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As if another reason was needed to hate John Kerry

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  • #16
    Originally posted by drews29
    I don't care what party your for...Bush is the worst president in American history. Spoken like true republicans to bash a war vetran. Your president dodged the draft just like your vp.

    Bush never says anything stupid...get real, he barely can complete a sentence.

    Republicans you can have a thought of your own. Just watch the news and see all of our troops dying for absolutely nothing...your telling me that Kerry or whoever could not do a better job.
    First off: "you are" = you're.

    Secondly, at least have some facts to back up what you are saying. For instance, one iota of evidence of any draft-dodging. It's easy to sling mud when your hands are already dirty.

    I have lots of thoughts of my own. I think back to 2, 4, and 6 years ago and how much better I think my life is and how much better I think my country is. Obivously it varies per individual, but that's the flat out truth for me.

    And, no, I can unequivicably say Kerry could not do a better job. With Kerry I'd be paying higher taxes and the Iraq situation would be even worse than it is now. Also, although it would have been thwarted by Congress, he woudl have pushed for more socialistic programs: universal healthcare, expanded welfare, etc.

    Must be odd to read a well-written, logical post.

    2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

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    • #17
      Originally posted by 10DimeBry
      the dems are so far gone its sad. what happend to their party???
      they cater so much to the extremist that they continusly make hidious remarks time after time.

      just you watch though how this will not get blown up by the liberal media.
      Yeah, it's already way down the story list at Could you iamgine if someone like Denny Hastert said that? All hell would break loose!

      2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

      2010 NFL: 0-0

      2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


      • #18
        LVJIMMY would you still vote for Bush? You believe in this war as a person in the military? If you do...I know you have no chance of going to Iraq.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ULikeApples
          Yeah, it's already way down the story list at Could you iamgine if someone like Denny Hastert said that? All hell would break loose!

          exactly my point. it will be a non issue in like 2 days. cause the liberal media will push it away. just like they do with hillary and what that racist Ray nagin said.....chocolate city.
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          • #20
            There are documents that he skipped the draft. Was it the FOX media that told you there were no evidence. I bet you even Barbara can't agree with everything her son has done.


            • #21
              Originally posted by 10DimeBry
              exactly my point. it will be a non issue in like 2 days. cause the liberal media will push it away. just like they do with hillary and what that racist Ray nagin said.....chocolate city.
              It really is tragic how much people's minds gets corrupted by what the media feeds them. The economy is roaring along nationally on the whole yet article's keep coming up accentuating the few negatives.

              2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

              2010 NFL: 0-0

              2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


              • #22
                Originally posted by drews29
                There are documents that he skipped the draft. Was it the FOX media that told you there were no evidence. I bet you even Barbara can't agree with everything her son has done.
                No, no one told me that there was no evidence. Generally, in order to prove something you need evidence. Please find a link to those documents for me out on the internet somewhere.

                I doubt any mother agrees with EVERYTHING their children do.

                2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                2010 NFL: 0-0

                2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                • #23
                  Originally posted by drews29
                  There are documents that he skipped the draft. Was it the FOX media that told you there were no evidence. I bet you even Barbara can't agree with everything her son has done.
                  Here are some facts for you though:

                  First, from Howard Dean:

                  "There's No Question That Saddam Hussein Is A Threat To The United States And To Our Allies. ...[I]f Saddam Persists In Thumbing His Nose At The Inspectors, Then We're Clearly Going To Have To Do Something About It." (CBS' "Face The Nation," 9/29/02)

                  "I Believe That Iraq Does Have Chemical And Biological Weapons, And They Are A Threat To Many Nations In The Region, But Not To The United States." (PBS' "Newshour," 2/25/03)

                  "Everything The President Says About Saddam Hussein Is True. He's Evil. He's A Liar. He Gases His Own People." (ABC's "This Week," 12/22/02)

                  "Saddam Hussein Was Never A Threat To The United States." (MSNBC's "Hardball," 6/29/05)

                  "Some Of The Things That The President Said On Our Way Into Iraq, They Just Weren't True, And I Don't Think That's Right. So ..." RUSSERT: "Such As?" DEAN: "Such As Weapons Of Mass Destruction, Which We Have All Known About, But The..." RUSSERT: "Well, You Said There Were Weapons Of Mass Destruction." DEAN: "I Said I Wasn't Sure, But I Said I Thought There Probably Were." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 5/22/05)

                  Then, the ever-contradictory John Kerry:

