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Girls Basketball Team Wins 100-0, Seeks Forfeit

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  • #61
    Originally posted by KazDog View Post
    As do many from Rush and his ilk....


    At least Rush speaks the truth. That is the reason he destroyed liberal talk radio.

    Have a nice night. Take a valium or something, maybe hum OOOBBBBAAAAMMMAAA, maybe that will calm you down.
    NBA is a joke


    • #62
      Originally posted by vols fan View Post
      Since I'm probably fixing to get banned from this thread and this site for a couple of days,I might as well get it all out.FUCK YOU mother fucker, like you meant good luck to my kids when your next response to me is "F off Vols and I meant nothing else by it other than good luck asshole.If you misread it thats your own god damn problem" Thats got anger written all over it if you ask me.I mentioned my kids play soccer and they don't keep score and since your ass don't never think your wrong you have to end a post with them.Don't forget,I have seen your skinny Gomer Pyle looking ass and guarantee you would be getting your ass kicked if we were man to man.I'm done with your ass and when I get back from my ban keep your ass away from me.

      Sorry Spark and Monte,do what you got to do to me.I crossed the line but sometimes you got to do it.
      Whatever Vols. You were the one assuming and telling me I crossed some line. You can play internet tough guy all you want. Makes no matter to me. I'll never meet you and your threats dont mean shit to me. If you think I meant more than good luck with your team and kids, you are one clueless mother fucker. I feel sorry for you. I said what I said after your post because I didn't like you assuming and trying to make something out of what I said that was NOT there. I feel sorry for you......Stay the hell away from me as well.
      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #63
        Fuck those pussies. Does it matter if it was 100-0 or 2-0? You got shutout in basketball. Thats a fuckin joke!!!
        NCAA FB




        • #64
          Originally posted by KazDog View Post
          Whatever Vols. You were the one assuming and telling me I crossed some line. You can play internet tough guy all you want. Makes no matter to me. I'll never meet you and your threats dont mean shit to me. If you think I meant more than good luck with your team and kids, you are one clueless mother fucker. I feel sorry for you. I said what I said after your post because I didn't like you assuming and trying to make something out of what I said that was NOT there. I feel sorry for you......Stay the hell away from me as well.
          No internet tough guy here at all but I ain't buying your stupid ass excuse either.Think of your savior Obamas saying,kids are off limits.We will stay away and thats should please everybody.


          • #65
            Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
            Fuck this shit. I can't stand stuff like this. If you can't take getting your ass beat so badly, get off the fucking court. I'd have tried to win 200-0. As a competitor, this shit gets my blood boiling.

            I agree kb. Places like the World news must be really bored if they are covering crap like this. The girls from the winning team should be on Letterman, not the losers. One team played GREAT Defense and Exceptional offense and it isn't the team going on a World Tour. Ridiculous really that the worst girls basketball team in the Country gets rewarded for it. wtf ... how soft have we become.


            • #66
              Kaz, vols, You are both getting a break from this thread. Obviously nothing good is going to come from you 2 talking to each other and some people may actually want to talk about the thread title.


              • #67
                Anybody else get killed by the hook in this game?????
                "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                • #68
                  Originally posted by garth View Post
                  No...seriously, KB....I'd like to hear your honest opinion...not the diplomatic, politically-correct version.
                  KB is an idiot

                  Kyle i say we kill all the kids on the losing side, that will show them for sucking

                  The article is about the winning team feeling bad, not the losing team whining.

                  Go eat a hot pocket and relax

                  I am sharpening my knife to kill those losers for getting beat by 100, those losers shoudnt be aloud to breathe
                  Questions, comments, complaints:
                  [email protected]


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                    KB, I coach baseball and normally I would agree with you, but in this case, the whole article wasn't included.

                    This is a copy and paste from the article.

                    "A parent who attended the game told The Associated Press that Covenant continued to make 3-pointers -- even in the fourth quarter. She praised the Covenant players but said spectators and an assistant coach were cheering wildly as their team edged closer to 100 points.

                    "I think the bad judgment was in the full-court press and the 3-point shots," said Renee Peloza, whose daughter plays for Dallas Academy. "At some point, they should have backed off.

                    "Dallas Academy has eight girls on its varsity team and about 20 girls in its high school. It is winless over the last four seasons. The academy boasts of its small class sizes and specializes in teaching students struggling with "learning differences," such as short attention spans or dyslexia."

                    This team is basically a handicapped team and the other schools know this.
                    Full court pressing and taking 3 pointers is uncalled for.
                    I personally think it is chicken shit to run up the score on teams like this when they are just trying to learn and play. This is a situation where you play your younger kids and there is no need to run it up. I know you can say "don't schedule them if you can't compete" but its not that easy. The schools need games and sometimes this happens.

                    To run it up on a team like this is uncalled for in my opinion.
                    Questions, comments, complaints:
                    [email protected]


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by jbaker1564 View Post
                      The Coach got what he deserved. I have coached a High School Girls Basketball team and won the states a few times and never once would I have ever embarrassed another Coach or team in winning or running the score up.
                      That's classless and only gives you a bad name if and when you are ever looking for another Coaching job. Just ask any Athletic Director, if you don't believe it.
                      Questions, comments, complaints:
                      [email protected]


                      • #71
                        ESPN ran a similar story about a Fla football team who beat another team 91-0.

                        VIDEO/PHOTOS/POLL: Prep football: Naples sets school record in 91-0 win over Estero : Naples High : Naples Daily News

                        Very similar situation, read it a while back.
                        "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                        • #72
                          Flare the Politics forum has been dropped a long time ago. So stop bringing up politics!


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                            Flare the Politics forum has been dropped a long time ago. So stop bringing up politics!


                            • #74

                              Guess you did not read the whole thread.

                              If you read the whole thread carefully, Kaz baited me. He fired first.
                              NBA is a joke


                              • #75
                                Sorry Monte,

                                My bad, I re-read my "PC" media post. I was joking about pulling Obama in to straighten out this "national tragedy". The story got way too much attention and people got fired over it, media sold its story before all the fact come out IMO. Happens all the time.

                                Please delete my posts from this thread. I did not want a fight with Kaz, and wanted to make light of it but I must of hit his hot button on media. Was not my intent to upset anyone but the story got its results, people got stirred up and a coach got fired.

                                Onward and upwards.
                                NBA is a joke

