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The Day America Died

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  • #46
    Originally posted by BettorsChat
    Have you tried?

    I actually enjoy the show and listening to people's opinions....there obviously is a pile on mentality when they bring in a republican/conservative...but it is cool....He does ask some thought provoking questions...It was funny to see Ben Affleck try to be intelligent with Lou Dobbs who is obviously well thought out....


    • #47
      Originally posted by BettorsChat
      gambling is illegal? Tell that to the 32 States that have lotteries, all of the States with Casinos, Horse Racing, Dog Racing and lets not forget the whole State of Nevada. That is hypocrisy!

      Who said anything about the ACLU?

      A lot of people IMO are born gay. So why shouldn't they be allowed to be married? Do you think they are going to hell?

      Once again I didn't say this Country is a dictatorship I said its becoming more and more like it.

      Your Statements about Lawsuits are the same as Republicans. There are a lot of BS lawsuits, but that's what the Courts are for then the appeals Courts. What you hardly ever hear is what happens to the after effect in the appeals Courts as the media likes printing where granny got millions for McDonalds coffee that burned her. As that sells papers not that the appeals Court reduced it way down to almost nothing.

      Sports gambling is illegal in most states......The government wants their cut...

      I said something about the ACLU...calm down

      Most people who are homosexual are born gay......You do not just develop a taste for cock...Do you Monte?? Is it an acquired taste?? All kidding aside nobody would wish to be gay and the burden that it carries from desertion from your family to lack of benefits, etc....I do not think you go to hell for smoking pole....In fact a relative of mine passed away from AIDS so i know this topic 1st hand and many people have gay family members of course.....I do not feel they belong married though......JMHO

      You are such a bore with your labeling...Who gives a fuck if i make a comment that is consistent with a republicans....I at least do not jump according to what the party says....I am a issue person unlike you who follows the liberals blindly and swallow whole what they have to say.....Your comments are very vague and echo of what you hear from Combs.....

      What is it that you don't like

      The good economy....the good stock market....the good housing market.......the lack of terrorism on our soil.....the 75% reduction in the strength of al-queda....

      I am about solutions from both parties and the quicker you can get over your democratic allegiance and see the issues seperately and individually you will be better off....Please do not insult me with labeling me a Republican every time.....Yes, it may sound like a republican on that issue, but when i took the democratic side on the initial invasion and the new military commissions act i did not hear you say i sound like a democrat.....please be fair and balanced...

