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A Day in the Life of ME 6/24/05

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  • A Day in the Life of ME 6/24/05

    So yesterday I went shopping. And I'm in one of the stores … get what I gotta get … and I go to check out. Naturally there's a line , which I despise , but I'm hangin out staring at this chick's ass in front of me … you know … to while away the HOURS . It wasn't a great ass … a little too skinny for my taste … but it was a time passer nonetheless. Through her flimsy skirt I could see the feint outline of a thong in her crack and I was debating whether or not to drop my knees and stick my tongue up her ass but I decided against it because there was this Nun standing right behind me and there are some things I just won't do. I mean That's Wrong , you know ?

    Anyway , It's finally my turn … the lady rings me up … I hand her a C Note.

    She pulls out this felt pen , holds the bill up to the light , marks the bill , holds it up again , gazes at it , squints , studies it , spits on it … and now there are 10 people on line behind me shaking their heads and breathing heavy, including Sister Mary Joseph.

    So she hands me the change … ones … fives … a few tens … and a sawbuck.

    I then took out MY PEN which I purchased earlier at Staples and started to mark each and every one of the bills I received as change … held everyone up to the light … studied them … gazed at them …squinted at them … scratched my head ... marked them again … spit on them … and took my sweet ass time in doing so.

    The people on line behind me all started to crack up laughing at the same time followed by a round of applause . It was the fuckin' best !!!

    So The Putz Manager waddles over and asks what's goin' on .

    So I says to him: "I'll be with you in a minute , Pal … I'm just checkin to see if your money is good … you know .. just like you check all of our money … you got a freakin' problem with that ? "

    Another outburst of laughter and applause .

    So then I raised my voice a little and added: " So Pal … The FBI can't make any headway figuring out who's behind an International Ring of Counterfeiters who've been plaguing this country for decades … but your "EDNA" over here in Aisle 8 of Bed , Bath and Beyond … Oh Yeah … SHE'S GONNA CRACK THE FUCKIN CASE "

    " Now please step aside so I can leave"

    More applause .....

    Guys it felt sooooo good ... lol


  • #2
    ***BRAVO MY MAN***


    • #3
      That is great---believe it or not---that's something I always wanted to do...Nice story my man---humor at its finest---good job---kmann

      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


      • #4
        lol Thanks you two !!!

        I just had to do it .


        • #5
          Coverboy that is great. I hate when they check the bills. But I never thought about doing it back. Nice to have a great laugh early in the morning.

          Thanks for the post man.
          1 of 1 Morons


          • #6
            That is freakin Classic!


            • #7

              Thanks Bud ... hope all is going well for you and the family

              Condolences about The Pistons


              • #8
                Coverboy-Wonderful story!
                In our lingo and in the spirit of your story, maybe Phil Schtool should be required for one year to listen to a made up 5 1/2 minute ad daily for one year by a competitor (not his own, as he might actually enjoy that) to see what we have to endure every day when we call his comp line.


                • #9
                  That is GREAT!!!!

                  Just 2 weeks ago I got back a fake 20 as change at a gas station!!!!!

                  I friggin erupted when I noticed it!!!!!
                  Remember the three R's:
                  Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                  • #10
                    Good for you. I used to work in a bar where we were REQUIRED to do these checks on $50 and $100s (I just faked it; I had no idea what I was looking for). It was such an insult to the customers, who were often friends but the stupid policy required it.


                    • #11
                      Cb, one hell of a story thanks for sharing!
                      RED LIGHT UP THAT CIGAR


                      • #12
                        Great one CoverBoy


                        • #13
                          Thanks guys It was soooo much fun ... you shudda seen the look on the manager's face ... EDNA's too



                          • #14
                            In all fairness and honesty I don't think the stores are questioning the customer's integrity in most cases,, but are doing it in many cases because they feel the latter may unknowingly not know it may be counterfeit and had got it from someplace/somebody down the line who DID know it was not legitimate.
                            It was still a great story though.


                            • #15
                              hahahahaha coverboy great work!! I would have been laughing my ass off as well!!

                              have a great weekend bud
                              Everybody dies, but not everyone lives.