                  "[I] Think We Clearly Have To Keep The Pressure On Terrorism Globally. This Doesn't End With Afghanistan By Any Imagination. And I Think The President Has Made That Clear. I Think We Have Made That Clear. Terrorism Is A Global Menace. It's A Scourge. And It Is Absolutely Vital That We Continue, For Instance, Saddam Hussein." (CNN's "Larry King Live," 12/14/01)

                  "But It Is Something That We Know--For Instance, Saddam Hussein Has Used Weapons Of Mass Destruction Against His Own People, And There Is Some Evidence Of Their Efforts To Try To Secure These Kinds Of Weapons And Even Test Them." (CBS "Face The Nation," 9/23/01)

                  "According To The CIA's Report, All U.S. Intelligence Experts Agree That Iraq Is Seeking Nuclear Weapons. There Is Little Question That Saddam Hussein Wants To Develop [Nuclear Weapons]." (Sen. John F. Kerry, Congressional Record, 10/9/02, p. S10172-10173)

                  "In The Wake Of September 11 ... Who Can Say That This Master Of Miscalculation Will Not Develop A Weapon Of Mass Destruction Even Greater - A Nuclear Weapon." (Sen. John F. Kerry, Congressional Record, 10/9/02, p. S10173)

                  "There Is No Question That Americans Were Misled Into The War In Iraq. Simply Put, They Were Told That Saddam Hussein Had Weapons Of Mass Destruction When He Did Not. The Issue Is Whether They Were Misled Intentionally." (Sen. John Kerry, Congressional Record, 11/14/05, p. S12736)

                  "Just As There Is A Distinction Between Being Wrong And Being Dishonest, There Is A Fundamental Difference Between Relying On Incorrect Intelligence And Making Statements That You Know Are Not Supported By The Intelligence." (Sen. John Kerry, Congressional Record, 11/14/05, p. S12736)

                  "The Bottom Line Is That The President And His Administration Did Mislead America Into War. In Fact, The War In Iraq Was And Remains One Of The Great Acts Of Misleading And Deception In American History." (Sen. John Kerry, Congressional Record, 11/14/05, p. S12736

                  "This Was A War Of Choice -- It Was A Choice. It Was A Bad Choice." (MSNBC's "Imus In The Morning," 12/9/05)

                  "Did Otto Reich Share His Belief That Fulton Armstrong Should Be Removed From His Position? The Answer Is Yes. Did John Bolton Share That View? Mr. Flites Said Yes." (MSNBC's "Countdown," 4/12/05)


                  I could go on, but that's pretty unnecessary.

                  2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                  2010 NFL: 0-0

                  2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by drews29
                    There are documents that he skipped the draft. Was it the FOX media that told you there were no evidence. I bet you even Barbara can't agree with everything her son has done.
                    Is Dan Rather typing up those documents now?

                    2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                    2010 NFL: 0-0

                    2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by ULikeApples
                      It really is tragic how much people's minds gets corrupted by what the media feeds them. The economy is roaring along nationally on the whole yet article's keep coming up accentuating the few negatives.
                      You mean like the hypocritical bullshit that is vomited out of the mouth of Rush Limbaugh on a daily basis? Most right wing spin doctors are completely biased and one sided. At least the 'liberal media' as the blind Republican's call them, present both sides of an issue. And please don't make an ass of yourself and tell me they don't.....

                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by KazDog
                        You mean like the hypocritical bullshit that is vomited out of the mouth of Rush Limbaugh on a daily basis? Most right wing spin doctors are completely biased and one sided. At least the 'liberal media' as the blind Republican's call them, present both sides of an issue. And please don't make an ass of yourself and tell me they don't.....

                        Since you quoted me, please tell me where I said just the liberal media does that? I believe I just said media. The entire media is not liberal. The mainstream of CNN, MSNBC, NY Times etc are the "liberal media." I definitely wouldn't call something like the American Spectator liberal media. Any "spin doctor" on any side is inherently biased.

                        I don't think it's helpful in a logic-based discussin to tell someone they are making an "ass out of" themselves. Only when peole don't have sense on their side do they resort to name calling.

                        2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                        2010 NFL: 0-0

                        2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                        • #27
                          First....It wasn't completely directed at you Apples. Bry used the term liberal media.
                          Second.....I didn't call you an ass, I said don't make an ass of yourself and tell me that the media ONLY presents one side when they report on a story.....
                          [email protected]

                          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                          • #28
                            Here's your commander n chief at his finest.

