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Would You Consider This a Good Marriage?
Originally posted by ToDaClub View PostI answered your question about baseball going outside the US to find talent. You countered with my putting a player in the wrong uniform. But you didn't answer the question. But I'm on ignore, that's OK. I'll do the same to someone who takes advantage of women from third world countries because they have money. Hope Chuck comes back!I can live with a guy who exagerates his betting skills and running speed. That's not a predator.
I did this for four months and speak from experience and have great wife and child.
What is your documentation and experience other than shooting you foolish month off?
It is totaly shocking to me that an adult like you could say things which have ZERO basis.
In your case when it comes to understanding this stuff in comparison to what I have learned based on reading and my four months of experience,etc., it is like comparing Albert Pujols to a third string Double A player.
You are totally and I mean totally uninformed about the matter as it applies to me.
I am out of here.
Ps Try to make more sense tomorrow and at least be able to back up what you say other than simply parroting back some of what your equally uniformed buddies say.
Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Postthat marriage rates to foreign women have a higher success rate than to American women.
savage thanks for the totally hypothetical question that had nothing to do with you and you family, it gave me a good laugh. do you have any other random totally weird hypothetitcal questions, that have nothing to do with you whatsoever, about evangelical christians and doing lots of research?
Colombia to offer one-hour divorces (Poorbuthappy in Colombia!)
divorce rates in America
divorce rates in foreigh countries
divorce rates in Colombia
stats/ your own interpretating........
Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!
Originally posted by BigWeiner View PostHe's talking about Evangelical Christians that did research only. Not other fat balding hairy backed guys that have arranged marriages to poor third world women.
Yes I thought it was very nice that the lady I did marry was quite religious at this point of my life because besides the other great qualities and the fact that we shared so many values), this sort of put the rubber stamp on it and that it was meant to be.
To tell you the truth out of the other nine or ten guys who went on the tour, only one other guy got engaged to someone out of the women who attended the two dances of other women who were associated with the Service.
I don't know why and don't really care at this point.
The only thing I learned from talking to these guys (most of whom were in their mid to late 40's to around 50), is that all of them had gone there and had done very little correspondning with any of these women or had spent very much time on the internet at various sites researching and finding out much about these women in general
I spent four months doing intensive DD with hundreds of women from all over the world mostly with Latinos and with many Colombians and knew exactly what I was looking for.
Obviously it paid off in a big way for me;the results speak for themselves-check out Rob Morini's comment in the I Am Going on a Romance Tour.
Perhaps the question should be what is the divorce rate between American men and American women as opposed to men like myself who spend a number of months doing intensive dd before going to Colombia, men who know exactly what they are looking for in a potential partner and then find based on the research and then find her.
As far as the fat balding man comment goes it doesn't apply to me thats for sure; I have all of my hair, am about 5'7", weigh about 155 pounds, jog 5 days a week, have normal blood pressure (110/70), don't drink, smoke(yeah I do gamble a little bit and spend too much time on a chatboard), have sex regularly and have an infant son-any other assumptions? lol
ps For the record my wife's family is neither rich nor poor and most importantly I have met her parents and family, and they share the views of my wife and have also had a wonderful marriage for many years.
Want to talk about education, the woman I married has two college degrees-one in Urbanism and the other in Architecture- I mention this just to futehr show that if someone really knows what he wants in life (in this case a woman to marry) and puts intensive effort into finding her as I did, he has a great chance of success.
Originally posted by wayne1218 View Postsavage tell me this. Do you or have you ever sent her family money?
You don't seem to mind your personal life exposed and i would be SHOCKED if you said no.You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning
Originally posted by PhilJr View PostYou say you answer all questions, very curious to know on this one
In answer to your question, the answer is a resounding YES about sending money.
This was not her idea but mine.
I send her family about $200 a month.
When my mom died, and received my inheritance, I sent them substantially more.
As stated or at least implied, her family by Colombian standards is fairly well off but obviously not by ours.
They have a mortgage like most folks, bills, need to eat, and their health care system is a far cry from ours-get the picture(that is not meant to be sarcastic).
Just recently I sent the family some more money(not solicited by my wife)but because my wife's mother had a severe asthma attack(she almost died) and obviously there were medical expenses and medicines to buy which the family could not simply afford.
My wife feels quite guilty about all of this because of her mindset and has offered to go out and work.
In so many words I said "No-we have an infant in this house which needs your attention and care." I can easily afford the amount we send each month and take care of emergencies when they arise such as was the case with her mom.
I also told her in so many words that some day she woul be able to work and utilize your skills and education and contribute finacnially(not that she needs to but because she wants to) , but that the time is clearly not now.
I know some don't believe this, but I strongly feel that there is some kind of divine reason for this woman to be my wife(I will explain this in an other part), and having been blessed with so many things in life(other than perhaps being able to pick winners on my own lol), I feel that the very least I should share some of my money which was inherited(as I explained in another post)-what better way to start than to share with my wife's family!
Originally posted by PhilJr View PostTake a poll and find out how many married members found their true love in a mere 4 months???