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Friday's Service Plays

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  • #31
    Northcoast Basketball Comp. Line-again from Triple Crown Sports.
    As stated above, their 4* Pro play is Detroit.
    Their 4* College play is on Dartmouth.


    • #32
      Nick Patrick Bronx Bomber

      Triple Play Seattle -6

      Double Play NJ -8 -120


      • #33
        Jim Feist & cronies group play for the weekend

        George Washington vs. Dayton
        george washington......


        • #34
          Originally posted by Ripple
          whos the animal theres not alot so we can narrow it down ,ask him where my friends money is the crook
          i see him here too hes looking for someone lol ,hey animal what happened to stanford your pac 10 goy .....stick to football ur great in that sport the rest ur least animal uses his real name unlike these other services cudos to mark from not hiding from us spark you dont miss a trick ....
          I do not know why he does not post here.. He is posting on a dead site and he can get much more exposure here and everyone can see that he is not really a bad guy .. Now of course that is JMHO .. The dealings I have had with him where always good .. I had a disagreement with him once when I thought he was giving out wrong plays to the consensus services on purpose.. He denied it ..That I still am not sure of
          Last edited by Spark; 02-25-2005, 01:00 PM.


          • #35
            have him post a play a day and his record and gives us (bc) a discount and i bet he will get alot of business and if he lets guys post his plays at least once a week he will get tons of business.Look what this thread did for tony from goodfellas his business is great because of bc and his a great guy too..Posting once a week makes the business great and the guys would love him ..i used mark for awhile he called me everyday hes a nice guy for that but than he cuts people off to quick for posting his plays ..He should give people a warning the first time,,and than he kept my money which was peanuts to my friends..thats what left a bad taste in my mouth about the real animal...but on the good side hes excellent in football cudos for that sport..
            Last edited by Ripple; 02-25-2005, 01:06 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Ripple
              spark u got me confused i have no idea what u mean take ur medicine
              Everything is good Rip .. LOL .. :uzi:


              • #37
                Sebastian's comp. Is Penn.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Ripple
                  He should give people a warning the first time,,and than he kept my money which was peanuts to my friends..thats what left a bad taste in my mouth about the real animal...but on the good side hes excellent in football cudos for that sport..
                  In reality Rip, then I will end this subject, I have talked and dealt with a few good guys in this business .. I have never and will never pay for a sport service but in posting the plays I have been contacted by quite a few services .. Most of them have been good guys .. I will not mention who they are cause some of them have been bashed in here and I do not want to get into it with anyone especially over a service .. but it is a business for them and there are some legit, hard-working services out there ... eom


                  • #39
                    Mark (The Animal)

                    In my opinion Mark is one of the best handicappers on the internet. I have talked with him via EMAIL...real personable guy. I agree that it would help his services tremendously if we can get him to post a few actual service plays here. I have never dealt with him on the business end...but as a judge of character I believe he would be trustworthy and honest with customers. I can see his point with geting upset about a client posting his selections on various forums....I mean...this guy puts in ALOT of hours handicapping and it would be upsetting to see your plays plastered all over the place. From what I gather this is his soul source of income. I think that if he does well here there will be numerous players pay for his services to get the actual plays and not chance getting bogus ones.


                    • #40
                      Net Prophet

                      Toronto +4 over Milwaukee


                      • #41
                        had Brand X call me a couple days ago...Trying to sell me... Which I wouldn't ever buy.... His main point he was making was that if I bught the service I could not post his plays.... Told him when I purchase plays I share with everyone.... Once I pay for them they are mine to do I I wish... Told me that was cuttig my own throat.... it would drive the line agianst me.... Like 3-400 peoolple would move the line drastically... Anyway, I thought that was what this site was here for... To share all the service plays that we could get our hands on... Just My Two Cents.....
                        NOW LETS KICK ASS TODAY
                        (((( NLKAT ))))


                        • #42
                          Service Selections

                          GAMEDAY-4* Charlotte Bobcats, Los Angeles Lakers

                          Hi Low Sports- 10* Seattle Supersonics OVER

                          McConkie-15* Washington Wizzards, Washington Wizzards UNDER, Boise State Broncos

                          BEST BET-PASS


                          • #43
                            Livedog Thanks Buddy For All Your Posts ,,does Gameday (bill Hilton) Have A Website Thanks And Good Luck


                            • #44
                              love thicks report, but vss and nywg record is misleading. they seam to buy 1-2 points on most of their games or put up money line. ex: they had furman-3/-200 they were -5 so you had to lay 150 -3. they lost outright but their record only showed 1 loss. w-l records for them is meaningless like baseball.

                              brian mac is braging about his open enders wining 10 of 12 but leaves out hes -213.1u since 1/11/05 and -51.9 for feb guarante(+50u).
                              Last edited by husker; 02-25-2005, 02:03 PM.
                              “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                              Gerald Ford


                              • #45
                                I'm pretty sure the lying scumbag named Brian Mac did NOT hit 10 of his last 12 open-enders. He lost 3 of 4 when I was with him in Nov/Dec. Stay away from that lying fu$%ing scumbag! Him being down over 213u is believable!

