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Limbaugh makes good on promise: sells NYC digs for $11.5 million

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
    Here is the ONE time I will defend a comment by Rush. You are being dishonest with the above post. And I am calling out bullshit. He was asked if he agreed with the Presidents views on the direction of the country, as well as if he agreed with the policies that the President would want to enact to execute his vision. And Rush's answer was t hat he didn't agree with the President and hope he failed b/c he vehemently disagreed with where he believed his policies would take our country. Rush would be a hypocrite if he said he hopes the President succeeds if he diagreed with the Presidents vision. In his opinion, if the President succeeded in executing his vision, then the US would be further up a creek. (And I am not defending his opinion)

    And I would love to know how you can make the statement Rush NEVER said anything bad about Bush. You have listened for the last 9 1/2 years daily?
    You can spin what he said in any way you like-his racism, bigotry and preconceived notions are what inspired his "fail" statement-if by any objective standards, the country did well under the Obama Administration, Rush would be unhappy and would at the very least find a way to denigrate his accomplishments.
    re: Bush, he may have made some implied statements that he disn't agree with everything that Bush said or did, but I NEVER heard anything to imply that Bush had failed EVER in any endeavor.
    Rush has the blinders on 100% of the time when it comes to evaluating democrats and republicans-again I firmly believe that his arrogance/his shit doesm't stink attitude is precisely why he has already been divorced three times and that no self-respecting woman would marry him(other than for his money).
    Sorry-its off to bed-hopefully I will have some dreams of some worldy beauties awaiting me in Heaven as a reward for setting the truth straight in this thread.
    Last edited by savage1; 07-17-2010, 01:27 AM.


    • #62
      Another useless thread!!! 46 days until college ball starts!!!


      • #63
        Another useless post by tha fix. Plenty of people viewing and replying. Its only useless to you so stop reading if u dont like
        Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


        • #64
          Originally posted by savage1 View Post
          I know what they believe, but I still think it takes an act of courage to end one's life knowing the possible pain and anguish they might endure first.
          Also, and this is obviously not to defend their actions, but how can you say that within their own belief system that what they did is stupidity?
          How is their religious belief system any more stupid than say what any other religion says what happens after you die and what you have to do on earth to got to "Heaven?"
          I don't believe it takes courage at all. They have been brainwashed by there leaders. They really think what they have waiting for them after death is better then what they have here. Since when does it take courage to go to a better place?
          Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


          • #65
            Originally posted by vitterd View Post
            I don't believe it takes courage at all. They have been brainwashed by there leaders. They really think what they have waiting for them after death is better then what they have here. Since when does it take courage to go to a better place?
            In theory what you say may be true, but don't forget these folks are also adults who have minds, an ability to think, know what pain is and what life like earth for them currently is.
            Imo it is one thing to live one's life with a belief system that will some day which will some day get them to the "Promised Land" once they die.
            It is another to actually sacrifice one's own life at a young age in a way which any rational person would perceive as painful-to me and Bill Maher it takes courage to do that.
            The obvious problem is that neither you, I, Bill Maher nor anyone else can inside these folks' heads to see what their mindset is before they commit a terrorist act which will end their own lives-thus in a sense it is difficult to say whether what the Terrorists did on 9/11 and in another atrocities can be considered courageous or just part of their mindset.
            Bill Maher, I and I am sure a lot of others say that no matter what one's mindset is, it still takes courage to end one's own life on earth in the manner in which they did it.
            You and many others see it differently-the matter is debateable-that is the only sure thing and imo is not a slam dunk either way.


            • #66
              Judging on what we know. The life of these terrorists were spent reading and meditating all day. I just don't see their suicide mission as courage in any way. You could say being courageous is giving up something for another and taking less yourself. They were doing this in quest for what they believe is a better way of life on the other side.... for themselves
              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


