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dick cheney haliburton and bp and 34 million and oil slick

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  • #61
    Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
    I still don't understand what you mean by "for greed"?
    For greed means they operated the rig unsafely,put workers lives in danger and as a matter of fact put the whole gulf of mexico in danger to boost their profits.

    Im sure some people dont give a care 12 people died on that rig thousands of other people lives are screwed and our ecological system is fucked. Just their personality and the way they think. And im not talking about you k.b take care man.

    Last edited by musclemann; 05-17-2010, 06:46 PM.


    • #62
      How did they operate unsafely.I personally think enviromentalists blew the damn thing up.


      • #63
        Originally posted by musclemann View Post
        Im sure some people dont give a care 12 people died on that rig USUAL

        Hopefully it is still 11. 11 too many, but unless I missed a report, I think it is still 11.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Big Country 5 View Post
          How did they operate unsafely.I personally think enviromentalists blew the damn thing up.
          Well apparently some news stations and posters have information not even available to the companies involved or the government.


          • #65
            Hope you guys dont like seafood either. Its going to affect the seafood WORLD WIDE..............jeez.


            • #66
              Look here dude.Its a terrible thing that has happened in the gulf.It was an accident....I hope.Accidents happen all the time.Unfortunately,theres a lot of professions that are dangerous.Oil rigs,coal miners,crab fisherman,loggers.My point is,these are all neccesary evils we have to deal with.I hate the ecological problems caused by this that we will deal with for years,but nobody has come up with viable alternatives.Oil owns us.Until we get off of it,I dont want to hear people complain.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Big Country 5 View Post
                Look here dude.Its a terrible thing that has happened in the gulf.It was an accident....I hope.Accidents happen all the time.Unfortunately,theres a lot of professions that are dangerous.Oil rigs,coal miners,crab fisherman,loggers.My point is,these are all neccesary evils we have to deal with.I hate the ecological problems caused by this that we will deal with for years,but nobody has come up with viable alternatives.Oil owns us.Until we get off of it,I dont want to hear people complain.
                oil wouldn't own us if all the negative externalities were factored into the total cost. Oil should be 18 bucks a gallon, and if it was there would be enough pissed off people chanting for someone to come up with another alternative the huge oil and gas lobby would have a formidable opponent. The only problem is that they're such a huge interest group, and our political leaders keep caving into them. We should already have the mass transit system that's in place all over europe. The sooner we get it the better.
                "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Big Country 5 View Post
                  Look here dude.Its a terrible thing that has happened in the gulf.It was an accident....I hope.Accidents happen all the time.Unfortunately,theres a lot of professions that are dangerous.Oil rigs,coal miners,crab fisherman,loggers.My point is,these are all neccesary evils we have to deal with.I hate the ecological problems caused by this that we will deal with for years,but nobody has come up with viable alternatives.Oil owns us.Until we get off of it,I dont want to hear people complain.

                  i completely agree!
                  “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                  Gerald Ford


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                    We should already have the mass transit system that's in place all over europe. The sooner we get it the better.

                    our major cities already have it, and i believe they lose money with a dense population. europe is MUCH smaller than the US and almost twice as densely populated (134/sq mi vs 76/ sq mi). it just doesn't make sense to try it here.
                    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                    Gerald Ford


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                      . Oil should be 18 bucks a gallon, .
                      I have seen you post this number a few times. Are you saying a gallon of gas should be $18, or a gallon of oil from a barrel?


                      • #71
                        Just some info I read.

                        (May 12) -- An emergency device on the Gulf of Mexico well that's leaking crude oil had four major flaws in the days before a drilling platform exploded and sank last month, including a hydraulic leak and a faulty battery, members of a congressional panel said today.

                        The blowout preventer, intended to halt a sudden flow of a well's oil and gas, failed to block the rush of water, gas and oil on April 20 on a drilling platform off Louisiana's coast, leading to the rig's explosion and 11 deaths. The device is supposed to prevent a blowout with shears powerful enough to clamp the well pipe shut.

                        Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., said a 2001 report by the preventer's owner, Transocean, showed up to 260 possible failings in the device.

                        "How can a device that has 260 failure modes be considered fail-safe?" Stupak asked.

                        According to Stupak, BP documents said that prior to the explosion, a leak was found in the hydraulic system that gives the blowout preventer emergency power. Stupak said the preventer had a faulty battery.

                        "The more I learn about this accident, the more concerned I become," said Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif. "This catastrophe appears to have been caused by a calamitous series of equipment and operational failures."

                        Not trying to get in an argument cause I promised Spark I would behave, but I thought some of you might like to read the above.

                        This was a disaster waiting to happen. Like Katrina, unless you are here, you have NO IDEA how panic stricken many people are here. This could be worse than Katrina to people's lively hood.
                        And if anyone is interested, the fishermen, shrimpers, etc., here in Louisiana are in serious trouble. I have some friends that are big time involved with shrimpers and oyster beds and this will last for years. You better get your seafood while you can.
                        jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Jamaicanman View Post
                          I have seen you post this number a few times. Are you saying a gallon of gas should be $18, or a gallon of oil from a barrel?
                          A gallon
                          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by husker View Post
                            our major cities already have it, and i believe they lose money with a dense population. europe is MUCH smaller than the US and almost twice as densely populated (134/sq mi vs 76/ sq mi). it just doesn't make sense to try it here.
                            I totally understand that, but the sooner we have something close to it, the sooner we will stop sprawl. We are going to have to do it sooner than later because the price of oil is going to sky rocket in the next 10-20 years. I think we need to do what Ike did with the I-highway act, and start building this infrastucture ASAP. I've been studying this notion for the past five years, and I really believe that something has to be done soon. I believe we are running out. Look what happened in the 70's when we stopped producing oil here in the USA like we had the previous 50 years-oil prices jumped, and we started to focus more on the middle east becasue that where most of the oil is located. Check this link out and read as much as you can about the topic of "peak oil." It is a subject that is being discussed by people on every end of the political sphere, and it is something average americans need to know about. You're not going to fnd anything about it in your local papers because it is a subject that would scare a lot of people.
                            check it out:Hubbert Peak of Oil Production
                            "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                            • #74
                              when prices go up enough things will change. it will never happen before that. we will switch to natural gas before that. oil, natural gas, nuclear, and liquefied coal along with technological advances to make them all go further will give us 50-100 years of energy easily. by then we could have solved nuclear fusion and have a clean endless supply of energy. we wouldn't recognize the world in 100 years. people ALWAYS exaggerate things to scare people. politics (both sides), global warming, global cooling (25 years ago), running out of fossil fuels, the economy, etc are ALL blown way out of proportion mostly in the interest of making a buck. i have always said "follow the money and you will find the root of the deception".
                              “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                              Gerald Ford

