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Girls Basketball Team Wins 100-0, Seeks Forfeit

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  • #31
    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
    The coach was an asshole. Two wrongs don't make a right. Because his team got blown out a few times, doesn't give him the right to do it to another team. Esp a team of girls with a learning disability. I also blame the coach who got beat for not having his girls leg whip or bloody any one of those Covenant girls who came into the key. Bill Russell would put someone in traction and then they wouldn't come into the key for a lay up again. In those days, it was called , Blood Alley. One good cheap shot sends a message. You come in here again, and you'll be sorry.

    Are you advocating violence, its a girls basketball game for Gods sake?

    Once the Covenant girls got up 30-0, the press should have been called off and 3 point attempts called off as well. And honestly, they should have made every attempt to let the other team score at least one basket. It wouldn't have killed them and would have been good sportsmanship.

    To blame the media for this, is completely laughable and ignorant. Typical to blame the media for reporting facts. The media did not report all the facts at first, TYPICAL!
    Here's a fact. Team A beat Team B...100-0. You decide what to think of it.....End of story! Doesnt that seem a little closed minded not to gather all the facts before prejudging?


    Come on Kaz, you are smarter than this, Savage even said why were not the other blowouts reported, maybe it was the threshold of hitting 100 points, who knows.

    Suppose the coach called off the dogs at 30-0 and put in his bench only to lose to the team and then get fired for losing to a awful team. Parents of his school would want his head for that. Impossible maybe, but shit happens.

    The bottom line is this game probably should have never been scheduled and if it was should have been called a scrimage Not a "game".
    NBA is a joke


    • #32
      From the attached link:

      The Game. The game started like any other high school basketball game across the nation. The teams warm-up, coaches talk, the ball is tipped, and then the play begins. We started the game off with a full-court press. After 3 minutes into play, we had already reached a 25-0 lead. Like any rational thinking coach would do, I immediately stopped the full-court press, dropped into a 2-3 zone defense, and started subbing in my 3 bench players. This strategy continued for the rest of the game and allowed the Dallas Academy players to get the ball up the court for a chance to score. The second half started with a score of 59-0. Seeing that we would win by too wide of a margin, running down the clock was the only logical course of action left. Contrary to the articles, there were only a total of four 3-point baskets made; three in the first quarter, and only one in the third quarter. I continued to sub in bench players, play zone defense, and run the clock for the rest of the game. We played fair and honorably within the rules and in the presence of the parents, coaches, and athletic directors for both Covenant School and Dallas Academy.

      Box Scores:


      ALL 8 GIRLS ON THE TEAM PLAYED. That is all he needed to do in my book. Period, end of story.
      2012 - 2013 NCAAF

      21 - 20 - 0

      2012 - 2013 NFL

      14 - 10 - 1


      • #33
        Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
        Come on Kaz, you are smarter than this, Savage even said why were not the other blowouts reported, maybe it was the threshold of hitting 100 points, who knows.

        Suppose the coach called off the dogs at 30-0 and put in his bench only to lose to the team and then get fired for losing to a awful team. Parents of his school would want his head for that. Impossible maybe, but shit happens.

        The bottom line is this game probably should have never been scheduled and if it was should have been called a scrimage Not a "game".
        I don't agree with you at all. The facts of the game were pretty simple. Team A won 100-0. That's all I need to know. You're smarter than that Flare..... Let me ask you something. Funny how the coach said he wasn't trying to run it up, right? Isn't it interesting that the score wasn't 98-0 or 104-0 or 92-2???? Nope! The score was 100-0. Indicating to me that there was CLEAR intent to score 100 points on a team with learning disabilities and to keep them off the scoreboard. Pathetic.

        Sugar coat that all you want, but it was unsportsmanlike. And yes, I would have told those girls to make a statement to any player coming into the key. That's basketball.Running up the score on a helpless girls is NOT. You knock them on their ass and no free passes if they are obviously intent on running up the score.

        Any one with an ounce of dignity would have let those girls score a bucket. You tell your girls, no blocking shots at the end of the game, let them get a bucket. A moral victory for Covenant.

        The media reported the facts of the game. I read the story. There was nothing fictitious that was written. Everyone else chose to blow it out of proportion. The media runs story that spark debate and make people think about both sides. To not report about a game where the score was 100-0 is ludicrous. It's a human interest story and obviously, everyone here has a different opinion. Great story. Nothing malicious about it. But I know, you think it's their job to ignore facts and look away. Sorry, it happened and they weren't the ones who made it happen. They just reported about it.....

        [email protected]

        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


        • #34
          Originally posted by KazDog View Post
          I don't agree with you at all. The facts of the game were pretty simple. Team A won 100-0. That's all I need to know. You're smarter than that Flare..... Let me ask you something. Funny how the coach said he wasn't trying to run it up, right? Isn't it interesting that the score wasn't 98-0 or 104-0 or 92-2???? Nope! The score was 100-0. Indicating to me that there was CLEAR intent to score 100 points on a team with learning disabilities and to keep them off the scoreboard. Pathetic.