                            As the attack took place, Mr. Bush was on his way to an elementary school in Florida. When informed of the first plane hitting the world trade center, where terrorists had struck just eight years prior, Mr. Bush decided to go ahead with his photo opportunity.

                            When the second plane hit the tower, his chief of staff entered the classroom and told Mr. Bush the nation is under attack.
                            [Bush picks up a children's book]
                            Not knowing what to do, with no one telling him what to do, and with no secret service rushing in to take him to safety, Mr. Bush just sat there, and continued to read "My Pet Goat" with the children.

                            Nearly seven minutes passed with nobody doing anything.

                            We had some airplanes authorized at the highest levels of our government to fly to pick up Osama Bin Laden's family members and others from Saudi Arabia and transport them out of this country.
                            Narrator: It turns out that the White House approved planes to pick up the bin Ladens and numerous other Saudis. At least six private jets and nearly two dozen commercial planes carried the Saudis and the Bin Ladens out of the U.S. after September 13th. In all, 142 Saudis, including 24 members of the bin Laden family, were allowed to leave the country.

                            As Bush sat in that Florida classroom, was he wondering if maybe he should have shown up to work more often? Should he have held at least one meeting since taking office to discuss the threat of terrorism with his head of counter terrorism? Or maybe Mr. Bush was wondering why he had cut terrorism funding from the FBI. Or perhaps he just should have read the security briefing that was given to him on August 6, 2001 that said that Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America by hijacking airplanes. Or maybe he wasn't worried about the terrorist threat because the title of the report was too vague.

                            More media corruption...Right? Actual video evidence on all of this.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by KazDog
                              First....It wasn't completely directed at you Apples. Bry used the term liberal media.
                              Second.....I didn't call you an ass, I said don't make an ass of yourself and tell me that the media ONLY presents one side when they report on a story.....
                              But most of the media DOES only present one side of the story, or at least a 80/20 split of favorable to their ideology. The liberal and the conservative media both do it. People need to look around more and make their own judgements. I look around my environment (near Cincinnati) and I see:

                              1. Tons of business expanding and new businesses opening up.
                              2. I make 50% more money than I did 2 years ago.
                              3. My company's stock (ADP) has been killin the past two years.
                              4. My wife makes more at her job than 2 years.
                              5. Alomst all national ecomonic indicators are positive from 2 years.

                              2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                              2010 NFL: 0-0

                              2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by drews29
                                Here's your commander n chief at his finest.

                                As the attack took place, Mr. Bush was on his way to an elementary school in Florida. When informed of the first plane hitting the world trade center, where terrorists had struck just eight years prior, Mr. Bush decided to go ahead with his photo opportunity.

                                When the second plane hit the tower, his chief of staff entered the classroom and told Mr. Bush the nation is under attack.
                                [Bush picks up a children's book]
                                Not knowing what to do, with no one telling him what to do, and with no secret service rushing in to take him to safety, Mr. Bush just sat there, and continued to read "My Pet Goat" with the children.

                                Nearly seven minutes passed with nobody doing anything.

                                We had some airplanes authorized at the highest levels of our government to fly to pick up Osama Bin Laden's family members and others from Saudi Arabia and transport them out of this country.
                                Narrator: It turns out that the White House approved planes to pick up the bin Ladens and numerous other Saudis. At least six private jets and nearly two dozen commercial planes carried the Saudis and the Bin Ladens out of the U.S. after September 13th. In all, 142 Saudis, including 24 members of the bin Laden family, were allowed to leave the country.

                                As Bush sat in that Florida classroom, was he wondering if maybe he should have shown up to work more often? Should he have held at least one meeting since taking office to discuss the threat of terrorism with his head of counter terrorism? Or maybe Mr. Bush was wondering why he had cut terrorism funding from the FBI. Or perhaps he just should have read the security briefing that was given to him on August 6, 2001 that said that Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America by hijacking airplanes. Or maybe he wasn't worried about the terrorist threat because the title of the report was too vague.

                                More media corruption...Right? Actual video evidence on all of this.

                                Hahaha, THIS is what you bring up? The old "he stayed and read the book thing"? I know that 7 minutes really did matter. DId you want him to slam down the book and run out scared? THAT definitely would have been the sign of a great leader.

                                Sniff, sniff....I smell a Micheal Moore influence here. Are those quotes/scenes from his movie?

                                And I thought you were looking for documents about draft dodging?

                                2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                                2010 NFL: 0-0

                                2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1

