Almost forgot. The idiotic illegals comments. I'm sure it is funny to rednecks, racist right wingers. I would expect those comments from the limbaugh lovers. Not the least bit surprising again
So just because I don't like picking up the tab on a bunch of illegals living here on my dollar I'm a racist?
So just because I don't like picking up the tab on a bunch of illegals living here on my dollar I'm a racist?
I know that's the rep response line but just because I'm a dem that means I'm in favor of illegals coming here. Showing once again that rep love to stereotype... Unless its against them
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
I know that's the rep response line but just because I'm a dem that means I'm in favor of illegals coming here. Showing once again that rep love to stereotype... Unless its against them
And you don't stereotype? Talk about "pot meeting kettle".
You conveniently forgot about Jefferson but remember Vitter?
Damn, I forgot. I am mentally challenged.
I know that's the rep response line but just because I'm a dem that means I'm in favor of illegals coming here. Showing once again that rep love to stereotype... Unless its against them
Hey buddy, you're the one that said it, not me. I asked a simple question and you respond that I'm putting words in your mouth which is quite frankly, not true.
I think wayne is capable of doing his job and he is doing quite well. You on the other hand look to pick fights and start the trolling crap every since your first of your 118 posts here. I had never said one word to you and you stuck your nose into something that had nothing to do with you.
Let the mods do their job here, theyre good at it and im sure dont need any advice from you(you and all of your 107 posts) on who to ban and who not to.
He loves to stick his nose where it doesn\'t belong MM, if people wouldn\'t quote him i would never have to see the shit that comes out of his dick sucker. Lol
I put his ass on ignore, you should follow suit 2M.
jc, why would you start in on me when I have not said a word to you in weeks? I have avoided you as much as you have avoided me.
dave, if I were you I would rather speak to one of my goats than this vitterd. He is going to twist and turn everything you say.
Yeah. I conviently missed the william jefferson. Wow. U way out there. Jefferson is a scum who took bribes and should never be allowed near public office again.
You're right to compare it to me bringing up the disgraceful job gw bush admin did with hurricane katrina. Those 2 are equal. One lone idiot taking bribes to death, and destruction of an entire city. Nice job
U lied about the jackass line. Saying that is why u are responding is just bullshit. Maybe if u said that before your first 20 responses, a few angry, it might be beliveable. Also I don't think you're being on honest about seeing jman spike in the head post. After all u said I started it. I would think u would have had to see his. So on both counts I think you're lying
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
Yeah. I conviently missed the william jefferson. Wow. U way out there. Jefferson is a scum who took bribes and should never be allowed near public office again.
You're right to compare it to me bringing up the disgraceful job gw bush admin did with hurricane katrina. Those 2 are equal. One lone idiot taking bribes to death, and destruction of an entire city. Nice job
U lied about the jackass line. Saying that is why u are responding is just bullshit. Maybe if u said that before your first 20 responses, a few angry, it might be beliveable. Also I don't think you're being on honest about seeing jman spike in the head post. After all u said I started it. I would think u would have had to see his. So on both counts I think you're lying
First, you have NO CLUE who screwed up after Katrina. Again, you believe what you want to believe, but I was and still am here. BOTH Reps and Dems screwed it up big time. BOTH parties lied, cheated, stole, etc to get what they wanted. And the people here, myself included, have no one to blame but ourselves. We elected these morons and we are not voting them out - on BOTH sides. If you can't see that, I know I am dealing with a "brainwashed" person.
Ok, you got me buddy. I lied. If that makes you feel better, go ahead and believe that. People that know me, know that I could care less about arguing politics with anyone. It is a no win situation because people like you who accuse others of being "brainwashed" are just as much "brainwashed" as anyone.
And if you think I lied about the "jackass line", believe what you want to believe. I don't get mad easily and I sure won't get mad at someone like you.
Angry post - you haven't seen me make an angry post yet. All I did was call you an asswipe and a pos. Thats not angry.
YOU, however, stooped low enough to tell me I was "mentally challenged, a liar, slow, that you were concerned about the comprehension of my offspring." Yet you can't see who has the anger issues or problems.
Hang in there buddy, it's only been 2 months since you joined. Seriously though, if you don't like the people here and their responses, why do you stay???
You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning
Hang in there buddy, it's only been 2 months since you joined. Seriously though, if you don't like the people here and their responses, why do you stay???
Same old rep response. U assumed I would be okay with illegals and u were wrong. Not the first time a right winger asumed something and was 100 percent wrong
Actually dave u are wrong about katrina. The federal response was a disgrace. The flyover was an embarrassment. The bush admin could not have handled that any worse. In fact the classic quote by old woman bush was " most of those people were poor, living in the superdome is like a vacation for them". Just typical out of touch rep statement. If that happened in all white city of texas the people on their rooftops would have been there for 5 mins tops. I know u rep hate to hear it but it was handled poorly because it affected a lot of low income minorites and that is very low on rep admin radars. The fact that kind of response can happen in a u.s. City is disgraceful
U can keep on the brainwashed stuff. I've already destroyed that argument. I missed the jefferson question and then answered it immediately after seeing it. I see you're trying to invent brainwashed stuff to fit your arguments but my posts also bashing dems make u look silly using that argument
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
Phil jr: I know you and vols fan probabaly define success by how many friends u have here and facebook and that's fine. I'm just not that concerened about it
I stay here because I really enjoy going places and calling out fraud republican weasels who just spew lies. I enjoy it. I could be like that guy stern and just reply about other posters to other people. U know, like a 1st grader? However I prefer to do it directly
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao
Phil jr: I know you and vols fan probabaly define success by how many friends u have here and facebook and that's fine. I'm just not that concerened about it
I stay here because I really enjoy going places and calling out fraud republican weasels who just spew lies. I enjoy it. I could be like that guy stern and just reply about other posters to other people. U know, like a 1st grader? However I prefer to do it directly
Sorry pal, don't do facebook. My success is defined by how well I do with my job and family and I am doing just fine. I have made many good friends here because I can discuss different topics with them like an adult. I would welcome the opportunity to have a beer with almost all of them. If you are truely here to call out fraud republicans, you should find a new hobby. Like a 1st grader??? Take a good hard look in the mirror. JMO
You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning
Good for u phil. Me having no friends here means zero to me. In fact I would be quite embarrassed to call almost all I've spoken to here friends.It is funny watching some of these people lose it. They are so used to robot sheeps just nodding along and actually believing their nonsense.It is upsetting to them when someone calls them on their ignorant junk.
Fire BAS and Hache Man. Don't forget Wayne1218 is a piece of garbage. Fest zit a total fraud still talks about me. You Trump voters tired of winning yet? Lmao