I was thinking about maybe playing some tri boxes..keep the price to under 50 a race..I know that the quad costs 60 if I recall correctly.
If you have a better feel on a specific track let me know vs PHX, looks like I will be there mid morning. Its a 4+ hr ride over, will leave somewhat early..come home later the day.
If you think the 4 box is a better ROR let me know and I will do so. I would rather spend another 12 and make more than not. Also, I have noticed from you and Iggy that locking in 1 doggie then boxing the rest really doesnt pay, at least from the races recently run. I would rather box 3 than lock in #1 then box the other 3.
Maybe I am in left field and should do the reverse? (or maybe I play 5 or 6 races instead of all of the runs)
Thanks as always and I appreciate the help!
I was thinking about maybe playing some tri boxes..keep the price to under 50 a race..I know that the quad costs 60 if I recall correctly.
If you have a better feel on a specific track let me know vs PHX, looks like I will be there mid morning. Its a 4+ hr ride over, will leave somewhat early..come home later the day.
If you think the 4 box is a better ROR let me know and I will do so. I would rather spend another 12 and make more than not. Also, I have noticed from you and Iggy that locking in 1 doggie then boxing the rest really doesnt pay, at least from the races recently run. I would rather box 3 than lock in #1 then box the other 3.
Maybe I am in left field and should do the reverse? (or maybe I play 5 or 6 races instead of all of the runs)
Thanks as always and I appreciate the help!