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  • #31
    Originally posted by grandmama View Post
    Wade, Iraq was about nothing but oil, don't doubt that notion. And if Bush and Co. would have been honest and said, we're going to Iraq because we need oil because we're running out, and we (USA) use 25% of the worlds oil. IF they would have made it somewhat clear that the reason we were going in was to get oil because the cost of sitting around and waiting would be more costly down the road (costly in terms of human lives). I really would have been down with going in, but they lied to everyone. If he had an ounce of diplomacy in him, he would have been able to get some Western Euro countries to join in because they know that oil is a resource that they cannot live without at the moment because most of their infrastructure is directly or indirectly linked to oil. He just screwed everything up because he was an idiot. I had much respect for his father because he was a smart guy, and he wasn't an ideologue, but Bush surronded himself with people that thought just like he did, a sign of insecurity IMO, and we the people paid the consequences.

    US daily petroleum consumption 19.5 million barrels per day.

    US daily imports from iraq 0.5 million barrels per day.

    boy, we really need that iraq petroleum!
    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

    Gerald Ford


    • #32
      Originally posted by bwade210 View Post
      The vast majority of Iraqi deaths have been caused Al Queda extemists inide Iraq, not United States servicemen and women. How many Iraqi deaths, I dont know the number exactly. How many Shiite murders were carried out when Sadam was in power? Are Iraqis safer now than they were when Sadam was in power? Yes, and they are free now. Free to go to school, free to work, pray, etc..
      We didn't care back when Sadam gased the Kurds because he was "our son of a bitch" back then. It's funny how people forget things, guess you don't know your history.
      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


      • #33
        Originally posted by husker View Post
        US daily petroleum consumption 19.5 million barrels per day.

        US daily imports from iraq 0.5 million barrels per day.

        boy, we really need that iraq petroleum!
        you ever hear of a thing called pipe lines?
        "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


        • #34
          I dont really think we're runnin out of oil.


          • #35
            Originally posted by grandmama View Post
            We didn't care back when Sadam gased the Kurds because he was "our son of a bitch" back then. It's funny how people forget things, guess you don't know your history.
            I would LOVE to engage in a history discussion with you. PM me and we can exchange cell phone numbers. Otherwise, watch what you say about things you know nothing of.
            5* 0-0
            4* 0-0
            3* 1-0
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            1* 0-1

            God Bless America

            To win :1* unit = $100


            • #36
              Originally posted by bwade210 View Post
              I would LOVE to engage in a history discussion with you. PM me and we can exchange cell phone numbers. Otherwise, watch what you say about things you know nothing of.
              Are you questioning the validity of my statement? We gave Sadam anything he wanted 30 years ago in regards to military stuff with the exclusion of nuclear warheads. Thing started to head south when he didn't agree to open his economy to the Washington Consensus (IMF, World Bank, Etc). Sadam was a bad dude, no doubt about it, but Ronnie and Co were on board with him back in the 80's. The union started because there was some tension between us and Iran, and even the Saudis at that point in history, and Sadam was our friend back then.You ever hear the saying: "he's a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch"? That was the political climate back then. Furthermore, he (Ronnie/Gipper) refered to Bin Laden and Co. as "freedom fighters" back when they were fighting the USSR. All of the above is known facts, and it is something that I know a lot about. BTW, why do people like you and UMrebs want to talk to me on the phone? That's have it out right here, so we can have our words on paper. There's no need to talk via the telephone. It's a little scary that right winger want to get people's phone numbers all the time. Peace out.
              Last edited by grandmama; 05-14-2010, 01:05 AM.
              "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


              • #37
                Bwade, it's not your fault that you don't know what went on back then, I mean, your only 31, so you were crawling when all this stuff went on.
                "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                • #38
                  Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                  you ever hear of a thing called pipe lines?

                  please explain. i don't a have a clew what pipelines has to do with anything.
                  “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                  Gerald Ford


                  • #39
                    the yale jackass owned oil fields and oil bizz in texas for yrs like his (mark my words no taxes) father


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by BOBBY5ACES View Post
                      the yale jackass owned oil fields and oil bizz in texas for yrs like his (mark my words no taxes) father
                      So when oil shot down to the $30's a barrel, did he lose any money?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                        you ever hear of a thing called pipe lines?

