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I guys win!!!!!

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  • #31
    KAZ i really appreciate what your saying and i thank you for that,i believe that you really know me the way you are speaking up for me.i have said some bad things and i am learning from them im just sorry its come to this and taken so long.i have some problems that i will never recover from and i don't ask for sympathy for them either,does it cloud my mind ,yes it does,can it make me someone im not,yes it can ,but thats why im working on it these days with professionals to try and overcome some of my thoughts and thinking so i can get back to being the really nice person that i waqs.its not an overnite process,its going to take time but for some its not an option anymore,they say whats done is done and thats it,and hey that can be true but only if they decide to give up on that person and not hope and pray for him instead.wayne has his mind made up and thats all well and good.from the last time he jumped at me i knew it was forever over between us and that he would never give me the benifit of the doubt again,he just has it in him to dismiss with me and it comes very easy for him to do that with me.i may have brought it all on myself and i have to deal with the consequences and i will.i have always been taught to forgive and forget and i lost that for a while and now im trying to get that thought process back into my life and become that good person again......wayne oews me nothing and i never expected him to bend over backwards for me anyway and it ended up working that way in the end anyways.KAZ believe me ill become a really good person again and i will be able to thank you for standing by me and giving me the drive to succede at this,i will do it,it will take time but ill get there


    • #32
      Originally posted by seaofred View Post
      THREEJACK kept coming around and commenting in all our threads which just led to more problems and i don't think he should have been involved in the 1st place but again its over and done with and i decided not to get into any kind of war with him so i just ignored his latest comments and moved on,
      You are so full of shit! You took the high road? Are you fucking serious? What is this thread for?

      This was the last thing that was said between us and who said it? You started a fucking thread intended to bash me and you want to sit there and say you 'decided not to get into anykind of war of words'? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?

      Look who took the high road since that day a month ago...I didn't reply to your thread, take a shot at you, call you out...nothing....not once. Now you want to act like the martyr? You are a pathetic waste of life. You are a liar, a bullsit artist and a first rate clown....good riddance! Unfortunately, Mavs is will be back.
      Three Jack's Record


      • #33
        Guys, this is all about his ego and lack of views/ is the thread which caused him to take shots at me. He called EVERYONE on this site a moron, I called him out for it and he edited the thread like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. SEAOFFRAUD!!!! You are a loser....
        Three Jack's Record


        • #34
          Sea....Admitting you have a problem and trying to do something about it is the first step. Sounds like you're in the right place. I'm hoping things work out for you, I really do.

          Remember that no one is perfect and don't beat yourself up. Learn by your mistakes and move on. Wayne and Joe are here as shepherds of a flock filled with wolves and sheep. Their intention is to keep things as even keeled as possible. They can only deal with so many personalities and keeping the peace isn't always so easy.

          Good luck

          Last edited by KazDog; 06-08-2009, 10:01 PM.
          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • #35
            Originally posted by Three Jack View Post
            Guys, this is all about his ego and lack of views/ is the thread which caused him to take shots at me. He called EVERYONE on this site a moron, I called him out for it and he edited the thread like a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. SEAOFFRAUD!!!! You are a loser....

            He started a new thread to take a shot at me as he didn't want to draw attention to his mistake in calling EVERYONE on this site a moron. He thought I would reply and keep buumping it to the top for all to see him for what he is. So he started a thread a new thread so the one where he called everyone out for not viewing his thread would drift to oblivion...which is exactly where he belongs. If he didn't want me in his thread, he shoul dhave posted in his full of shit....and now he wants sympathy? And some of you want to give it to him?
            Three Jack's Record


            • #36
              threejack,you are so juvenile its not even funny, may want to seek some professional help yourself cause you really need it,ill pray you can get a hold of yourself before its too late cause you really have a lot of anger built up and you clearly don;t know how to deal with it,...god bless my brother,..may you find your way...WINK
              I AM A NITWIT


              • #37
                Originally posted by seaofred View Post
                threejack,you are so juvenile its not even funny, may want to seek some professional help yourself cause you really need it,ill pray you can get a hold of yourself before its too late cause you really have a lot of anger built up and you clearly don;t know how to deal with it,...god bless my brother,..may you find your way...WINK
                Sorry buddy...a couple of posts do not overcome 7000+ of anger ridden posts

                Good luck with your so called professional that the tout you are in to?...
                Three Jack's Record


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Three Jack View Post
                  He started a new thread to take a shot at me as he didn't want to draw attention to his mistake in calling EVERYONE on this site a moron. He thought I would reply and keep buumping it to the top for all to see him for what he is. So he started a thread a new thread so the one where he called everyone out for not viewing his thread would drift to oblivion...which is exactly where he belongs. If he didn't want me in his thread, he shoul dhave posted in his full of shit....and now he wants sympathy? And some of you want to give it to him?
                  Move on man....We all get what transpired. He said he's moving on. You're getting what you want. There's no need to pour more salt in the wound. Unless you're the type of guy who enjoys going to an AA meeting and calling them all drunk and stupid losers? He's admitted to having issues dealing with people and needs to work on it....Time to let it go.