              • #67
                Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                Judging on what we know. The life of these terrorists were spent reading and meditating all day. I just don't see their suicide mission as courage in any way. You could say being courageous is giving up something for another and taking less yourself. They were doing this in quest for what they believe is a better way of life on the other side.... for themselves
                In all honesty I think it is extremely difficult to use words like courageous, cowardice, etc. in what the terrorists did/do.
                We as Americans and with entirely sets of religious beliefs fot the most part cannot get into their heads and see how these folks as adults view their lives on earth and what the concepts of fear, pain and the unknown(the Hereafter) mean to them.
                In essence, we as Americans live secular lives for the most part with religious beliefs and the Hereafter being secondary.
                Therefore when Bill Maher, I, you or anyone else says what they did on 9/11 is an act of courage, cowardice or somewhere in between, it is just a guess on our part based on our own mindset and way of viewing things.
                I think Bill maher got booted off of the air when he referred to the 9/11 atrocity as an act of courage because the remark was considered in poor taste and poor timing considering how many Americans died in such a horrific manner.
                In essence what I am really trying to say is that there are many variables to consider here in how what the terrorists did could be viewed(aside from the atrocity of course)-most importantly I guess is the fact that nobody in this country including me can really say unless they are a terrorist themselves whether it took courage, cowardice or something else to do what they did on 9/11 unless that person can view their matter objectively outside of their own body and mind and in its place inside of the minds of the terrorists who committed these crimes(easier said than done).


                • #68
                  I think I can say with confidence that the "act" was cowardice. Killing innocent people, whether or not u kill yourself in the process, is an act of cowardice.

                  I truly cannot stand rush, hannity, coulter or many of the other hateful commentators out there. However I think bill mahrs comments regarding 9/11 was more disgusting and offensive then anything those guys have ever said. I could only imagine the thoughts of the families of the victims that day to his comments
                  Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


                  • #69
                    I thought Maher got the boot b/c of a "lobbing bombs" comment? COuld be dead wrong though.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                      I think I can say with confidence that the "act" was cowardice. Killing innocent people, whether or not u kill yourself in the process, is an act of cowardice.

                      I truly cannot stand rush, hannity, coulter or many of the other hateful commentators out there. However I think bill mahrs comments regarding 9/11 was more disgusting and offensive then anything those guys have ever said. I could only imagine the thoughts of the families of the victims that day to his comments
                      I respectfully disagree-the timing of his remarks was terrible for sure, but the man has a right to his opinion just like you do.
                      Maher was certainly not condoning the act at all or trying to offend the familes, but was simply expressing an opinion as to what it took on the part of the terrorists involved(courage) from their point of view to do the hideous deed.
                      If you feel it was cowardice all the way, then fine-not everyone agrees.
                      Last edited by savage1; 07-17-2010, 02:12 PM.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                        I respectfully disagree-the timing of his remarks was terrible for sure, but the man has a right to his opinion just like you do.
                        Maher was certainly not condoning the act at all or trying to offend the familes, but was simply expressing an opinion as to what it took on the part of the terrorists involved(courage) from their point of view to do the hideous deed.
                        If you feel it was cowardice all the way, then fine-not everyone agrees.

                        And Rush has a right to his opinion too.

                        And how does Maher have a terrorist point of view?


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                          And Rush has a right to his opinion too.

                          And how does Maher have a terrorist point of view?
                          No one says Maher has a terrorist point of view but he sure has a right to offer an opinion as to what emotions they might have felt before committing the crime.

                          And yeah-Limbaugh has a right to his opinion all right.
                          How about this in referring to George Steinbrenner:

                          "That cracker made a lot of African-American millionaires," the radio commentator said Tuesday on his show after the New York Yankees owner died at age 80. "He fired a bunch of white guys as managers left and right."

                          For an intelligent guy Rush didn't do a very good job this time of hiding his RACIST views and opinions.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                            , but was simply expressing an opinion as to what it took on the part of the terrorists involved(courage) from their point of view to do the hideous deed.
                            How does Maher have the point of view of the terrorists?


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                              No one says Maher has a terrorist point of view but he sure has a right to offer an opinion as to what emotions they might have felt before committing the crime.

                              And yeah-Limbaugh has a right to his opinion all right.
                              How about this in referring to George Steinbrenner:

                              "That cracker made a lot of African-American millionaires," the radio commentator said Tuesday on his show after the New York Yankees owner died at age 80. "He fired a bunch of white guys as managers left and right."

                              For an intelligent guy Rush didn't do a very good job this time of hiding his RACIST views and opinions.

                              Racial and racist are 2 different things imo.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                                How does Maher have the point of view of the terrorists?
                                I answered this in #72.

