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MSNBC Trashes Obama: Compared To Carter, 'I Don't Sense Executive Command'

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  • #31
    Originally posted by poskid View Post
    J-man lookin to get mod'ed?

    Anyway...I agree with you on one thing vitter. It's never anywhere near as bad as the mouth pieces want you to think. Both Hannity and Olberman need to take their carnivals somewhere else. The system is strong enough to withstand a weakling Prez and all this bull. We may have different reasons for our anti doom and gloom but I dont ever think it's as bad as the bullhorns.

    agreed... ive heard many times for many years that we are all in trouble... the world is ending....i watched fox news last week for 24 hrs.... i hid under my bed for 3 days.. i thought it was all over for the country
    Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


    • #32
      Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
      Because your piece of s hit hero of a President will continue to throw money at problems that can't be solved that way. Take from the rich to give to the poor. Take from the productive to give to the unproductive. He campaigned on "spreading the wealth", and now it comes to fruition. You and all the other dead beat losers will be there with hands out "lookin fo yo's".

      You're not worried b/c like most of the Dem party, it's better and easier to bury your head in the sand (see fag boy Frank) and blame others. 4 years with control of Congress and look at the US.

      You call people a piece of shit hiding behind your desk in your room. I guess because 200,000 people havent been killed on obama's watch probably pisses you off. Why dont you crawl from under your little desk, go out and face a man and talk half of that crap to him that you do on here. You like to think youre an intellectual but in reality your nothing but a guy who likes to talk shit about something you havent a clue about.

      I WILL PUT OBAMA'S RECORD UP AGAINST YOUR B.P HALIBURTON OIL PRESIDENT ANYDAY. Where the hell were you with your stupid comments sept. 12, 2001? Did you call bush a piece of shit?

      What about when he lied to congress and the rest of the world about weapons of mass destruction? What about after he plunged our country into a tremendous amout of debt? What about after he said mission accomplished? I bet you never called him a piece of shit because most pieces of shit cant realize the real pieces of shit.

      You calling barney frank a fag


      • #33
        Can one DEM have any conversation without bringing up Bush. Since this is a sporting/betting site could you imagine if everytime someone hit a homerun in MLB you guys brought up Bonds and his steroid rage he was on.We all have our own opinion but you guys give Bush WAY TO MUCH POWER/CREDIT back in his day to do all the things yall say he's done.Don't forget on Sept 12,2001 all you DEMS was on his side.Don't back out just cause shit went wrong.Be men and stick to your guns. We all have to stand up sometimes and realize this nation wasn't built on pussies who back down all the time.


        • #34
          i don't agree with the doom and gloom. things aren't good and are probably going to get worse, but this is nothing close to what was going on during jimmy carters administration. now that was the worst president of my lifetime BY FAR!!!
          “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

          Gerald Ford


          • #35
            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
            You call people a piece of shit hiding behind your desk in your room. I guess because 200,000 people havent been killed on obama's watch probably pisses you off. Why dont you crawl from under your little desk, go out and face a man and talk half of that crap to him that you do on here. You like to think youre an intellectual but in reality your nothing but a guy who likes to talk shit about something you havent a clue about.

            I WILL PUT OBAMA'S RECORD UP AGAINST YOUR B.P HALIBURTON OIL PRESIDENT ANYDAY. Where the hell were you with your stupid comments sept. 12, 2001? Did you call bush a piece of shit?

            What about when he lied to congress and the rest of the world about weapons of mass destruction? What about after he plunged our country into a tremendous amout of debt? What about after he said mission accomplished? I bet you never called him a piece of shit because most pieces of shit cant realize the real pieces of shit.

            You calling barney frank a fag

            Maybe pick up a USA Today sometime. The President is Obama, not Bush. You can bury your head in the sand to that fact, and ignore what he is doing to the country, but we're over 500 days now. At some point, even YOU will come to understand that he is the President and he is responsible. I am sure you think his response to the Gulf spill is Awesome!! Did Bush overspend? Yep, like a dumb ass. Has Obama done worse? Yep. And I can have the opinion he, or anyone else, is a piece of shit. Yeah, I am going to the WH to look for Obama. What a dumbass comment. And if I am clueless according to you, what does that make you?


            • #36
              Originally posted by vols fan View Post
              Can one DEM have any conversation without bringing up Bush. Since this is a sporting/betting site could you imagine if everytime someone hit a homerun in MLB you guys brought up Bonds and his steroid rage he was on.We all have our own opinion but you guys give Bush WAY TO MUCH POWER/CREDIT back in his day to do all the things yall say he's done.Don't forget on Sept 12,2001 all you DEMS was on his side.Don't back out just cause shit went wrong.Be men and stick to your guns. We all have to stand up sometimes and realize this nation wasn't built on pussies who back down all the time.
              another moronic comparison.. when bush took office they blamed clinton for problems as well... unfortunately past admin hvae effects on previous
              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


              • #37
                Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                Maybe pick up a USA Today sometime. The President is Obama, not Bush. You can bury your head in the sand to that fact, and ignore what he is doing to the country, but we're over 500 days now. At some point, even YOU will come to understand that he is the President and he is responsible. I am sure you think his response to the Gulf spill is Awesome!! Did Bush overspend? Yep, like a dumb ass. Has Obama done worse? Yep. And I can have the opinion he, or anyone else, is a piece of shit. Yeah, I am going to the WH to look for Obama. What a dumbass comment. And if I am clueless according to you, what does that make you?

