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  • #31
    Originally posted by vitterd View Post
    Good job stern. U should change your name. Howard would shoot himself if he knew what u were doing with his great name

    Glad to see u can't see the difference between calling someone a bad father and killing babies. Not even a bit suprised.

    U have some anger issues dave. No worries though. Not the first internet toughguy I've run into. I am easy to find. Any home phillies game. Hall of fame sect 225. Assuming u can read the sections in the stadium.

    Don't wanna be a husker and call out members.. as he was already warned..but being called a pos and other names is very easy to do here and just plain ridiculous. Banning me is fine. Wouldn't be the first time somebody was banned for exposing frauds

    Anger issues? Internet toughguy ? Fraud? Now thats funny.
    Asswipe, let me tell you. I am far from and internet toughguy and a fraud and as far as anger issues, yeah you pissed me off, but I realize what an asswipe you are. But, just to let you know, what I would say on the computer, I would say to any persons face. I don't hide my name nor do I run from anyone.

    Thanks for telling me what section you sit in at the Phillys game. If I ever get to a game, I'll make sure NOT to go in that section.

    Honestly, I kinda feel sorry for you. You must have issues like you told JM - wondering who your father is. This must be the reason you are such a tool.

    Hope you have a nice day.
    jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


    • #32
      Asswipe, pos. You really have the name calling down. However once again u always ignore the actual question. Do u not see a difference in calling someone a bad father and killing babies with a spike? Can u really not see it? I wouldn't be shocked. I have seen u miss the point now for over a week but I thought this one was rather obvious

      My dad died 6 years ago. I thought the healthcare system worked great for him all the way thru. He had pancreatic cancer but the healthcare was excellent. It is why I opposed the healthcare bill even though it conflicts with your brainwashed theory. If it works for me half as well as it worked for him I would be happy. The only thing I thought needed changing was getting control of the ins companies. The doctors, nurses and hosp employees are top notch in pa. In my opinion. I think the bill is bad for good doctors.
      Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


      • #33
        Originally posted by vitterd View Post
        Asswipe, pos. You really have the name calling down. However once again u always ignore the actual question. Do u not see a difference in calling someone a bad father and killing babies with a spike? Can u really not see it? I wouldn't be shocked. I have seen u miss the point now for over a week but I thought this one was rather obvious
        Maybe I am slow. In post 5 by JM, he says he is concerned about the future for his son. Your EXACT quote is copy and pasted from post 9 below.

        "What should make u question the future for your son is who is father is. Don't u understand people don't blame bush for katrina they blame him for the disgraceful way he handled it. Also his famous" heckuva job brownie" quote.

        Why would anyone blame whoever the pres is for unsuccessful terror attempts? Stop forgetting 9/11 was successful attack and anthrax was successful attacks under bush. We are talking about 2 lone morons here who did nothing. Listen, I know the facts hurt you but don't just ignore history and make up your own."

        I also read EVERY quote in this thread and I need you to SLOWLY explain to me where the " bad father and killing babies with a spike" comes in and also how you are justified by saying that " u should question the future for your son is who his father is."

        I guess I'm not as smart as you so please SLOWLY explain to me where I missed something because it wasn't in this thread.
        jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


        • #34
          Wow. Really? I can't believe I gotta do this again but nothing should surprise me at this point.

          Isn't it self explanatory? The future for a young son depends heavily on ones father. Judging by jman constant posts of laughing at himself and off the wall statements I feel the future for his son is most likely in trouble based on him and not based on anything the obama admin or democrats are doing. Got it?

          Now jman has said in previous posts I support spikes in babys heads and called me dr vitter being paiged to kill a baby. Then again he said my mom would have sent my dad for a spike to kill me before I was born. Now again, I ask u. U really see no difference in my post and his post?

          I could care less what he says because to me he is a far right conservative who supports policies that have sent this country back decades. I don't think he shoulda been banned but clearly the statements are not even close to the same thing
          Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


          • #35
            Originally posted by vitterd View Post
            Wow. Really? I can't believe I gotta do this again but nothing should surprise me at this point.

            Isn't it self explanatory? The future for a young son depends heavily on ones father. Judging by jman constant posts of laughing at himself and off the wall statements I feel the future for his son is most likely in trouble based on him and not based on anything the obama admin or democrats are doing. Got it?

            Now jman has said in previous posts I support spikes in babys heads and called me dr vitter being paiged to kill a baby. Then again he said my mom would have sent my dad for a spike to kill me before I was born. Now again, I ask u. U really see no difference in my post and his post?

            I could care less what he says because to me he is a far right conservative who supports policies that have sent this country back decades. I don't think he shoulda been banned but clearly the statements are not even close to the same thing
            Oh so I get it now. See I am slow !!! What you are saying is that based upon Jman's comments in here, you feel the future of his son is in jeopardy. I see now. Sorry for being so slow.

