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Obama's job creation numbers!

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  • #61
    how about this at the 45 min point "it's not surprising that we missed our mark".

    YouTube - 6/23/09: White House Press Briefing with President Obama
    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

    Gerald Ford


    • #62
      Originally posted by husker View Post
      they didn't pass a stimulus bill? what was that mere $800 billion for then?
      It had to be revised....Geezus, keep up!

      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #63
        Originally posted by KazDog View Post
        It had to be revised....Geezus, keep up!


        that explains everything, they took pork from one project and put it towards another.
        “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

        Gerald Ford


        • #64
          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
          Obama campaigned big for Deeds in VA and Corzine in NJ.

          How did that work out??

          People are sick of the annointed one

          Yea the people in upstate new york love the republicans

          2 more seats in the house for the democrats you failed to mention that.

          Will give you the governorships of freeking new jersey allday long brother

          Im surprised because youre more informed than most of the hate mongers in here flare.

          besides you know as well as I know that corzines approval ratings was in the shitter last year. He had a 28 percent approval rating 1 year ago.


          • #65
            Originally posted by husker View Post
            that explains everything, they took pork from one project and put it towards another.
            Pork from what project? Quit talking in riddles....His original stimulus package had to be revised because every POS Republican voted against it. Like they wanted to see some kind of recovery? Republican's are notorious fear mongers just like you. Did you also notice that he hasn't put the blame on Bush, but is rather trying to figure a way to solve this shitty mess? I suggest you try and do the same....

            Here's a newsflash....THE GDP ROSE 3.5%! Keep that fear mongering talk going!

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #66
              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
              Pork from what project? Quit talking in riddles....His original stimulus package had to be revised because every POS Republican voted against it.

              Did you also notice that he hasn't put the blame on Bush, but is rather trying to figure a way to solve this shitty mess? I suggest you try and do the same....

              revised from what? since when did the dem's need any rep votes?

              this has to be the stupidest thing i have seen posted yet! you are saying obama hasn't said he inherited this from bush?

              had a lot of that leftwingnut koolaide tonight?
              “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

              Gerald Ford


              • #67
                Originally posted by husker View Post
                revised from what? since when did the dem's need any rep votes?

                this has to be the stupidest thing i have seen posted yet! you are saying obama hasn't said he inherited this from bush?

                had a lot of that leftwingnut koolaide tonight?
                Whatever....I haven't heard the White house whining like the Conservatives have. The goal is to work past the depression that your piece of shit party and president is responsible for.

                And yes, his original stimulus package had to be revised. Don't make me find the fuckin' thing. Get over it. It's been passed and you're just going to have to deal with it. Bitch and moan all you want. People like you belong in a padded room so you can beat your head against the wall all you'd like.
                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • #68

                  Feb. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Democrats and Republicans are seeking changes worth tens of billions of dollars to President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus package as the U.S. Senate debates the approximately $900 billion measure.

                  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said lawmakers will take up a plan to add $25 billion in highway and infrastructure funds. Some Democrats want to use $50 billion to stem housing foreclosures while dropping other spending critics say would do little to create jobs. Republicans seek temporary federal underwriting of low-interest fixed-rate mortgages.

                  “Most people recognize that housing is at the root of the current economic downturn,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican. “So we should fix this problem before we do anything else.”

                  Obama discounted the differences over the stimulus legislation yesterday, calling them “very modest.” Democratic congressional leaders met with him yesterday at the White House about the measure. A White House statement said, “They agreed on the urgency of passing effective legislation in the short term and committed to continue working together to achieve the bipartisan consensus” that Obama has sought.

                  The Senate began work on the bill in hopes of getting a measure to Obama’s desk by mid-February. The House passed its version of the bill without any Republican votes.

                  CBO Report

                  Democrats, buffeted by complaints the House plan would take too long to boost the economy, got good news yesterday when the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the Senate’s version would have a quicker impact. The agency said the Senate’s plan, which it estimated would cost $885 billion, would pump about $700 billion into the economy by the end of next year.

                  That would amount to almost 80 percent of the package. Obama has said his goal is to have three-quarters of the money funneled into the economy within 18 months. The CBO said the House bill would inject about 64 percent of its package into the economy by the end of 2010.

                  “The objective is to have a bill of less than $900 billion,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Democrat, said today.

                  Lawmakers will consider an amendment by Senator Patty Murray, a Democrat from Washington state, that would increase funding for highway, mass transit and water infrastructure projects by $25 billion. That would boost highway funding in the bill to $40 billion from $27 billion.

                  ‘Tried and True’

                  “Construction projects across the country have been put on hold because states simply don’t have the money,” said Murray. “This amendment invests in tried-and-true projects that get laid-off workers back on the job.”

                  Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, a Montana Democrat, said lawmakers will consider an amendment offering companies an 85 percent discount on taxes on corporate profits earned abroad. The plan, sponsored by California Democrat Barbara Boxer and Nevada Republican John Ensign, would cut taxes for this year and next year to 5.25 percent from as much as 35 percent.

