Originally posted by jcindaville
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Originally posted by jcindaville
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Secondly, I said "that we work pass the depression that your POS party and president is responsible for." Meaning again, the leaders in Congress who helped put us in this mess. I did not say ALL republicans are POS's. And I won't back out of this. Maybe calling them POS's was harsh, but I had been responding to posts all night. And I believe that they were shitty for getting us into the mess we are currently in!
I find it interesting that out of all the posts on a daily basis of ALL THE GUYS who have absolutely HAMMERED the Liberals since the rant forum started, ALL the posts in bad taste and ALL the name calling that has gone on, AND THERE HAS BEEN A LOT OF IT, and I know you've read it, that you would point out what I wrote as why people see with blinders on and make me out to be the bad guy.