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As if another reason was needed to hate John Kerry

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  • #31
    Saddam Hussein was against Osama Bin Laden and should be put back into power. Yes, that's right. He kept all those lunatics in check over there. Sure, he gased people and all of that but lets face it...he did not blow up the world trade center. We should have all of our troops looking for Osama Bin Laden and not trying to make piece with a bunch of lunatics. Why don't we invade more countries with evil dictators? Why? OIL.


    • #32
      Originally posted by drews29
      Saddam Hussein was against Osama Bin Laden and should be put back into power. Yes, that's right. He kept all those lunatics in check over there. Sure, he gased people and all of that but lets face it...he did not blow up the world trade center. We should have all of our troops looking for Osama Bin Laden and not trying to make piece with a bunch of lunatics. Why don't we invade more countries with evil dictators? Why? OIL.
      Wow, that's all I can say is "wow."

      2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

      2010 NFL: 0-0

      2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


      • #33
        The documents are in the movie. There is your evidence. BIG BUSINESS is doing well...that's who Bush helps. I am a small business owner and only since the gas prices have gone has my business sales have gone up. Its funny how gas prices are going that it is election time.


        • #34
          That's nice things are going well for you.....Unemployment is up and the federal deficit is blown out......That spells trouble in the year's to come. Just the same way Reagan left this country. I actually felt sorry for Bush senior and I will feel the same for who takes over now......

          If you think the mainstream media is 80/20 split bias, you really have no clue about the media. I'm talking CNN, MSNBC, LA Times, NY TImes and so forth. The only places you'll see that kind of bias in those publications is on the Editorial pages which are labeled opinions. There are one sided media outlets, but these aren't them. Not at 80/20. They just happen to report on stories that are affecting the population. Like the crap in Iraq. There is nothing incorrect about any of it. Republican's see it as bias because they see things from one side only. If it doesn't praise Bush, it's considered biased....
          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • #35
            Oops I am sorry piece = peace.


            • #36
              Originally posted by drews29
              The documents are in the movie. There is your evidence. BIG BUSINESS is doing well...that's who Bush helps. I am a small business owner and only since the gas prices have gone has my business sales have gone up. Its funny how gas prices are going that it is election time.
              "The documents are in the movie"...well then it MUST be true. Everything is Hollywood is non-fiction, right?

              It is awful when bug business is doing well, isn't it? People are making money, the economy is chugging along, just awful. Sometimes even, oh no, alot of money.

              ***HINT: Loads of sarcasm to come***

              Yes, gas prices are going down because it's election time. The ONLY people that trade in the oil future's market are members of the Bush adminstration. No one else is allowed. And factors like a non-existant hurricane season not threatening refineries have NOTHING to do with the price of oil, and therefore gas, dropping. Also, there is no such thing as a free market economy. The prices of goods in the United States are NOT set by supply and demand, but rather by Bush. All this "theory" of suppply curves and deamnd curves is all useless data. Bush controls everything and is at fault for everything that goes wrong in the country.

              2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

              2010 NFL: 0-0

              2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


              • #37
                Originally posted by drews29
                The documents are in the movie. There is your evidence. BIG BUSINESS is doing well...that's who Bush helps. I am a small business owner and only since the gas prices have gone has my business sales have gone up. Its funny how gas prices are going that it is election time.

                Yep, Bush made the call and said to lower prices down closer to 2 bucks. I doubt if it had anything to do with a less then expected hurricane season, or the E85 standards being more fully implemented. I guess I had better borrow the unbiased Moore movie and get the facts.


                • #38
                  Reagan was a great president, but other than that I agree with you KazDog. The republicans are great at have to give them that. They turn war hero's into pussys while half of them never served. (McCain and Kerry)


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by drews29
                    The republicans are great at have to give them that. They turn war hero's into pussys while half of them never served. (McCain and Kerry)
                    Deflecting like smacking Capitol police around, or driving drunk into barricades in late-night DC only to get a ride home from the cops?


                    • #40
                      Reagan was NOT a great president
                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #41
                        How do we take over a country full of oil and your going to blame a hurricane for the prices. Why are the oil companies making record profits. Higher prices =lower demand. Lower prices = higher demand. Supply my ass...the majority of our oil comes from south america. The oil in the Gulf of Mexico is put in our reserves. Bush is setting up for a big pay day when he gets out of office.


                        • #42
                          Reagan made us the sole superpower. Russia who?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by drews29
                            How do we take over a country full of oil and your going to blame a hurricane for the prices. Why are the oil companies making record profits. Higher prices =lower demand. Lower prices = higher demand. Supply my ass...the majority of our oil comes from south america. The oil in the Gulf of Mexico is put in our reserves. Bush is setting up for a big pay day when he gets out of office.

                            Your (sarcasm as it's you're) a little blind if you don't think that hurricanes and storms, especially in the Gulf, don't affect prices.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by KazDog
                              That's nice things are going well for you.....Unemployment is up and the federal deficit is blown out......That spells trouble in the year's to come. Just the same way Reagan left this country. I actually felt sorry for Bush senior and I will feel the same for who takes over now......

                              If you think the mainstream media is 80/20 split bias, you really have no clue about the media. I'm talking CNN, MSNBC, LA Times, NY TImes and so forth. The only places you'll see that kind of bias in those publications is on the Editorial pages which are labeled opinions. There are one sided media outlets, but these aren't them. Not at 80/20. They just happen to report on stories that are affecting the population. Like the crap in Iraq. There is nothing incorrect about any of it. Republican's see it as bias because they see things from one side only. If it doesn't praise Bush, it's considered biased....

                              Unemployment rate for those 25 yers or older with a Bachelor's degree or higher:

                              Jan 1996 - 2.5%
                              Jan 2006 - 2.2%

                              Some college or associate's:

                              Jan 1996 - 4.3%
                              Jan 2006 - 3.8%

                              HS Grads, no college:

                              96 - 5.8%
                              06 - 5.1%

                              All data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site,

                              In regards to the "bias" or not, just take note over the next couple days of what the headline of a link to stories on say and what the article says. I don't remember them all, but there a few a week that, if you just read the headline, would have a near 180 degree viewpoint from what the story actually reported. With the Iraq war reporting, I think there is a defintely double-standard towards negatives. Think about it once. 2 U.S. soldiers died today in Iraq. While it is tragic when anyone dies, especially with such honor, it still needs some perspective. I don't know the exact number off hand, but slightly under 3000 troops have died in Iraq and Afghanistan in the past 3.5 years. Those type of casualties were experienced in conflicts like WWII and Vietman in a matter of days, not years.

                              2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                              2010 NFL: 0-0

                              2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by drews29
                                Reagan made us the sole superpower. Russia who?
                                That's real smart....What has being a superpower done for us? Hated by every country outside of the US? War with the Arabs? The Russian's would have cumbled without Reagan's help. Their economy was in real trouble back then....
                                [email protected]

                                I'm just here so I won't get fined....