          Sugar coat that all you want, but it was unsportsmanlike. And yes, I would have told those girls to make a statement to any player coming into the key. That's basketball.Running up the score on a helpless girls is NOT. You knock them on their ass and no free passes if they are obviously intent on running up the score.

          Any one with an ounce of dignity would have let those girls score a bucket. You tell your girls, no blocking shots at the end of the game, let them get a bucket. A moral victory for Covenant.

          The media reported the facts of the game. I read the story. There was nothing fictitious that was written. Everyone else chose to blow it out of proportion. The media runs story that spark debate and make people think about both sides. To not report about a game where the score was 100-0 is ludicrous. It's a human interest story and obviously, everyone here has a different opinion. Great story. Nothing malicious about it. But I know, you think it's their job to ignore facts and look away. Sorry, it happened and they weren't the ones who made it happen. They just reported about it.....


          Kaz, your all over the place

          First you say all you needed to know was the one fact --- 100-0

          Then, you say you read the whole story, but the media broke the story without the coaches version.

          Now we see the coaches version as Bill Mill posted.

          I thought you were all about fairness, due process and all that good stuff but here it does not apply. Sounds hypocritical to me. If, after seeing ALL the facts, you say the coach is still an Ass, thats fine. Just be consistent bro.

          I am not defending the coach, just think it is a shame he has to lose his job and be destroyed for it. Particularly if he did not schedule this game. I still want to know who scheduled this game????? Was it the AD who fired the coach?

          We dont have all the facts and probably never will, the media did its job, created a firestorm and thats good enough for them.
          NBA is a joke


          • #35
            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
            The coach was an asshole. Two wrongs don't make a right. Because his team got blown out a few times, doesn't give him the right to do it to another team. Esp a team of girls with a learning disability. I also blame the coach who got beat for not having his girls leg whip or bloody any one of those Covenant girls who came into the key. Bill Russell would put someone in traction and then they wouldn't come into the key for a lay up again. In those days, it was called , Blood Alley. One good cheap shot sends a message. You come in here again, and you'll be sorry.

            Once the Covenant girls got up 30-0, the press should have been called off and 3 point attempts called off as well. And honestly, they should have made every attempt to let the other team score at least one basket. It wouldn't have killed them and would have been good sportsmanship.

            To blame the media for this, is completely laughable and ignorant. Typical to blame the media for reporting facts. Here's a fact. Team A beat Team B...100-0. You decide what to think of it.....End of story!


            You know the media puts up stories to rile people up and sell papers, magazines etc.

            Just like lawsuits with big verdicts the press never comes back and publishes that the money was reduced big time, overturned or settled for a fraction of the price.

            The media can make or break someone.


            • #36
              Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post

              You know the media puts up stories to rile people up and sell papers, magazines etc.
              Just like lawsuits with big verdicts the press never comes back and publishes that the money was reduced big time, overturned or settled for a fraction of the price.

              The media can make or break someone.

              Thank you Monte, that was my main point!
              NBA is a joke


              • #37
                Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                Kaz, your all over the place

                First you say all you needed to know was the one fact --- 100-0

                Then, you say you read the whole story, but the media broke the story without the coaches version.

                Now we see the coaches version as Bill Mill posted.

                I thought you were all about fairness, due process and all that good stuff but here it does not apply. Sounds hypocritical to me. If, after seeing ALL the facts, you say the coach is still an Ass, thats fine. Just be consistent bro.

                I am not defending the coach, just think it is a shame he has to lose his job and be destroyed for it. Particularly if he did not schedule this game. I still want to know who scheduled this game????? Was it the AD who fired the coach?

                We dont have all the facts and probably never will, the media did its job, created a firestorm and thats good enough for them.
                What do you mean be consistent. I haven't swayed one bit. You completely avoided my question.

                The coach claims he wasn't trying to run up the score and yet, somehow, it just happens to end 100-0? Why? Could it be because he wanted his team to get to 100 and the final to be 100-0? That's just too perfect man. Wake up, that one is just too obvious, even for you.

                Let me ask you something, since you feel it wasn't the coaches fault or the other team that ran it up. If there was a boxing match between a guy weighing 165lbs at 6'0" and a big guy at 200lbs and 6'4" and the fight started and the big guy was beating the hell out of the smaller guy, but for some reason the ref wouldn't stop it, do you think the big guy should continue to beat the living Jesus out of the smaller guy? Or hit him when he's on the ground and obviously not able to fight back?

