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How george bush increased the debt larger than any president in the history

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  • #16
    Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
    Fine, but what happened in the past is done and over with. Nobody gives a fuck about Bush anymore and they shouldn't. I don't care what he created for problems either, it's about fixing what is on our plate right now, no matter who the fuck created them. Nobody cares! He isn't fixing future problems so move on for christ sakes!
    Most of that argument is fine. Its the fringe guys here who just hate obama and blame him for all current problems just because they don't like that a dem won. 8 years of bad policy may take longer then 20 months to fix. I don't think its an unreasonable argument

    Of course we all need to move on but u sometimes have to go back to fix current problems
    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


    • #17
      Originally posted by vitterd View Post
      Most of that argument is fine. Its the fringe guys here who just hate obama and blame him for all current problems just because they don't like that a dem won. 8 years of bad policy may take longer then 20 months to fix. I don't think its an unreasonable argument

      Of course we all need to move on but u sometimes have to go back to fix current problems
      I'm different than most here because i hated Bush, and i hate Obama. If you asked which one i hate more, it would be tough for me to answer. I live in the town that borders Kennebunkport, Me where the whole Bush family is treated like gods. They are here often and that's all people talk about. It makes me ill because i don't give a flying fuck about them and it irritates me when the whole town gets shut down for their arrivals.

      I do not argue like you guys based on one simple thing, Democrat or Republican. That is ALL you guys ever do is tow the company line no matter what it is. It sickens me that you can't ever have an opinion that agrees with the other side. That is why i'll never consider myself one or the other. I would like to be more open minded than that when it comes to the President of our Country. I think Bush sucked in office and i think Obama sucks in office too. When Obama is gone, i'll say the same thing, who gives a fuck about him, let's focus on the job at hand.

      I'm still waiting for someone to get in office who knows the difference between his ass and his head. I'm not even sure who that would be at this point but it wasn't Bush and it sure as hell isn't Obama either!
      Last edited by wayne1218; 08-12-2010, 07:23 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
        I'm different than most here because i hated Bush, and i hate Obama. If you asked which one i hate more, it would be tough for me to answer. I live in the town that borders Kennebunkport, Me where the whole Bush family is treated like gods. They are here often and that's all people talk about. It makes me ill because i don't give a flying fuck about them and it irritates me when the whole town gets shut down for their arrivals.

        I do not argue like you guys based on one simple thing, Democrat or Republican. That is ALL you guys ever do is tow the company line no matter what it is. It sickens me that you can't ever have an opinion that agrees with the other side. That is why i'll never consider myself one or the other. I would like to be more open minded than that when it comes to the President of our Country. I think Bush sucked in office and i think Obama sucks in office too. When Obama is gone, i'll say the same thing, who gives a fuck about him, let's focus on the job at hand.

        I'm still waiting for someone to get in office who knows the difference between his ass and his head. I'm not even sure who that would be at this point but it wasn't Bush and it sure as hell isn't Obama either!

        Wayne, do you mind if I sign my name to that post you just made?? Exactly the way I feel ...


        • #19
          By all means Joe!


          • #20
            Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
            I'm different than most here because i hated Bush, and i hate Obama. If you asked which one i hate more, it would be tough for me to answer. I live in the town that borders Kennebunkport, Me where the whole Bush family is treated like gods. They are here often and that's all people talk about. It makes me ill because i don't give a flying fuck about them and it irritates me when the whole town gets shut down for their arrivals.

            I do not argue like you guys based on one simple thing, Democrat or Republican. That is ALL you guys ever do is tow the company line no matter what it is. It sickens me that you can't ever have an opinion that agrees with the other side. That is why i'll never consider myself one or the other. I would like to be more open minded than that when it comes to the President of our Country. I think Bush sucked in office and i think Obama sucks in office too. When Obama is gone, i'll say the same thing, who gives a fuck about him, let's focus on the job at hand.

            I'm still waiting for someone to get in office who knows the difference between his ass and his head. I'm not even sure who that would be at this point but it wasn't Bush and it sure as hell isn't Obama either!
            I've been a dem my entire life. Worked for dems my entire life. I believe in a majority of what the dem party believes. Of course most time I'm gonna be on dem side of things.

            For every dem here there is 4 or 5 republicans who are the same way

            When obama is done in office. If a rep gets in don't u think we will hear the crying that obama is the cause of all their problems. It is the cycle of this stuff
            Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


            • #21
              Originally posted by vitterd View Post

              When obama is done in office. If a rep gets in don't u think we will hear the crying that obama is the cause of all their problems. It is the cycle of this stuff
              Are you kidding me for sure you will. Nobody will remember anything about Bush when Obama gets done. He is the biggest joke of all time and that is a fact.
              Part of it went on gambling, and part of it went on women. The rest I spent foolishly

              2010 MLB 6-3

              2010 NFL Preseason 5-4 (+25.1 units)


              • #22
                Originally posted by BOOKBEATER View Post
                Are you kidding me for sure you will. Nobody will remember anything about Bush when Obama gets done. He is the biggest joke of all time and that is a fact.
                I think you've missed the point. Bush was a disaster and obama is pointing out the problems he is dealing with because of bush. Same thing the republicans will do to obama if they get in. I wonder if we will see all the republicans telling everyone then to stop blaming the prev admin. Not likely
                Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                • #23
                  Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                  I think you've missed the point. Bush was a disaster and obama is pointing out the problems he is dealing with because of bush. Same thing the republicans will do to obama if they get in. I wonder if we will see all the republicans telling everyone then to stop blaming the prev admin. Not likely
                  So let us run with your premise that all the problems in the world were caused by Bush. What policies and laws do you feel the president has signed and enacted that has solved those problems and made anything better?