            By the way, since you are so adept in reading into people's lives based upon what the write in a forum - what chance does my child have to make it? I'm curious to see what you think/
            jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


            • #36
              Based on his comments he looks unstable and completely confused. That's all I have to go by. Therfore I made my comments based on what I've seen from him on many posts. I am a bit scared that we could have another brainwashed jamiacan jr on our hands

              I would be scared for your off springs reading comprehension and his abiltity to answer a question even after being asked 3 or 4 times. Still waiting to see if u can understand the difference between jman and my posts. I think that is 4th or 5th time I asked. Never hurts to keep trying
              Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao


              • #37
                Originally posted by husker View Post
                not excusing what JM said, but why are these statements allowed?

                they seem just as bad to me.
                I did read them and they were not even on the same level to me. Very different and one (JM) was much more graphic and over the top.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                  Based on his comments he looks unstable and completely confused. That's all I have to go by. Therfore I made my comments based on what I've seen from him on many posts. I am a bit scared that we could have another brainwashed jamiacan jr on our hands

                  I would be scared for your off springs reading comprehension and his abiltity to answer a question even after being asked 3 or 4 times. Still waiting to see if u can understand the difference between jman and my posts. I think that is 4th or 5th time I asked. Never hurts to keep trying
                  Nice, now you are "scared for my off springs reading comprehension."

                  First, "off springs" is really "offspring" , so you should worry about "your off spring".

                  Second, I would be " a bit scared that we could have another brainwashed vitterd jr on our hands."
                  But, I guess since you said it about Jman, it has got to be the truth and if someone says it about you, they are wrong.

                  Third, don't worry about my "off spring" asswipe. I have a daughter who is successful, married, and has a lovely son - my grandson. Be concerned about your own " off spring" has I am concerned for you.
                  jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Stern162 View Post
                    I agree with you dave but you know many times the one who retaliates is the one who gets punished. That is what happened here. Wayne is a very fair guy but I wish he would have read the entire thread. I am sure he would have dumped vitterd as well.
                    I think wayne is capable of doing his job and he is doing quite well. You on the other hand look to pick fights and start the trolling crap every since your first of your 118 posts here. I had never said one word to you and you stuck your nose into something that had nothing to do with you.

                    Let the mods do their job here, theyre good at it and im sure dont need any advice from you(you and all of your 107 posts) on who to ban and who not to.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by vitterd View Post
                      Based on his comments he looks unstable and completely confused. That's all I have to go by. Therfore I made my comments based on what I've seen from him on many posts. I am a bit scared that we could have another brainwashed jamiacan jr on our hands

                      I would be scared for your off springs reading comprehension and his abiltity to answer a question even after being asked 3 or 4 times. Still waiting to see if u can understand the difference between jman and my posts. I think that is 4th or 5th time I asked. Never hurts to keep trying

                      jman originally made a rip at me saying my post was stupid(because of course any post not supporting his ideas or beliefs are stupid) and said he was scared for his son because of ideas like mine. All vit said was he should be more concerned about his son's actual father rather than someone who had different beliefs or ideas than his.

                      jman first response

                      And if your old lady ( I assume you have one?) needs a child, let me know. Doubtful you could get the job done. You could always borrow Maddows balls I guess!!![/QUOTE]

                      Guess certain people missed that response.


                      • #41
                        [QUOTE=musclemann;1802498]I think wayne is capable of doing his job and he is doing quite well. You on the other hand look to pick fights and start the trolling crap every since your first of your 118 posts here. I had never said one word to you and you stuck your nose into something that had nothing to do with you.

                        Let the mods do their job here, theyre good at it and im sure dont need any advice from you(you and all of your 107 posts) on who to ban and who not to.

                        He loves to stick his nose where it doesn't belong MM, if people wouldn't quote him i would never have to see the shit that comes out of his dick sucker. Lol

                        I put his ass on ignore, you should follow suit 2M.
                        Questions, comments, complaints:
                        [email protected]


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by musclemann View Post
                          I think wayne is capable of doing his job and he is doing quite well. You on the other hand look to pick fights and start the trolling crap every since your first of your 118 posts here. I had never said one word to you and you stuck your nose into something that had nothing to do with you.

                          Let the mods do their job here, theyre good at it and im sure dont need any advice from you(you and all of your 107 posts) on who to ban and who not to.

                          He loves to stick his nose where it doesn't belong MM, if people wouldn't quote him i would never have to see the shit that comes out of his dick sucker. Lol

                          I put his ass on ignore, you should follow suit 2M.

                          Good idea j.c...thanks for the advice. Hope things are going good for you man.


                          • #43
                            Jman, you often make me lol when I read your post arguing politics, IMHO the spike to the head was graphic brother. I understand your passion, but your delivery is very raw and not well recieved.

                            These threads can drive a person to lose there cool in the heat of arguing, makes a good man become something he typically is not
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • #44
                              To anyone calling Baseball Dave slow or anything else negative, you obviously don't know him at all.

                              The man is bright, hard working, giving of his time and talents often for nothing in return.

                              I would like to call you some very hateful nasty names for attacking him but it would be a waste of bandwith.

                              Good luck to you and whomever you choose to support when you pull the lever. I for one believe that Pubs need Crats and vice versa. One totally in control on either side isn't good for America. Jmo
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • #45
                                screw the politics j.c,we should be sticking to the online dating thread. Politics should never be argued, I have a lot of great friends at my job who are rightwinged as hell, but the reason we get along is because we never discuss politics.

                                I wish I wouldve stuck to that sometimes in here and it wouldve kept a lot of arguments away.

