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  • #76
    Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
    Racial and racist are 2 different things imo.
    Any objective person who has listened to his show for a long period of time that his remarks about Steinbrenner would conclude that he(Limbaugh) has a racist bias toward Blacks(imo he has them toward Hispanics and just about any minority disadvantaged group).
    Why didn't Rush just simply say that he made a lot of folks rich without the Afro-Americans added on?
    Did you forget about his remarks about Randall Cunningham several years back?
    Lets not not put on blinders here!
    Last edited by savage1; 07-17-2010, 04:57 PM.


    • #77
      Originally posted by savage1 View Post
      Any objective person who has listened to his show for a long period of time that his remarks about Steinbrenner would conclude that he(Limbaugh) has a racist bias toward Blacks(imo he has them toward Hispanics and just about any minority disadvantaged group).
      Why didn't Rush just simply say that he made a lot of folks rich without the Afro-Americans added on?
      Did you forget about his remarks about Randall Cunningham several years back?Lets not not put on blinders here!
      Sounds like you get all of your facts from the same source. His comments were towards McNabb, not Cunningham.

      I'm still stunned that you think the 911 murderers were courageous. I have tried every way possible to reconcile that statement, and I can't. Your hard on for Bill Maher would put any 21 year old's morning wood to shame.


      • #78
        Originally posted by robby_morini View Post
        Sounds like you get all of your facts from the same source. His comments were towards McNabb, not Cunningham.

        I'm still stunned that you think the 911 murderers were courageous. I have tried every way possible to reconcile that statement, and I can't. Your hard on for Bill Maher would put any 21 year old's morning wood to shame.
        Thanks for correction-I meant McNabb.
        I am sorry you can't see what Bill Maher and I are trying to say re: whether the 9/11 attack could be deemed courageous or not.
        In a sense it is sort of like whether the glass is half empty or hall full.
        If you think it is a slam dunk that the act was cowardly, then what standard or criterion do you base it on?
        Remember we are talking about two entirely different cultures here.
        Bill Maher, you, I and others have expressed opinions as to whether the act was courageous in any sense of the word.
        Maher, I and I am sure others can see how all things considered it could be considered courageous in terms of one's knowing his existence will be ending because of what he is going to do-I think the same in a sense could be said about someone who for whatever reason commits suicide.
        At the very least, if you think I and Maher are dead wrong about the attack being considered courageous in any sense of the word, then I think you should also consider your own viewpoint of calling it cowardly and simply conclude it was a terrible thing.
        In short, the words "courageous" and "cowardly" are pejorative/judgmental in nature, and thus I think you have to respect some one else's overall point of view in this matter or at the very least conclude that neither word(courageous and cowardly) can be used in this instance in describing 9/11.
        Sorry if above is confusing but that is the only way I know hot to express my feelings.
        Last edited by savage1; 07-17-2010, 05:34 PM.


        • #79
          Originally posted by vitterd View Post
          I think I can say with confidence that the "act" was cowardice. Killing innocent people, whether or not u kill yourself in the process, is an act of cowardice.

          I truly cannot stand rush, hannity, coulter or many of the other hateful commentators out there. However I think bill mahrs comments regarding 9/11 was more disgusting and offensive then anything those guys have ever said. I could only imagine the thoughts of the families of the victims that day to his comments


          • #80
            Originally posted by savage1 View Post
            I answered this in #72.
            Actually you didn't. You previously posted that Maher was giving his opinion based on the terrorists point of view.

            but was simply expressing an opinion as to what it took on the part of the terrorists involved(courage) from their point of view to do the hideous deed.

            Your words. So I ask again. How does Maher know what the terrorists point of view was/is?


            • #81
              Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
              Actually you didn't. You previously posted that Maher was giving his opinion based on the terrorists point of view.

              but was simply expressing an opinion as to what it took on the part of the terrorists involved(courage) from their point of view to do the hideous deed.

              Your words. So I ask again. How does Maher know what the terrorists point of view was/is?
              He doesn't know for sure, and neither do you not I nor anyone else other than the terrorists.
              It is his perceived point of view of the terrorists' mindset(I should have have been clearer on what I meant to say).
              Therefore to make what I was trying to say a little more specific, I believe that Maher and I for that matter are saying is that we believe that according to the terrorists' mindset(not Americans mindset), that in their mind they were acting very bravely and courageously and following their belief system knowing full well that their own lives would soon end.
              IMO words like courageous and cowardly have no universal meanings-that is there is no hard and fast definition as to what they mean as applied to a specific religion, culture or mindset.
              I think in this instance Maher was simply trying to say that in his way of perception regarding the terrorists' mindset, it is just as fair to call what they did courageous in terms of THEIR OWN value system as we are to call it cowardly in terms of ours.
              Another "hero" of mine George Carlin used to play with words all the time and show why in many instances words and phrases we commonly use are not really that appropriate.
              Hope that helps.
              Last edited by savage1; 07-17-2010, 06:50 PM.


              • #82
                Originally posted by robby_morini View Post
                Sounds like you get all of your facts from the same source. His comments were towards McNabb, not Cunningham.

                I'm still stunned that you think the 911 murderers were courageous. I have tried every way possible to reconcile that statement, and I can't. Your hard on for Bill Maher would put any 21 year old's morning wood to shame.

                “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                Gerald Ford


                • #83
                  Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                  Thanks for correction-I meant McNabb.
                  I am sorry you can't see what Bill Maher and I are trying to say re: whether the 9/11 attack could be deemed courageous or not.

                  At the very least, if you think I and Maher are dead wrong about the attack being considered courageous in any sense of the word, then I think you should also consider your own viewpoint of calling it cowardly and simply conclude it was a terrible thing..
                  You keep saying "I and Maher" throughout this entire thread as if you both came up with the courageous term together.

                  Maher said it, you liked it, and you have pawned it off as an original thought.

                  I also find it interesting that you would mention Randall Cunningham as a target of Limbaugh instead of McNabb. Although not overt, many psychologists would suggest that your comments provide an insight to your own feelings on race.
                  Last edited by Spark; 07-17-2010, 07:47 PM.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by robby_morini View Post
                    You keep saying "I and Maher" throughout this entire thread as if you both came up with the courageous term together.

                    Maher said it, you liked it, and you have pawned it off as an original thought.

                    I also find it interesting that you would mention Randall Cunningham as a target of Limbaugh instead of McNabb. Although not overt, many psychologists would suggest that your comments provide an insight to your own feelings on race.
                    Rob-you are so far off this time it isn't funny.
                    Your inference that I am pawning Maher's comment off as original thought on my part is absurd and has no basis.
                    When Maher originally said it, I got into a discussion on one of these forums and defended his right to say it just as I am doing now.
                    In all honesty I really have no clue as to what you are talking about re: erroneouslyusing Cunningham's name rather than McNabb-the important thing is that Rush not I said something which could be construed as racial about this man-please convey what you mean about "my own feelings on race."
                    Interesting you not comment directly in anything I said in posts 78 and 81-that is where the real meat of this discussion lies.


                    • #85
                      Words after you in last line of previous post should read be "don't comment directly about", etc.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Spark View Post
                        And anyone who says he is not a moron is a bigger moron ...

                        Anyone who has 55K + posts on any web site or forum on the internet is a moron.
                        5* 0-0
                        4* 0-0
                        3* 1-0
                        2* 1-0
                        1* 0-1

                        God Bless America

                        To win :1* unit = $100


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by bwade210 View Post
                          Anyone who has 55K + posts on any web site or forum on the internet is a moron.

                          hey, look at this way ... I have been here 6 years ... that is less than 10k a year ... not too bad ...

