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The Day America Died

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  • The Day America Died

    At 9:47 a.m. Eastern, October 17th, 2006, the Military Commisions Act was signed; the culmination of the slow death of the American liberties that have been stealthily taken away from us over time, and during the current Administration's tenure.

    Blame it on this, blame it on that; blame it on the Globalists, blame it on the left or the right; blame it on Satan's master plan to work through men in our generation to enslave the human race; heck, blame it on the moon. But don't blame me or any of the others that have tried to encourage apathetic Americans to do their own homework and investigate the claims of the truth movement and to SPEAK UP.

    No, instead they by and large remained willfully ignorant, listening to the name calling and villifying put forth in the mainstream media. CNN calls the alterantive media "freak shows"; Rush Limbaugh calls us "kooks", and Bill O'Reilly calls us "terrorists" in their attempts to discredit the truth that these men and women have attempted to put forth in exposing the lies and hypocrisy of this administration. To not become passionate and angry about the wanton and blatant treason going on in stealth, and about the injustice, is in itself unjust.

    The President swore an oath to protecting the Constitution. So much for oaths, so much for freedom. Good night America, you had it coming because your people are too steeped in the superficial to have the courage to take a chance to investigate that maybe truth seekers are, well, telling the truth. No, don't do that; that would take guts. It would take the guts to accept that you might uncover something that would unease your lavish world. God have mercy on America; we will need it now that our own Government has sold us out and our own people don't give a damn.


  • #2
    u think the Bush Administration did this?


    • #3
      i am confused what happened
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      AS of 6/3/12


      • #4
        the sky is falling, black heicoppeters are on the horizion. When you follow politics long enough you realise that all the its all a bunch of hot air.


        • #5
          What's the details of the Military Commisions Act?


          • #6
            Here you go Monte. Dave, I don't know why you think this is the end of the world??

            The president Tuesday morning signed the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which he says is one of the most important laws passed during his administration.

            Now the law states that the military will be responsible for trying captured terror suspects — the guys in Gitmo.

            It works this way: A three officer military panel will determine a detainee's status. If the person is deemed to be an "enemy combatant," he can be held indefinitely.

            The military will also conduct trials for detainees accused of committing war crimes. If classified information is necessary, the detainee will not be able to see it, but he will get a summary of the evidence against him.

            Of course, the military lawyer — a JAG — will be provided to everything charged. If convicted, the detainee cannot appeal.

            Now obviously, this is controversial. Many liberals oppose the military justice system wanting captured terrorists to be tried in civilian courts.

            You can decide what policy is better for the country, but one thing is very clear: President Bush believes that terrorism can only be defeated by military means. And that if terror crimes are adjudicated in civilian courts, we'll lose the war.


            • #7
              the world will end come jan. if nancy pelosi becomes speaker of the house. my god US will be in major trouble.
              2013 NCAA POD Record

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              • #8
                who would you rather have try to terrorists??? I am sure you would probably want US tax dollars to pay for their defense as well.

                I do not see this as the day the US died......If you do catch the next flight to Canada.....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                  who would you rather have try to terrorists??? I am sure you would probably want US tax dollars to pay for their defense as well.

                  I do not see this as the day the US died......If you do catch the next flight to Canada.....
                  You can't enter Canda that easily and become a citizen.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 10DimeBry
                    the world will end come jan. if nancy pelosi becomes speaker of the house. my god US will be in major trouble.
                    There's the other Staunch Republican


                    • #11
                      I blame A-ROD.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat
                        You can't enter Canda that easily and become a citizen.

                        Just explain why it is so bad....That's all....

                        I think Monte should run for office.....Gambling, whores,$100 minimum wage, no military, wooo-hooo!!!


                        • #13
                          This is rather comical...the Day America Died because we are trying potential terrorists in a military court rather than civilian?

                          Just another angry Democrat....

                          Are DaveT and Savage on ein the same?
                          Three Jack's Record


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Three Jack
                            This is rather comical...the Day America Died because we are trying potential terrorists in a military court rather than civilian?

                            Just another angry Democrat....

                            Are DaveT and Savage on ein the same?
                            No doubt! Give me a fucking break


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Three Jack
                              This is rather comical...the Day America Died because we are trying potential terrorists in a military court rather than civilian?

                              Just another angry Democrat....

                              Are DaveT and Savage on ein the same?
                              thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

