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  • #76
    Originally posted by BettorsChat
    Is barry's head still 2 hat sizes bigger along with his feet going from a 10 to a 12

    And his dick grew 6 inches and he has privately decided to do gay porn once he is done fucking up baseball. AGAIN about this wart on the ass of society.

    With all due respect to Giants fans...who are the only delusional people who think he is clean...he's cheated on his wife...he's cheated on baseball..and he's cheated on his taxes. What the fuck does anybody else need as proof that he is a fucking tool. OJ killed Nicole and Ron..everybody knows it, even though he was aquited in a criminal court. Same goes for ol' melon head, never convicted but the evidence is overwhelming.

    I would like him to go away...then again I'm a Dodger I'm somewhat biased.

    They are all booger eaters!!!


    • #77
      Sorry about that a little out of control there.

      They are all booger eaters!!!


      • #78
        Originally posted by musclemann
        Do I believe he took roids ? Yes I do. With saying that there has never been a study on BASEBALL that steroids will improve your eye sight, coordination, bat speed, technique,overall swing, and hand eye coordination. I do know that it will give you more overall power but at what cost? Will the bigger muscles slow down your bat speed? Will the sore joints and tender ligaments give and ruin your career? I dont know if maybe this crap will hurt your game more than help it. Its not a contact sport like football where your strenght is measured against the guy your standing across from.

        My own opinion is its nothing more than a placebo effect and could actually harm your baseball game more than help it but until there is some HARD PROOF THAT STEROIDS WILL MAKE YOU A BETTER BASEBALL PLAYER WHO THE HELL KNOWS???

        p.s it wasnt even on baseball banned list when he was taking it.
        Disagree as baseball bating is a conditioning of the muscles to a reaction to a pitch. If you practice batting like these guys do over and over you have good form thus the muscles have a reaction that is in a proper form. If you're stronger then your bat speed will be faster as well. So pitches that you hit that normally wouldn't go out are going out.

        All you have to do is look at the players back when they broke Roger Maris single season record for HR's and you will see all kinds of guys that were hitting HR's and lots of them that haven't don't shit since then nor before then.

        As for the side effects of steriods that will very. I'm sure someone is getting a Dr. to test their blood on a regular basis is less likely to have side effects in the current time. A lot of players Lyle Alzado didn't suffer the consequences until his career was way over.

        Also just look at the last HOF ballott and you will see Mark McGwire didn't come close to getting enough votes. This guy was a big guy to begin with and who could hit HR's to begin with and they didn't vote him in.

        Barry was a good player when he started then developed into one of the best of his time, but he will always be plagued by the steroid effect. Someones hat size and shoe size does not increase with age.


        • #79
          Originally posted by KR-V3
          And his dick grew 6 inches and he has privately decided to do gay porn once he is done fucking up baseball. AGAIN about this wart on the ass of society.

          With all due respect to Giants fans...who are the only delusional people who think he is clean...he's cheated on his wife...he's cheated on baseball..and he's cheated on his taxes. What the fuck does anybody else need as proof that he is a fucking tool. OJ killed Nicole and Ron..everybody knows it, even though he was aquited in a criminal court. Same goes for ol' melon head, never convicted but the evidence is overwhelming.

          I would like him to go away...then again I'm a Dodger I'm somewhat biased.
          Can't compare OJ to Barry as that's a whole different situation. He was aquited but found guilty in the other Court. Should have been found guilty in the 1st trial, but the Judge and the Prosecution were fucking morons.


          • #80
            Originally posted by KR-V3
            And his dick grew 6 inches and he has privately decided to do gay porn once he is done fucking up baseball. AGAIN about this wart on the ass of society.

            With all due respect to Giants fans...who are the only delusional people who think he is clean...he's cheated on his wife...he's cheated on baseball..and he's cheated on his taxes. What the fuck does anybody else need as proof that he is a fucking tool. OJ killed Nicole and Ron..everybody knows it, even though he was aquited in a criminal court. Same goes for ol' melon head, never convicted but the evidence is overwhelming.

            I would like him to go away...then again I'm a Dodger I'm somewhat biased.
            I wish this forum had an "I'm a drunken idiot" filter


            • #81
              BONDS is by far the best player too ever use steroids. He will likely hit 50 more homers this year if he stays healthy.. A great steroid player and there were MANY!


              • #82
                Ding! #10


                • #83
                  Well he's doing it with out steriods this year, wow is he good....he will hit 50+ without steriods and won't get recognized...He's capiable with our without them


                  • #84
                    Well there went number 11
                    Watch out Arod this guy is going to catch you and lead the MAJORS this year
                    THINK BLUE


                    • #85
                      BFD!!!! I may be drunk....I may be an idiot....but Bonds is still a TOOL!!!

                      They are all booger eaters!!!


                      • #86
                        He is on his game- a force to be reckon with- shame he will be linked to steroids!!
                        "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


                        • #87
                          DING, you are now free to trot around the bases!!! #12


                          • #88

                            Do i like the guy? Not really ... but he still amazs me.

                            With or without steroids, what he has done is beyond belief to me. Many others were on the juice too and nobody has put the fear in opposing pitchers like this guy has for the last several years. I don't care how steroids help you, you still need to put the sweet part of the bat on the ball and he has been the best at it. I've never seen hitters intentionally walked to load the bases with less than 2 outs and i've never seen an eye at the plate either like Bonds. His records for walks are amazing in itself and after watching alot of this guy it seemed like he never took a swing at a bad pitch ... ever. It was unreal to see this guy swing at nothing but strikes and it is what made every pitcher fear him cuz when he swung, it usually meant trouble.

                            Who knows how many pitchers that he hit HR's off were on steroids? You know a shitload were along with the hitters. Brady Anderson? lmao

                            I really don't like the guy based on one thing mainly and that is the arrogance he has shown throughout his career. That doesn't mean i don't love watching the guy hit though.

                            You have had dead ball era's where the pitching was off the chart and live ball era's with the "Juiced" balls and tiny parks. Who knows what else surrounded each era and the reasoning behind it. I don't agree with the steroids at all but at least these guys are finally getting somewhat tested and many have fallen prey. Yes, i no doubt think Bonds was on Steroids but i could list 100 other great/good players who i have my doubts about too and i'm sure there are at least 100 other names that i never would have guessed who used them too.

                            All i know is you could give me and about 99.99% of the rest of the world steroids for breakfast, lunch and dinner and we still won't be able to do what this guy has done.
                            Last edited by wayne1218; 07-03-2007, 08:22 PM.


                            • #89
                              Well said Wayne...He is exciting to watch hit...I have lots of baseball memories and watching Barry play live is right up there.


                              • #90
                                I respect your opinions by but how can you be amazed that a cheater is hittng homers, I just hope the Giants are playing away when he breaks the record. Also he does not belong in the All Star game, fans should not have any say, should go by purely stats

