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Bring Back The Kaptain

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  • #16
    I just read Kapt's post on the 19th. I understand, but thats too bad. Wish you the best of luck Kapt on whatever you decide. I have enjoyed reading your post and comparing picks.
    Last edited by weazel079; 08-22-2007, 11:26 AM.
    MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units


    • #17
      See, I don't even read the bullshit post of guys arguing, so I had no idea he was leaving (which is what I assume happened). I don't know with whom, or over what, I just figured he was on vacation or something. If he is gone that sucks, He was one of the 2 or 3 guys I made sure I checked out everyday.


      • #18
        Kappy.....we obviously have not always seen eye to eye, but PLEASE COME BACK!!! I don't know what happened this weekend, but whatever it was........someone fix it, so Kappy will be back!!
        "Just livin' the dream"


        • #19
          Wow, I missed whatever drama preceeded the Kaptain's departure, don't know who all was involved or the nature of the drama...but Kaptain will be a large loss to this forum.


          • #20
            What the HELL has been going on here lately?


            Hey Kappy....if gone, you need to come back.

            PS JC that's come back not brokeback...and there is no pun intended in "comeback".

            Apparantely alot has changed here since I've been away.
            Remember the three R's:
            Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Three Jack
              Did he leave as a result of the crap that went on over the weekend? Wow, so we almost lose LSU and we lose Kappy but the one common denominator is still around? How does that work?

              jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


              • #22
                Originally posted by TheRook
                Me too....but I understand his position.

                He's got more class in his little finger then some of the people in here have in their whole body.
                I concur! I honestly believe that if you are capping these games- taking care of work-- keeping your family healthy and protected- watching your grandchildren do their thing and putting up with comments that border on the disrespectful side- then you have no choice but to eliminate the one that has the least value.

                I have appreciated the Kapt over the years and bring attention to any member that is a negative to the site. We use to have ass hole of the month awards and now it seems a month is much too long.

                Well - heres a toast to you Kapt!
                "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


                • #23
                  Sign me up!! Kapt what is going on!! I had no idea..come on buddy!


                  • #24

                    the one common denominator is still around? How does that work?

                    sign me up .


                    • #25
                      Karl is one of my all time favorites here at BC. The wise owl, if you will. I dont care who is right or wrong in this particular situation but i know that BC is worst off with his absence.

                      Thats my 2 cents and im not gonna argue with anyone, its my opinion and No one is gonna change it.

                      Peace as MCP would say
                      Questions, comments, complaints:
                      [email protected]


                      • #26
                        Everybody knows what the problem is here.

                        Chuck E. Cheese pisses people off, regardless of which screen name he uses. He doesn't piss me off that much because I basically post my own picks and don't worry about his. I also tend to avoid most of the controversies here.

                        On the other hand, the reality is that Chuck's constant bullshit pisses some people off and in the case of Kaptain, they leave.

                        Posters like Chuck do indeed drive people to websites. Look how many views his ill-fated GOY thread got with all of its subsequent controversy.

                        But intelligent posters like Kaptain also draw people to the site.

                        It's up to BC to decide what to do about it but if an election were held between Kaptain and ChuckECheese/Lazar, I know who would win


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by HOOTERGUY
                          the one common denominator is still around? How does that work?

                          sign me up .
                          Boy has this once great site changed in my opinion....It seems you're permitted to post what you want no matter what it is. The new philosophy is "let the buyer beware". Someone here believes that it's okay to allow others to be burt before they can be warned by someone who knows.
                          Remember the three R's:
                          Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                          • #28
                            kaptain,you know i love you brother !!


                            • #29
                              where ever you are kapt !
                              hope your doing well! bol buddy !


                              • #30
                                Guys, The only person who can bring the Kaptain back is him himself.

                                I like Karl and think he is and always has been a very valuable cornerstone here.

                                With that said, i really don't understand why he is leaving. I read it all and have been here longer than most. I understand how he and many others feel about chuck. It has been going on seemingly forever, yes. Chuck got extra rope because he was a long time member who was virtually drama free forever. The problems then started and i've said many times that he brought them on himself. I tried, Spark tried, and then we finally told Monte to deal with it as it became a very tough call. Chuck was and still is liked by many. What he has done is not appreciated by many. We understand that. With that said, Spark came out and gave a final untimatum while saying he, myself and monte were all pretty much sick of it.

                                Out of respect for the forum, friends you have gained here and moving forward ... All that was asked is to let the ultimatum run it's course and see where it ends up. I don't think that is a bad deal.

                                Many have said we want "That kind" of people here over spite for one person and that is not only unfair to us but simply not true. There is another thread right now where we are openly trying to get to the bottom of an issue. Spammers, assholes and others who mean no good to this place are taken care of promptly and always have been. That will not change. Chuck isn't someone new who signed up and is ripping the site ever since. It isn't like that or he would have been gone a long time ago.

                                As far as Kaptain goes. No, i do not understand why he is leaving. I read it all and he obviously didn't like a couple of reply's from Monte and that brought on his leaving post. Guys, listen, me and joe have disagreed and not liked many a thing Monte has said through emails and pm's. Trust me, we have had some not so good moments. Again, with that said, we are still here. Kaptain has to do what's right for him but i really think Karl is much bigger than a disagreement that would make him leave. I just don't get it i guess.

                                I have had moments with everyone here from Kaptain to Monte and it happens. We are human and if we all agreed, it would be a very boring world. I know Monte can come off as hard to read at times as well. I'm just not sure why Kaptain had to take his reply so personally but that's what i think happened. In the heat of the battle like in those threads, sometimes it is better to enjoy the 99% of the site you like and avoid the part you don't (IMO). I saw Kaptain say that he has made many a friend here. If that's true, why let chuck change that? Don't those many friends trump the few who bother you? That's the part i don't understand. Enjoy the ones you enjoy and let the rest filter themselves out ... and trust me, it will happen.
                                Last edited by wayne1218; 08-22-2007, 07:44 PM.

