to get across is this, and it does relate quite a bit to this thread:
Getting back to the nightclubs, I had a good buddy who also used to hang out in the clubs, and who was actually five or so years older than me.
Well, on occasion we would spot an "older guy" walk into the club with a woman who was obviously much younger than he was(both American) and in some cases pretty attractive.
My friend and I and anyone in our little group( there were guys we both knew who would hang with us if they saw us) would usually just laugh and snicker and all agree that the ONLY reason that the woman was with him was that he was financially well off and that she was ONLY after his money and that the man wanted a younger woman.
Looking at back at those incidents now which occurred many years ago, how do I feel now as opposed to how I felt back then?
Well obviously I would consider it a possibility that she was after his money and that he simply wanted a younger woman, but then I would say to myself that I had no right to make that assumption because I was simply stereotyping the woman and the guy for that matter; I would have to know ALL of the facts which went into starting the relationship in the first place and not just assume they were together because she was after his money and he wanted a younger woman.
Then I would tell myself (as several have very well pointed out in this thread), that it not really of my concern anyways.
If THEY were happy together for whatever reason,then ultimately that is all that matters.
ps Check out her profile also.
Even though her English isn't perfect, she says she likes sports;I am sure she wouldn't mind if you bet sometimes( it is better though if you win for obvious reasons lol).
I wonder whether they will give me a commission if any of you single guys check out the site further and actually sign up-wouldn't that be something!
How does she have an American Visa? And those photos are airbrushed.
Who sad she had a Visa? My only point is that she is one of the ladies currently available at Foreign Affair for men in any country who are looking for a wife.
I am sure the photo is airbrushed along with the photos of some other women(not all), but it does give you a pretty good idea of what she looks like as well as dispelling the notion that all of these women are lowlifes with no careers or jobs;in her case she is a flight attendant.