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American Idol

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  • American Idol

    Highest Placed Male:

    David Archuleta -165

    Not even close, he will win it all. But he doesn't have to, he just has to finish the highest among the men.

    Last year's early favorite was Melinda Doolittle and she didn't come through. But there's a huge difference. Doolittle had vocals but was lacking in other areas. Archuleta has the whole likeability thing going on, is a crowd favorite, and vocals that blows away the guys.

    Randy Jackson said last Tuesday night's performance was the best vocal in AI's 7-year history.

    Simon, who has typically trashed other contestants when taking John Lennon's Imagine beyond its own scope, praised Archuleta, who did a masterful version of it Tuesday.

    I'll avoid the L-word, but nobody is going to beat him.


  • #2
    DUDE...WHERE CAN I TAKE THIS PROP??? I honestly havent seen one minute of american idol this year or most of the past years but i just youtubed archuleta and i have to agree that american idol and FOX will be sending this guy along to the finals hes got the voice and hes got the look...randy "best vocals in 7 years on american idol...paula "one of the most moving performances i've ever heard, your destined for superstardem" english guy "i'll tell you, right now your the one to beat and there are 19 other miserable contestants sitting here tonight trust me."
    I just got done writtting a drunken hockey related post tochado and im now im trying to invest in david the 17 year old american idol contestant thats shorter than ryan seacrest


    • #3
      Originally posted by DDP713
      DUDE...WHERE CAN I TAKE THIS PROP??? I honestly havent seen one minute of american idol this year or most of the past years but i just youtubed archuleta and i have to agree that american idol and FOX will be sending this guy along to the finals hes got the voice and hes got the look...randy "best vocals in 7 years on american idol...paula "one of the most moving performances i've ever heard, your destined for superstardem" english guy "i'll tell you, right now your the one to beat and there are 19 other miserable contestants sitting here tonight trust me."
      I just got done writtting a drunken hockey related post tochado and im now im trying to invest in david the 17 year old american idol contestant thats shorter than ryan seacrest
      Olympic has a $200 max, but I'm not sure if that applies to risk or win. Archuleta is the only contestant, male or female, to be risking more than winning.

      Remember: It's not up to Fox or AI to put Archie through, it's up to the voters. That's why I think he's a virtual lock, because he's got the whole package along with best vocals. That's also why I posted last year that I didn't think Doolittle would win it. She was -115 and the odds on favorite based on her vocals, but she didn't have to whole package. The fact that Archie is -165 with eight guys remaining says it all.

      You might be able to wait until the final twelve and take a chance on better odds to "win it all", but I doubt the odds will be much better. By then he will have established himself as virtually unbeatable and the oddsmakers and gamblers will have a high price on the board.

      As a side note, you can also get a prop that a "guy" will "win it all" for -200. This would cover you in the event that the 29-year old Australian guy wins it, which would be the next best choice imo, but I just don't see it. It's all about voting, and Archuleta will get more votes, especially from teenie bopper girls who vote fifty times a week.

      Last edited by dave T; 02-29-2008, 04:30 AM.


      • #4
        if its all about votes then how come sanjaiyya was eliminated when half the country was behind him? luckily archuleta wont have to worry about being eliminated anytime soon.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DDP713
          DUDE...WHERE CAN I TAKE THIS PROP??? I honestly havent seen one minute of american idol this year or most of the past years but i just youtubed archuleta and i have to agree that american idol and FOX will be sending this guy along to the finals hes got the voice and hes got the look...randy "best vocals in 7 years on american idol...paula "one of the most moving performances i've ever heard, your destined for superstardem" english guy "i'll tell you, right now your the one to beat and there are 19 other miserable contestants sitting here tonight trust me."
          I just got done writtting a drunken hockey related post tochado and im now im trying to invest in david the 17 year old american idol contestant thats shorter than ryan seacrest
          Put down the and go to bed...
          SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


          • #6
            I will open an account there just to take that wager.

            The kid is the best i've heard in a long time.


            • #7
              My site has it -140. The problem with this bet for me is, the best singer doesn't always win, it's based on votes by telephone


              • #8
                I haven't watched AI at all this season and the latter part of last season. The whole Sanjaya incident was a huge turn-off. IMO the show lost most of its credibility.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by frankb03
                  I haven't watched AI at all this season and the latter part of last season. The whole Sanjaya incident was a huge turn-off. IMO the show lost most of its credibility.
                  Same here Frank - what a joke that whole bunch of crap was
                  updated thru 4/04 play

                  CFB: (0-1) 1.05 units
                  NFL: (0-0) 0.0 units


                  • #10
                    If this kid doesn't win, something's seriously wrong.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by garth
                      If this kid doesn't win, something's seriously wrong.
                      Agreed 100%

                      There isn't anyone CLOSE to this kid.

                      And just to be the best male is just rock solid.


                      • #12
                        recent news release.......At least one of the female contestants has taken cheap, Imus shots at Syesha Mercado, calling her hair "nappy," among other insults -- behind her back. Nice.

                        And the guys were ganging up against 17-year-old David Archuleta, making snarky remarks, again, behind his back. But who can blame them? Our sources say record execs at 19 Entertainment have already been in touch with top record publishers in Hollywood, and the word has already been sent out to songwriters to write this kid some tunes.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DDP713
                          if its all about votes then how come sanjaiyya was eliminated when half the country was behind him? luckily archuleta wont have to worry about being eliminated anytime soon.
                          Sanjaya was eliminated precisely because it was about votes. He didn't get enough. He was not anywhere close to having the vocals necessary to win. If he had half the vocals of Mandissa or Doolittle, he would've won going away.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by TheRook
                            I will open an account there just to take that wager.

                            The kid is the best i've heard in a long time.
                            You should be able to get a prop at any number of books, not just Olympic. I know Pinnacle had the prop last year.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BigWeiner
                              My site has it -140. The problem with this bet for me is, the best singer doesn't always win, it's based on votes by telephone
                              The best singer has their share, but sometimes its the second best. Rueben Studdard was not as good a vocalist, but won on a combination of vocals and likeability/popularity. Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood were the best singers and won. But last year's Doolittle did not have the whole package.


