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dick cheney haliburton and bp and 34 million and oil slick

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  • #46
    Explain the tv channel, magazines, college funds, history months, etc that no other race gets in this country! It has everything to do with this topic due to the fact that I was told race was a double standard in this country in this topic. And by the way the only POS that put a stupid poll question out there such as that was CNN. The very ones who have the "Black in America" shows. Don't make me puke.
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    • #47
      I don't dent black colleges have been a while and why they were created. The fact remains they are still called "black colleges" an that term has run it's course. I look to the leaders of these schools to lead by example and truly act like every other race in the 21st century.
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      • #48
        one of the reasons that there are black colleges, is because, when these learning institutes were devised people of color were not allowed at the other schools . so they started their schools .


        • #49
          Originally posted by BOBBY5ACES View Post
          one of the reasons that there are black colleges, is because, when these learning institutes were devised people of color were not allowed at the other schools . so they started their schools .
          I think that has already been agreed upon on this thread, the question is if you want to be treated equally, why the exclusionary mindset? Is there a certain amount of time that should go by to even the scales of past injustice?


          • #50
            Originally posted by BOBBY5ACES View Post
            one of the reasons that there are black colleges, is because, when these learning institutes were devised people of color were not allowed at the other schools . so they started their schools .
            Correct, but as I'm sure you know it's 2010 now. Double standards exist in this country more than anyone else. I'm tired of people considering America as still a racial nation. The fact that we have a black president proves we hae moved past that time. For those that think America o's still a racist place to live and raise a family, I invite you to travel once in a while. Travel to parts of Europe, Australia, South America, and Asia. It is there you will see how racially unique the United States truly is.
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            • #51
              Originally posted by musclemann View Post
              dick cheney received a 34 million payout when he became vice president and 2 of his cronies at haliburton became 2 top executives at the mms. (REGULATORS)

              Guess what, haliburton is at the center of oil slick.

              Hmm haliburton, iraq war,dick cheney, george bush, gas prices 5.00 a gallon.

              and Bwade asked for proof that bush was a oil president


              tell that to thousands of people being hurt by this right now.
              Bwade is on record here sticking up FOR HALIBURTON??? cant say im shockd cheney is someway tied to this shit, keep doing your tours jackass, you and that shemale daughter of yours.
              Last edited by musclemann; 05-17-2010, 06:17 PM.


              • #52
                I dont know how this turned into a discussion about bet, black colleges and everything else. My uncle lives in mobile and he is saying this is killing the seafood industry in the gulf right now. You have people sticking up for these corrupt oil companies who push and push the limits of the law and the result was this.

                No when you follow the law, get correct permits and work inside of the law maybe this wouldnt have happened!!!


                • #53
                  How about all the wildlife that is dying over this ? Terrible.

                  With you on this one mm.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by musclemann View Post

                    tell that to thousands of people being hurt by this right now.
                    Bwade is on record here sticking up FOR HALIBURTON??? cant say im shockd cheney is someway tied to this shit, keep doing your tours jackass, you and that shemale daughter of yours.

                    Bwade you didnt actually say shit happens that was big country who used that term after the disaster, I apologize-- but you did stick up for haliburton a crooked organization who's previous owner should be in jail right now.

                    I believe there should be criminal investigations into this.


                    • #55
                      MM, this was a very unfortunate accident, no question. When you run into these large gas pockets like they did (imo), the pressure of the blowout is sometimes so extreme and happens so quickly, no alarm system in the world can alert you. It is just instant explosion.

                      I don't believe anyone was "pushing and pushing the law" as you claim. It was just a very unfortunate accident and unfortunately, will have lasting ramifications years and years and years down the road. It is a very sad deal and I pray that the fishing industry will survive down there, but at this point, it looks very bleak.


                      • #56
                        Criminal investigation = more govt money wasted. And a bigger waste of time.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Stern162 View Post
                          How about all the wildlife that is dying over this ? Terrible.

                          With you on this one mm.
                          Thousands of animals birds fish dolphins sharks a whole eco system affected by these assholes.

                          FOR GREED!!!!!!!!!


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                            Thousands of animals birds fish dolphins sharks a whole eco system affected by these assholes.

                            FOR GREED!!!!!!!!!
                            I still don't understand what you mean by "for greed"?


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                              I still don't understand what you mean by "for greed"?
                              "For greed" means they make money, employ people who pay taxes, but don't contribute enough to take care of the rest of society!!


                              • #60
                                Wooooooow, I'm not sticking up for BP! I think they should be held 100% accountable for this catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico.
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