                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Three Jack View Post
                    Sorry buddy...a couple of posts do not overcome 7000+ of anger ridden posts

                    Good luck with your so called professional that the tout you are in to?...

                    look in the mirror my friend,you may not like what you see
                    I AM A NITWIT


                    • #40
                      3J, you talking to him ain't gonna change a broken record. I would just let this shit go. You're not gonna' prove anything to this guy, as he just don't wanna' hear it. Know what I mean? Ain't worth the time. But that's up to you....
                      "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
                        3J, you talking to him ain't gonna change a broken record. I would just let this shit go. You're not gonna' prove anything to this guy, as he just don't wanna' hear it. Know what I mean? Ain't worth the time. But that's up to you....

                        MAVSwhen i first met you i thought you were a good guy but i see i made the wrong assumptiom,you really surprised me here,now i know what you really thought of me all along,..well i guess its part of me thinking the best about people and being proven wrong, really have shocked me man
                        I AM A NITWIT


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
                          In all seriousness, good guy, bad guy, whatever. Have a good one sea, hope it all works out for ya'. No one intends to make anyone feel like shit. You feel your buttons were pushed, but you also did your share of pushing IMO.

                          I think all in all, you have to remember, it's the internet, nothing that gets said here is a big deal. We're all friends here. It's like high school. There are hundreds of people and there are guys you like and are friends with, and guys you dislike and aren't friends with. You don't stop going because you don't like a few people, you just steer clear of them.

                          You can take my post for it's worth. There are plenty of guys who don't get "a line" dropped in their thread. Don't sweat it. I don't post plays everyday, and even when I do, I don't care how many GLs I get. I like this site for the good guys, the good plays, and the good discussion. There is more to this site then just "your threads." And that is not to call you selfish. I'm just saying some people think their threads are more important than they are, and that is all they are "threads," plays, posts on the internet.

                          Don't sweat it so much, and just have fun. I know I have a lot of fun on here, and I'm sure a lot of other guys do too.
                          Read this post. And then you can decide.

                          Sea, I'll be honest, I don't care too much what you think of me. That is not a shot at you.

                          My post was directed at 3JACK. Not Seaofred. And it was an attempt to stop a pointless argument. If you think that is me being a "bad guy." Then I don't know what to tell you.

                          I'm a good guy through and through, and I think a lot of people will tell you that, even the guy's who don't care for me too much.
                          "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                          • #43
                            Mavs/Kaz, you guys are right...makes no sense to get into it with this guy. But here is what started it for me...long time ago but this guy started the war of words and you don't call someone out like he did to me even back then.


                            See post #5 and then read post #6 bullet point #5...sound familiar fellas? He is just looking for sympathy and it is a stunt he pulls once or twice a year.

                            BOL trying to find yourself Sea...hasn't happened in four yrs hope you get lucky this time....
                            Three Jack's Record


                            • #44
                              Sounds like you have more going on than we need to know about. I hope that you get some help for whatever it is. Mood swings could be symptoms of something more serious.

                              I always enjoyed, and actually followed many of your plays. Too bad it had to go beyond that. I'm not much for chit chat or saying gl, but I will work on doing better. I never thought you were a bad a matter of fact I never thought about anything except your results..nothing personal.

                              I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for; in the real world. Other than that, not much else to say except: life is short, and best of luck.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Guns View Post
                                Sounds like you have more going on than we need to know about. I hope that you get some help for whatever it is. Mood swings could be symptoms of something more serious.

                                I always enjoyed, and actually followed many of your plays. Too bad it had to go beyond that. I'm not much for chit chat or saying gl, but I will work on doing better. I never thought you were a bad a matter of fact I never thought about anything except your results..nothing personal.

                                I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for; in the real world. Other than that, not much else to say except: life is short, and best of luck.

                                thanks guns,hope to see you in another forum sometime
                                I AM A NITWIT