                        can you explain what you mean by this? i really don't know what point you are trying to get at.
                        “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                        Gerald Ford


                        • #42
                          Also, let's talk about race. What double standard are you speaking of. I would really love to hear this. As comedian chris rock put it at his comedy show" no white guy in here wants to change lives with me and I'm a rich mother fucker"

                          Well first of all I would change places with Chris Rock. He rich successful, and clearly a hard working man. All characterisics I deeply admire. And just because Chris Rock says something does not make it so.... considering he's a COMEDIAN his job is to make people laugh. Your not going to get much credibility from me, siting a comedian as your source of validity towards race. By the way, what if there was a white comedian that made fun of black people the way Chris Rock does of whites? Would that be funny? Would he have his own television show and make appearances on various night shows, occasionally hostinng the Gammys, Oscars, etc? Would he be famous? Would he be considered a racist. Im sure we all know the answer to that question.
                          Now to your point of racial double standards in this country I will try to make this as clear as I can for you all the while knowing it will not make sense to you due to your far left beliefs. My whole life, I have watched a black race ask simply to be looked upon and treated as everyone else, or EQUAL as it has commonly been said. I have always treated every person white, black, hispanic like myself, etc with repsect and equally. So why does a human race that has only asked to be treated as an equal to every other race both nationwide and worldwide, do so much to seperate themselves constantly to segregate themselves. Some examples of this in my point are organizations such as the United Negro College Fund. So you want to be treated equaly however you can establish a college fund for your race only?! How would black Americans react to a United Anglo College Fund? There are poor hispanics and anglos. How about join the rest of us and help all races underpriveleged go to college? They would surely sue, and if that decision was not ruled in their favor they would protest, march, and maybe worse. While on the topic of higher education, how is there today still allowed to be a college of one race? This country is full of "Black Colleges". What would blacks do and say if any other race had their own colleges, especially anglos?!
                          There is BET or Black Entertainment Television. your kidding me right?! So you want to as a race be treated as an equal but its ok to have not only a black tv channel that you would be hard pressed to find a non black on (or one the rest on the show are poking fun of for being nerdy)? How would the White Entertainment Televsion channel go over with Black Americans?! You know the answer to that one.
                          Walk into a bookstore sometime and look how many all black magazines there are. Ebony, etc.... Then look to see how many non blacks you see within those pages.
                          All this on the heels of the very first racially driven presidential election this country has ever seen. 97% of all Black Americans voted for Obama. That figure is astounding. That kind of percentage from any race has never been seen for one canidate before. But no one talks about it. If you mention it your a racist. Take into consideration the vast majority of black Obama voters had no idea what any of this mans viewpoints and policies were or even ARE NOW. They didint care then, and still dont. It was a common site and Im sure we all know someone who openly admitted to voting for Obama simply because he is black. That is racism plain and simple. But its ok, and it is wrong to challege it or atleast we are made to believe that. Race had nothing to do withvnot voting for Obama to myself or any others Conservatives. Its his policies I do not agree with and thats why he did not receive my vote.
                          5* 0-0
                          4* 0-0
                          3* 1-0
                          2* 1-0
                          1* 0-1

                          God Bless America

                          To win :1* unit = $100


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by bwade210 View Post
                            Also, let's talk about race. What double standard are you speaking of. I would really love to hear this. As comedian chris rock put it at his comedy show" no white guy in here wants to change lives with me and I'm a rich mother fucker"