                  Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat, said he and about eight other lawmakers want at least $50 billion in the stimulus package for programs aimed at fighting housing foreclosures.

                  ‘Less Value’

                  “We are really trying to reduce things that have less value in terms of stimulus and investment and move it into a place where we know we really need the money,” he said. Conrad said lawmakers haven’t agreed on what they would cut from the plan to make room for their proposal.

                  Senator Ben Nelson, a Nebraska Democrat who complained the plan includes funds to develop environmentally sensitive spacecraft, said “more than a handful” of lawmakers are working on a plan to cut “tens of billions” from the plan they believe would do little to create jobs. Nelson, who said he won’t support the stimulus plan as currently written, wouldn’t give specifics.

                  McConnell warned Democrats against expanding the stimulus package, saying many of his colleagues believe it is already too big. He also criticized “Buy American” provisions in the bill that would require iron and steel used in projects funded by the measure to be American-made.

                  “I don’t think we ought to use a measure that is supposed to be timely, temporary and targeted to set off trade wars,” he said. “It’s a very bad idea.”

                  Hoyer said such concerns, also expressed to him by European Union officials and the Canadian ambassador, are “justified” and that Democrats will consider changes to the proposal.
                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by husker View Post
                    revised from what? since when did the dem's need any rep votes?

                    this has to be the stupidest thing i have seen posted yet! you are saying obama hasn't said he inherited this from bush?

                    had a lot of that leftwingnut koolaide tonight?
                    The only thing you bring to the table is fear mongering tirades. It passed, so you can go on beating your head about "what if" and "how could it?" The only intelligent thinking you bring is negativity to what YOU PERCEIVE to be doom and gloom forecasts. Keep praying and preaching. If the economy turns, he will get re-elected and if I die that day, it'll take the coroner a week to pry the grin off my face knowing you'll be a sad little republican.

                    [email protected]

                    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by 10DimeBry View Post
                      LMAO so you are telling me spending more would help us. WOW you really are blind bro. That info came directly from obama admin. Obama himself and his team of crooks. This whole stimulus was a giant government spending spree payback for all the nutjobs who supported this loser
                      Are you just figuring this out now kid?? There has to be something wrong with all of them ... Like a drug or something .. How can anyone in their right mind be defending someone as he destroys our country??


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                        Wrong about what??? Are you friggin' deaf?

                        He said in that Fox tape in January, "if we don't act swiftly, we could see double digit unemployment."

                        What part of, He NEVER said, "I'll keep unemployment under 8%." didn't you get? That was what Dimer and I were arguing about. Your rebuttal blows...

                        He was exactly right, Congress didn't pass his initial stimulus package, unemployment has risen to double digit numbers and it had to be revamped and cut, and then they passed it. OH, AND BY THE WAY, THE GDP ROSE 3.5% LAST QUARTER...UH OH!

                        Keep preachin' your fear mongering Husker. You guys are doing a bang up job! That economy is sneaking up on you. Better batten down the hatches, you could be cryin' for another 7 years.

                        Ever see this chart from his 2 top Economic Advisors on the $787 Billion PORK BILL passed as Stimulus ??

                        Only way you can keep denying is by using the same thing: Fear Mongering & Neo Cons
                        He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                        • #72
                          Remember how the Porkulus Bill was passed and everyone admitted they never read it and yet the Popularity Contest Winner praised its quick passage. What is the difference between 2004 & 2009 ??

                          He's King Popularity !!

                          How come he is not telling everyone to have a clear debate on HealthCare ??
                          He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                            Whatever....I haven't heard the White house whining like the Conservatives have. The goal is to work past the depression that your piece of shit party and president is responsible for.

                            And yes, his original stimulus package had to be revised. Don't make me find the fuckin' thing. Get over it. It's been passed and you're just going to have to deal with it. Bitch and moan all you want. People like you belong in a padded room so you can beat your head against the wall all you'd like.

                            That is uncalled for!

                            Trashing all Republicans, nice job there Kaz.
                            Questions, comments, complaints:
                            [email protected]


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                              Pork from what project? Quit talking in riddles....His original stimulus package had to be revised because every POS Republican voted against it. Like they wanted to see some kind of recovery? Republican's are notorious fear mongers just like you. Did you also notice that he hasn't put the blame on Bush, but is rather trying to figure a way to solve this shitty mess? I suggest you try and do the same....

                              Here's a newsflash....THE GDP ROSE 3.5%! Keep that fear mongering talk going!


                              So all Republicans are pieces of shit, that is very nice. And you wonder why sometimes people draw sides and wont look at another persons veiwpoint. Dont back peddle out of this either, your exact words was EVERY.
                              Questions, comments, complaints:
                              [email protected]


                              • #75
                                it's the leftwingnut koolaide, they are drunk on it. all the insulting, angry posts just show they have NOTHING to defend the chosen one and most of the dem party (all it's leaders). next year when people vote a lot of the clowns out, rep's could easily be the majority party and rein in the community activist. THAT'S why they are so desperate to pass things, the clock is ticking faster and faster.
                                “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                                Gerald Ford

