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How george bush increased the debt larger than any president in the history

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  • #46
    Originally posted by vols fan View Post
    The dumb fucks didn't listen when told to get out of town and your still blaming Bush. You should stick to arguing civil rights.You have a leg to stand on with it. Katrina you should just stay away from.The idiot Mayor is as much to blame as anyone.My God you have been arguing this for years now you would think you would have all the facts by now
    Its funny how none of the saviors saw their boy send this my way. I never mentioned his name but the brain trust are all in here trying to call me out.

    Yea all those people in new orleans were dumb fucks and I guess I should know civil rights because im black or something........but im the one wrong ..........right


    • #47
      Originally posted by musclemann View Post
      your a real tough guy behind your computer arent you tubby?

      your vols fan north of the mason, about half of his i.q though..............
      Fuck him Bry. He has alot of hate bro. I say prayers everynight and might have to include him in on one.He has serious issues


      • #48
        Originally posted by vols fan View Post
        Some blacks are the only ones still fighting the civil war man. We have moved on and your still stuck in it. I laugh at people like you who went thru nothing but try to get all the attention years later. Your grandparents are the ones who went thru all the shit and most white people either regret or stood by the blacks back in that time so don't challenge me on the civil war or civil rights.Im here and still live it everyday. MLK would be more proud of me then he would you cause your as guilty of racism as the people he marched against.I'm done with your ass.Have a nice racist life
        you are a very bitter man and im scared one day we might read about you or something. I dont know if you go off the meds or something or just bi-polar but you have tendencies which arent normal. Your racist irrational and delusional. I dont know if it is a product of your up bringing or if it because you live in hate filled place were southern whites like your self whose parents probably taught them hate, taught them to spit at the little colored kids, and told them never to bring a black girl home. Whatever it is please keep it in georgia because you and your little boyfreind are traumatized by living in or near a mostly large black southern city and probably are pissed off because you see african americans thriving in areas where they probably used to pick cotton and it pisses you off to no end.

        Keep up the hate vf im sure you will never let me down.


        • #49
          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
          Versus someone who took 8 years and fucked this country up. NONE OF THEM said one word while he was running up , the debt to historical highs,(now they said they hated him of course lol)he watched our country being attacked and what was he doing ? reading dr. seuss, the mismangement at every turn, katrina(brownie youre doing a hell of a job).

          OK you didn't say BUSH but we all know who "HE" is after you brought up 8 years.God damn your the easiest person I have ever debated. "I didn't say Bush I just said the guy before Obama for 8 years" Do you even think before you type. 6th grade education max for you if I had to bet


          • #50
            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
            you are a very bitter man and im scared one day we might read about you or something. I dont know if you go off the meds or something or just bi-polar but you have tendencies which arent normal. Your racist irrational and delusional. I dont know if it is a product of your up bringing or if it because you live in hate filled place were southern whites like your self whose parents probably taught them hate, taught them to spit at the little colored kids, and told them never to bring a black girl home. Whatever it is please keep it in georgia because you and your little boyfreind are traumatized by living in or near a mostly large black southern city and probably are pissed off because you see african americans thriving in areas where they probably used to pick cotton and it pisses you off to no end.

            Keep up the hate vf im sure you will never let me down.
            This just shows how stupid you are.If I saw a white person spit on a black woman,girl or man for that matter I would beat that persons ass in a fucking minute.You are so racist you think we all hate black people.Guess what I hate you cause your an idiot fucking racist.I have had my white dick inside to many of your sisters down here to be a racist


            • #51
              Originally posted by vols fan View Post
              OK you didn't say BUSH but we all know who "HE" is after you brought up 8 years.God damn your the easiest person I have ever debated. "I didn't say Bush I just said the guy before Obama for 8 years" Do you even think before you type. 6th grade education max for you if I had to bet

              funny how a drunk idiot is debating me on my educational level.

              Have another one vf, just dont mix the zoloft with the booze........oppps i guess it too late for that

              maybe thats why your delusional.


              • #52
                Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                If I was a fat loser I would be pissed off too, ten dime dont worry about it man.
                If I didnt have a life or a wife or a family or friends I'd have a screen name like Musclemann too. If I had a pathetic life and a shitty job and was angry all the time I'd have a screen name like MuscleMann.

                It's okay MM one day you will turn your life around. Keep working out though. You need something to do and keep all that frustration in check. I'll stay fat and happy. You stay angry and miserable.
                2013 NCAA POD Record

                8-3ATS +3.80 units

                2013 NFL POD Record

                1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                • #53
                  This is some more STUPID SHIT!!! Only 3 weeks till college ball kicks off.......lets get some winners picked and STOP all this STUPID SHIT!!!! You 2 can trade jabs and disagree from now until kingdom come and will not matter. Enough is enough.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                    you guys have your jag fest in im moving to mexico, I hear there is some good anti minority anti obama stuff over there. .
                    You forgot something MM ...

                    There is also a WHOLE lot of TRUTH in that thread ...