                            Well first of all I would change places with Chris Rock. He rich successful, and clearly a hard working man. All characterisics I deeply admire. And just because Chris Rock says something does not make it so.... considering he's a COMEDIAN his job is to make people laugh. Your not going to get much credibility from me, siting a comedian as your source of validity towards race. By the way, what if there was a white comedian that made fun of black people the way Chris Rock does of whites? Would that be funny? Would he have his own television show and make appearances on various night shows, occasionally hostinng the Gammys, Oscars, etc? Would he be famous? Would he be considered a racist. Im sure we all know the answer to that question.
                            Now to your point of racial double standards in this country I will try to make this as clear as I can for you all the while knowing it will not make sense to you due to your far left beliefs. My whole life, I have watched a black race ask simply to be looked upon and treated as everyone else, or EQUAL as it has commonly been said. I have always treated every person white, black, hispanic like myself, etc with repsect and equally. So why does a human race that has only asked to be treated as an equal to every other race both nationwide and worldwide, do so much to seperate themselves constantly to segregate themselves. Some examples of this in my point are organizations such as the United Negro College Fund. So you want to be treated equaly however you can establish a college fund for your race only?! How would black Americans react to a United Anglo College Fund? There are poor hispanics and anglos. How about join the rest of us and help all races underpriveleged go to college? They would surely sue, and if that decision was not ruled in their favor they would protest, march, and maybe worse. While on the topic of higher education, how is there today still allowed to be a college of one race? This country is full of "Black Colleges". What would blacks do and say if any other race had their own colleges, especially anglos?!
                            There is BET or Black Entertainment Television. your kidding me right?! So you want to as a race be treated as an equal but its ok to have not only a black tv channel that you would be hard pressed to find a non black on (or one the rest on the show are poking fun of for being nerdy)? How would the White Entertainment Televsion channel go over with Black Americans?! You know the answer to that one.
                            Walk into a bookstore sometime and look how many all black magazines there are. Ebony, etc.... Then look to see how many non blacks you see within those pages.
                            All this on the heels of the very first racially driven presidential election this country has ever seen. 97% of all Black Americans voted for Obama. That figure is astounding. That kind of percentage from any race has never been seen for one canidate before. But no one talks about it. If you mention it your a racist. Take into consideration the vast majority of black Obama voters had no idea what any of this mans viewpoints and policies were or even ARE NOW. They didint care then, and still dont. It was a common site and Im sure we all know someone who openly admitted to voting for Obama simply because he is black. That is racism plain and simple. But its ok, and it is wrong to challege it or atleast we are made to believe that. Race had nothing to do withvnot voting for Obama to myself or any others Conservatives. Its his policies I do not agree with and thats why he did not receive my vote.

                            any race will never be treated completely equal until they stop getting the preferential treatment like you are talking about. 40 years ago things were needed, but now they are holding people back from thinking of minorities as equals. think about it, minorities that didn't get preferential treatment have become equal to or better than the majority in this country.
                            “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                            Gerald Ford


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by bwade210 View Post
                              Also, let's talk about race. What double standard are you speaking of. I would really love to hear this. As comedian chris rock put it at his comedy show" no white guy in here wants to change lives with me and I'm a rich mother fucker"

