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Thursday Play$$$!!!!

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  • Originally posted by wayne1218
    Are you serious???

    The guy has changed his story 5 times now and suddenly doesn't want to count his biggest loss of the year?

    Integrity my friend. Look it up in the dictionary because this thread and his posts lack all of it.

    If you want to back him than fine but come with some substance will ya'

    He brought this shit on himself and unless you were here for the previous 20 controversy's he has been in the middle of than you really have no clue.

    Why doesn't anyone else get this much heat around here? Probably because their not full of shit with everything they say.

    If you post a $27,000 wager in a seperate thread it should mean something and count for something.

    This site is number 1 for a reason. You figure it out!

    The guy is here 12 hours a day yet finds time to do a record periodically and fudges the numbers when he does, then says his big losers with the yanks were 1/2 of what he originally said it and doesn't count because it would ruin his season??? Get a clue. If the wager was made than the season was ruined period. Don't act like it never happened for christ sakes!


    i know you have a hard time understanding most of the things posted on BC, let me tell you VERY cleary. IT WAS 27,000 to WIN 10,000. IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU???

    It doesn't bother me what you think about me or what you think I'm up or down, I'm the one that has to live with my wins or losses. NOT YOU!!!!


    • Give RJ a break.

      He obviously lost a lot of money on the Yankees, both today and yesterday. It's really nobody's business but his how much he lost. The last thing he needs is all the people on this forum busting his balls after a loss like that. We should support the guy. Keep your head up RJ.

      My advice to you:

      1) Take the weekend off to clear your head

      2) Research meticullously and find 2 or 3 picks you really love and make some big moves to get back up.


      I'm pulling for you.
      Posted Plays

      2006 NFL Record: 10-8-1 (+11.21 units)
      5*: 1-0

      2006 NCAA Football Record: 25-20 (+10.74 units)
      5*: 0-2