                And the media did not fire the coach. Correct? Yet, they report on a unique story, how many times has a team of mentally challenged girls gotten beat 100-0, and you want to crucify them? All they had to do was report on the story and the firestorm is there in black and white for others to run with. Like I said VERY clearly to you, they didn't make that score up, they just reported on it. The firestorm is what everyone else made of it. Don't blame the messenger. A lot of times, when these stories are written, coaches aren't available to comment or don't want to comment. That's just a fact. My guess is, this coach wanted to say nothing until after the shit hit the fan.

                Due process? I formed my opinion of the coach based on the facts I have. That was due process enough for me. I read his account and it didn't satisfy me. Instead of acting like it was not his fault, he should have just apologized. Like I said, the score 100-0 implies an intent to get to 100 and have the other team score zero. It's too obvious.

                Now, do I think he should have been fired? No. But I certainly don't blame the media for his firing. They did their job. Wrote a story about a unique situation that caused people to question why. His firing came at the hands of someone else. That's their problem.

                I get sick of listening to you Republican's crucify the media for doing their job. You and guys like Rush need a scapegoat. All the ills in this country come at the hands of the media.

                They don't make the news, they report on it. If it isn't to your liking, don't read it. If they weren't so diligent, there would have been no Watergate, no lynching of Bill Clinton and so on. We'll see what happens to checks and balances in this country when the newspapers have closed their doors. It'll be a sad day for all. And that day is coming. There won't be a watchdog anymore.....Good luck with big Gov't. And to hell with the Constitution and Freedom of the Press!

                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • #38
                  The story is what the media makes it, bottom line. I don't know why people struggle to see this. The media can put any spin on any story and most of the time get away with it.

                  Bill Mill's post is a perfect example of that.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                    Thank you Monte, that was my main point!
                    That's ignorant. You know how to rile people up? Score 100 points on a bunch of girls with a learning disability and don't allow them to score a single point.

                    THAT STORY AND SUBSEQUENT FIRESTORM WRITES ITSELF. Oh, but it was the media that riled everyone up. Because those reporters were there in the stands yelling at the other team to get to 100 and not let the other team score. And it was the media who should have left the story alone. Because everyone knows it's completely normal for a bunch of impressionable girls to get outscored 100-0. That just happens everyday. Ignorant!....

                    [email protected]

                    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by PW52 View Post
                      The story is what the media makes it, bottom line. I don't know why people struggle to see this. The media can put any spin on any story and most of the time get away with it.

                      Bill Mill's post is a perfect example of that.
                      You have no clue what the media is and what it's purpose is if that's all you know and think. Keep gobbling up all the garbage Rush feeds you......
                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #41
                        I don't know what all the fuss is about.The score in my date life is 1,242-0.These bitches don't have shit on me

                        OOOOOOH CAAANNADA


                        • #42
                          I see what your saying Kaz, and I'm not saying there was no wrongdoing.

                          But I just hate how the other side never makes it to the mainstream. Isn't the coach allowed a voice as well? Shouldn't he be allowed to state his case at all?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by PW52 View Post
                            I see what your saying Kaz, and I'm not saying there was no wrongdoing.

                            But I just hate how the other side never makes it to the mainstream. Isn't the coach allowed a voice as well? Shouldn't he be allowed to state his case at all?
                            Yes. He should be allowed. I said I didn't feel he should be fired. But it was up to him to get in touch with the media outlet and make sure his side was written. I will bet you whatever you want that they attempted to contact him and he couldn't be reached for comment. 99 times out of 100 that's the case. He shouldn't have been fired, but you can't blame the media for reporting a valid news story. And this in my opinion was very valid. And I have been involved as a member of the media for 25 years.....

                            [email protected]

                            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                              Score 100 points on a bunch of girls with a learning disability and don't allow them to score a single point.
                              There parents have money and try to shelter them by sending them to private school.Thats a learning disability? It's not special ED, it's basketball.

                              And I guarantee, you being a Fresno State fan and playing some shitty schools over the years and your football team is up by 35 and PAT HILL GOES FOR A TD,your the same guy defending him saying "It's the other teams job to stop them".Am I right?
                              Last edited by vols fan; 01-27-2009, 08:27 PM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                                There parents have money and try to shelter them by sending them to private school.Thats a learning disability? It's not special ED, it's basketball.

                                And I guarantee you being a Fresno State fan and playing some shitty schools over the years and your football team is up by 35 and PAT HILL GOES FOR A TD,your the same guy defending him saying "It's the other teams job to stop them".Am I right?
                                I'll ask you one simple question Vols. How many times in your lifetime have you seen a team get beat 100-0?

                                If Pat Hill was playing the equivalent of a high school team, or a DivIII football team, with a school that only has 25 boys in it total, and they weren't all there mentally, and he was up 93-0 and passing every opportunity as the score ends up 100-0, you damn well better believe I'd be the first fucking reporter at his door asking him WTF? As would the Fresno Bee. And I know for a fact, he might get fired for it. Make sure it's apples and oranges here bro.....

                                [email protected]

                                I'm just here so I won't get fined....

