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Obama's job creation numbers!

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  • #76
    Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
    That is uncalled for!

    Trashing all Republicans, nice job there Kaz.
    Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
    So all Republicans are pieces of shit, that is very nice. And you wonder why sometimes people draw sides and wont look at another persons veiwpoint. Dont back peddle out of this either, your exact words was EVERY.
    First of all, I said, "every POS Republican didn't vote for it." Meaning the LEADERS of the party and that is true. Not one voted for it. I did not call EVERY republican a POS. And I'm NOT going to back out of that statement. I think they were shitty for not voting for it. The bill was passed without a single vote from the GOP.

    Secondly, I said "that we work pass the depression that your POS party and president is responsible for." Meaning again, the leaders in Congress who helped put us in this mess. I did not say ALL republicans are POS's. And I won't back out of this. Maybe calling them POS's was harsh, but I had been responding to posts all night. And I believe that they were shitty for getting us into the mess we are currently in!

    I find it interesting that out of all the posts on a daily basis of ALL THE GUYS who have absolutely HAMMERED the Liberals since the rant forum started, ALL the posts in bad taste and ALL the name calling that has gone on, AND THERE HAS BEEN A LOT OF IT, and I know you've read it, that you would point out what I wrote as why people see with blinders on and make me out to be the bad guy.

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #77
      Originally posted by Spark View Post
      Are you just figuring this out now kid?? There has to be something wrong with all of them ... Like a drug or something .. How can anyone in their right mind be defending someone as he destroys our country??
      Destroying the country how? By being the first president to declare war on another country under the pretense of a lie? By costing tax payers trillions and trillions of dollars to pay for it including thousands of lives? By allowing oil prices to rise to their highest levels ever because you're buddies with all the oil companies in your home state? By watching the economy to go into the first depression of the 21st century?

      Is that how he's destroying the country?

      Oil prices have leveled off. The GDP rose for the first time in years. And the economy is slowly recovering. You can sit back and continue to see the negative, but the negative happened 8 years prior. What we were doing before clearly did NOT work. So maybe this will. It certainly wont with all the fear mongering....

      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #78
        Originally posted by husker View Post
        it's the leftwingnut koolaide, they are drunk on it. all the insulting, angry posts just show they have NOTHING to defend the chosen one and most of the dem party (all it's leaders). next year when people vote a lot of the clowns out, rep's could easily be the majority party and rein in the community activist. THAT'S why they are so desperate to pass things, the clock is ticking faster and faster.
        I agree with this ... they seem so angry and they are very insulting ... WOW!!!


        • #79
          Originally posted by Spark View Post
          Are you just figuring this out now kid?? There has to be something wrong with all of them ... Like a drug or something .. How can anyone in their right mind be defending someone as he destroys our country??
          they're blind sheep you dont realize it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          these ppl need top be in a padded room so they can only hurt themselves............not other AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #80
            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
            It had to be revised....Geezus, keep up!

            I'm not a politcal genius and I honestly do not know the exact numbers. What dollar amount was the original package supposed to be before it was revised to $800 million?
            You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


            • #81
              Originally posted by PhilJr View Post
              I'm not a politcal genius and I honestly do not know the exact numbers. What dollar amount was the original package supposed to be before it was revised to $800 million?
              His original plan to Congress was around $900 billion. $113 billion or so has been cut down to $787 billion. Not all of it was available to divvy out this year. Estimates are that 23% will available this year... not sure of the exact numbers. A certain amount will be available in forth coming years.

              Last edited by KazDog; 11-18-2009, 04:52 PM.
              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #82
                Bush absent from service 72-73 the republican way of working.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                  His original plan to Congress was around $900 billion. $113 billion or so has been cut down to $787 billion. Not all of it was available to divvy out this year. Estimates are that 23% will available this year... not sure of the exact numbers. A certain amount will be available in forth coming years.

                  these clowns cant even figure out how to get the $$$ out. Why would you want them running our healthcare????
                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                    Bush absent from service 72-73 the republican way of working.
                    Man, I hope you can keep coming up with all this Bush's really great, really interesting, and really relevant. Keep up the good work, it has a lot to do with Obama.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                      Man, I hope you can keep coming up with all this Bush's really great, really interesting, and really relevant. Keep up the good work, it has a lot to do with Obama.
                      Yeah, when the previous administration fucked things up so bad for 8 years what do you expect from the next administration? A miracle? If so you better get to praying as its going to take time to clean up the mess of not only the last 8 years but the last 29 years.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                        Yeah, when the previous administration fucked things up so bad for 8 years what do you expect from the next administration? A miracle? If so you better get to praying as its going to take time to clean up the mess of not only the last 8 years but the last 29 years.
                        so what clinton did no wrong?
                        2013 NCAA POD Record

                        8-3ATS +3.80 units

                        2013 NFL POD Record

                        1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                          Yeah, when the previous administration fucked things up so bad for 8 years what do you expect from the next administration? A miracle? If so you better get to praying as its going to take time to clean up the mess of not only the last 8 years but the last 29 years.
                          Wow. That's one of the most intelligent things you've posted on here. Bravo!

                          [email protected]

                          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by 10DimeBry View Post
                            so what clinton did no wrong?
                            Sure he did some things wrong starting with NAFTA.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                              Sure he did some things wrong starting with NAFTA.
                              Wow, I'm just shocked there is a liberal out there that actually admits all the USA's problems aren't 100% Bush's fault.........probably 99% is Bush's fault, but at least not 100%.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
                                Wow, I'm just shocked there is a liberal out there that actually admits all the USA's problems aren't 100% Bush's fault.........probably 99% is Bush's fault, but at least not 100%.
                                At least I can admit fault with a party line. You can't even admit any fault of the republicants.