                Your a computer tough guy who didnt say dick while the terrorist were flying around our country 9 years ago landing planes into buildings and killing innocent americans. You talk about going to white house ......Im talking about going to any area close to where you live and talking the shit that you say in here.

                You call obama a piece a shit? like I said where the hell hell were you 9 years ago? You didnt call bush a piece of shit but 3 of my friends who I worked with at cantor fitzgerald were killed
                Did I call bush a piece of shit then or now? No he was the president who, even if I didnt vote for him deserves respect until he brings disrespect to the office by breaking the law.

                You can call him all kind of names, say shit about his daughters and wife like your hero glenn beck but he by no means is a piece of shit.

                p.s you hero is as just as responsible for the oil spill in the gulf and as your vice hero cheney is. Loading the mms up with their crony oil buddies who did zero regulation like most of the repubs like anyway and now sticking up for big oil as usual.

                When will people wake the fuck up in this country??????Sticking up for bp=republicans
                Last edited by musclemann; 06-16-2010, 10:31 PM.


                • #38
                  Im out, why did I get on this merry go round tonight????arguing politics is one of the dumbest things I can do


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                    Your a computer tough guy who didnt say dick while the terrorist were flying around our country 9 years ago landing planes into buildings and killing innocent americans. You talk about going to white house ......Im talking about going to any area close to where you live and talking the shit that you say in here.

                    You call obama a piece a shit? like I siad where the hell hell were you 9 years ago? You didnt call bush a piece of shit but 3of my friends who I worked with at cantor fitzgerald were killed
                    Did I call bush a piece of shit then or now? No he was the president who, even if I didnt vote for him deserves respect until he brings disrespect to the office by breaking the law.

                    You can call him all kind of names, say shit about his daughters and wife like your hero glenn beck but he by no means is a piece of shit.

                    Wow, you go nuts b/c I express my opinion that I think he is a piece of shit? You defend him like you're related. Are you from Kenya?

                    I really don't give a shit whether you called Bush or Obama or Bachman or whomever a piece of shit. I do know who I am dealing with in you though b/c you were called out about BRK stock. Who was the "internet tough guy" then, and backed down and like a little ?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by musclemann View Post

                      p.s you hero is as just as responsible for the oil spill in the gulf and as your vice hero cheney is. Loading the mms up with their crony oil buddies who did zero regulation like most of the repubs like anyway and now sticking up for big oil as usual.

                      Who's been in charge of MMS for 1.5 years? Who campaigned on change and transparency? Keep the blame Bush game when your head is buried in the sand so you don't watch anything Obama does. Ignorance is bliss.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                        Wow, you go nuts b/c I express my opinion that I think he is a piece of shit? You defend him like you're related. Are you from Kenya?

                        I really don't give a shit whether you called Bush or Obama or Bachman or whomever a piece of shit. I do know who I am dealing with in you though b/c you were called out about BRK stock. Who was the "internet tough guy" then, and backed down and like a little ?

                        you win jamaicanman:red.


                        • #42
                          The energy you guys waste in this forum is nothing short of amazing to me ........


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                            You call people a piece of shit hiding behind your desk in your room. I guess because 200,000 people havent been killed on obama's watch probably pisses you off. Why dont you crawl from under your little desk, go out and face a man and talk half of that crap to him that you do on here. You like to think youre an intellectual but in reality your nothing but a guy who likes to talk shit about something you havent a clue about.

                            I WILL PUT OBAMA'S RECORD UP AGAINST YOUR B.P HALIBURTON OIL PRESIDENT ANYDAY. Where the hell were you with your stupid comments sept. 12, 2001? Did you call bush a piece of shit?

                            What about when he lied to congress and the rest of the world about weapons of mass destruction? What about after he plunged our country into a tremendous amout of debt? What about after he said mission accomplished? I bet you never called him a piece of shit because most pieces of shit cant realize the real pieces of shit.

                            You calling barney frank a fag
                            you have a real fascination with barney frank too.

                            I bet senator craig learned that wide stance while he was at the annual buffet meeting in the stall next you.............


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                              The energy you guys waste in this forum is nothing short of amazing to me ........
                              How many do you think lose DNA on their keyboards too???

                              No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by poskid View Post
                                How many do you think lose DNA on their keyboards too???

                                It amazes me watching the same exact 7 or 8 people spew non stop hatred back and forth for hours on end in here with each other, and the funniest part of all is it won't change ANYTHING. You can defend your side til death but it won't make a bit of difference in what happens tomorrow and they still feel the urgency to do it.