                              Well first of all I would change places with Chris Rock. He rich successful, and clearly a hard working man. All characterisics I deeply admire. And just because Chris Rock says something does not make it so.... considering he's a COMEDIAN his job is to make people laugh. Your not going to get much credibility from me, siting a comedian as your source of validity towards race. By the way, what if there was a white comedian that made fun of black people the way Chris Rock does of whites? Would that be funny? Would he have his own television show and make appearances on various night shows, occasionally hostinng the Gammys, Oscars, etc? Would he be famous? Would he be considered a racist. Im sure we all know the answer to that question.
                              Now to your point of racial double standards in this country I will try to make this as clear as I can for you all the while knowing it will not make sense to you due to your far left beliefs. My whole life, I have watched a black race ask simply to be looked upon and treated as everyone else, or EQUAL as it has commonly been said. I have always treated every person white, black, hispanic like myself, etc with repsect and equally. So why does a human race that has only asked to be treated as an equal to every other race both nationwide and worldwide, do so much to seperate themselves constantly to segregate themselves. Some examples of this in my point are organizations such as the United Negro College Fund. So you want to be treated equaly however you can establish a college fund for your race only?! How would black Americans react to a United Anglo College Fund? There are poor hispanics and anglos. How about join the rest of us and help all races underpriveleged go to college? They would surely sue, and if that decision was not ruled in their favor they would protest, march, and maybe worse. While on the topic of higher education, how is there today still allowed to be a college of one race? This country is full of "Black Colleges". What would blacks do and say if any other race had their own colleges, especially anglos?!
                              There is BET or Black Entertainment Television. your kidding me right?! So you want to as a race be treated as an equal but its ok to have not only a black tv channel that you would be hard pressed to find a non black on (or one the rest on the show are poking fun of for being nerdy)? How would the White Entertainment Televsion channel go over with Black Americans?! You know the answer to that one.
                              Walk into a bookstore sometime and look how many all black magazines there are. Ebony, etc.... Then look to see how many non blacks you see within those pages.
                              All this on the heels of the very first racially driven presidential election this country has ever seen. 97% of all Black Americans voted for Obama. That figure is astounding. That kind of percentage from any race has never been seen for one canidate before. But no one talks about it. If you mention it your a racist. Take into consideration the vast majority of black Obama voters had no idea what any of this mans viewpoints and policies were or even ARE NOW. They didint care then, and still dont. It was a common site and Im sure we all know someone who openly admitted to voting for Obama simply because he is black. That is racism plain and simple. But its ok, and it is wrong to challege it or atleast we are made to believe that. Race had nothing to do withvnot voting for Obama to myself or any others Conservatives. Its his policies I do not agree with and thats why he did not receive my vote.
                              how does any of this have anything to do with this thread? Why didn't you start a new thread? BTW, I see you haven't replied to my post above regarding Sadam, and how we dealt with him in the 80's? When I'm wrong about things I'm man enough and secure enough with myself that I do so; I've done it hear tons of times in the past. In regards to black colleges, most of these colleges were established at a time when blacks could not attend the same schools as whites, most of these universities were in the south. However, any white person that wants to attend these colleges are allowed to enroll if they so desire. In regards to the notion that Obama's race had nothing to do with all conservatives not voting for Obama is totally inacurate. I have no doubt that it did not play a role in a lot of conservatives reasons for not voting for him, but it did play a significant role for a number of people not voting for him. There were tons of poll questions before the election that had a significant amount of people stating that: "they were not ready for a black president." The previous quote has everything to do with race. How can one not be ready for a black president? The only way they cannot be ready for a black president is if they are racist.
                              "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                                In regards to black colleges, most of these colleges were established at a time when blacks could not attend the same schools as whites, most of these universities were in the south. However, any white person that wants to attend these colleges are allowed to enroll if they so desire. In regards to the notion that Obama's race had nothing to do with all conservatives not voting for Obama is totally inacurate. I have no doubt that it did not play a role in a lot of conservatives reasons for not voting for him, but it did play a significant role for a number of people not voting for him. There were tons of poll questions before the election that had a significant amount of people stating that: "they were not ready for a black president." The previous quote has everything to do with race. How can one not be ready for a black president? The only way they cannot be ready for a black president is if they are racist.

                                you are correct about the black colleges, but do we agree that there shouldn't be any racial distinction like "black" college or any other organization for that matter?

                                i believe the race thing in the election was pretty much a wash as far as reason someone voted for a particular candidate in the election. the difference is a huge number of new black voters voted for obama JUST because he was black, whereas most of the people voting against him because of race would have voted rep no matter who was a candidate. this gave all dem's a great advantage in the last election. i doubt you will see this in the mid term election and it will hurt dem's badly.
                                “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                                Gerald Ford