                  And please no BS "unproven" statements like "he brought us from the abyss" or "how much worse would it have been w/o what he has done" but concrete policies that you feel have solved or put the US on the path of solving all the problems Bush caused.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                    I think you've missed the point. Bush was a disaster and obama is pointing out the problems he is dealing with because of bush. Same thing the republicans will do to obama if they get in. I wonder if we will see all the republicans telling everyone then to stop blaming the prev admin. Not likely

                    Youre arguiung with a bunch of guys WHO SAID THEY HATE A MAN WHO THEYVE GIVEN 18 MONTHS IN OFFICE. Versus someone who took 8 years and fucked this country up. NONE OF THEM said one word while he was running up , the debt to historical highs,(now they said they hated him of course lol)he watched our country being attacked and what was he doing ? reading dr. seuss, the mismangement at every turn, katrina(brownie youre doing a hell of a job).

                    Part of has to do with the fact he is a democrat and about 25 percent of his policies are liberal. Then some of it has to do with his celebrity, he is still very popular which pisses a lot of people off. They cant believe they voted for a dumbass like bush a career c-d student who if his last name wasnt bush, he wouldve never been president. Tell me one horrible thing that obama has done while he has been in office? You had one guy bitching about obama the first day he was in office, which was funny. I think he bowed to a foreign leader or something....

                    My point is like you said before, if this dude came up with a cure for cancer, wiped out the national debt, it wouldnt matter. They would still hate him. They didnt vote for him and they will continue to complain about him till he leaves office PERIOD.

                    p.s POINT TO ONE RESPONSE OR POSTwhere you see them questioning(BUSH) the mismanagement, saying they hate bush,questioning his bonehead decision making

                    QUESTIONING HIM MAKING OUR COUNTRY OPEN TO wont find it because it doesnt exist.


                    • #25
                      I think it's absolutely imperative to learn from the past whether you're a conservative or a liberal or neither. The only way we move forward is to learn from our past mistakes, and there have been plenty by both parties. It's easy to say we screwed up something in the past, let's just act like it didn't happen and focus on the future. With that kind of perspective we'll only repeat our mistakes...

                      As voters, politicians, educators, scientists, etc etc....I'd hope we always refer to the past as a way to improve on the future.
                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                        So let us run with your premise that all the problems in the world were caused by Bush. What policies and laws do you feel the president has signed and enacted that has solved those problems and made anything better?

                        And please no BS "unproven" statements like "he brought us from the abyss" or "how much worse would it have been w/o what he has done" but concrete policies that you feel have solved or put the US on the path of solving all the problems Bush caused.
                        I didn't say every problem was caused by bush but many were. Bush tax cuts, war based on lies were very costly. Republican and bush policies were full force for 6 out of 8 years and it was a disaster. How anyone can argue that is mind boggling

                        I'm not sure much is better but I think some things he has done has stopped us from completely drowning. Private sector jobs up 7 straight months and manufacturer and auto jobs also up. The stim saved jobs of teachers, police and firefighters in some states. Not to mention all the auto jobs that were saved

                        We will see what happens with health care but that's another major obama policy that I think will end up being very positive. Two major efforts with stimulus and health care in 20 months. Time will tell if it works and even though some will have u believe nothing has worked yet I would disagree.

                        Responding to your questions is almost pointless. Your hate for obama doesn't allow u to take in any good things that may occur from his admin. U will just throw in all the rep talking points bashing anything he has done
                        Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                          katrina(brownie youre doing a hell of a job).
                          The dumb fucks didn't listen when told to get out of town and your still blaming Bush. You should stick to arguing civil rights.You have a leg to stand on with it. Katrina you should just stay away from.The idiot Mayor is as much to blame as anyone.My God you have been arguing this for years now you would think you would have all the facts by now


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                            I'd hope we always refer to the past as a way to improve on the future.
                            I agree but can you say the future is improving


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                              I think it's absolutely imperative to learn from the past whether you're a conservative or a liberal or neither. The only way we move forward is to learn from our past mistakes, and there have been plenty by both parties. It's easy to say we screwed up something in the past, let's just act like it didn't happen and focus on the future. With that kind of perspective we'll only repeat our mistakes...

                              As voters, politicians, educators, scientists, etc etc....I'd hope we always refer to the past as a way to improve on the future.
                              I think there is a big difference in learning from the past and RIPPING the past kaz.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                                I agree but can you say the future is improving
                                Yep. I believe we are in a better place than we were prior to Obama taking office. GDP up in every quarter, unemployment not getting lower but not rising as was predicted last year. Remember one thing, What started while Bush was in office will go down as a depression of the turn of the century.

                                And I will add to that, we will think awfully hard before we start a war with any country in the future.

                                But in direct answer to that question, even if the future doesn't get better from here forward, that doesn't mean we should ignore those mistakes in the past. The mistakes that were made by Bush will take years to undo. Many on here will say the same about Obama. I hope we most certainly remember what the affects were to this country after going to war with two countries and I firmly believe we will think before that happens in the near future.
                                [email protected]

                                I'm just here so I won't get fined....

