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Obama's job creation numbers!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
    More Neo-Con lies

    Arizona's 15th congressional district: 30 jobs saved or created, $761,420 in federal stimulus spending.

    There is no 15th district. Arizona only has eight districts.

    There's no 86th congressional district in Arizona either, but the government's Web site says $34 million in stimulus money has been spent there.

    In fact, lists hundreds of millions spent and hundreds of jobs created in congressional districts that don't exist.

    Oklahoma: $19 million in spending, 15 jobs created, in congressional districts that don't exist.

    Iowa: $10.6 million spent, 39 jobs created, in non-existent districts.

    Connecticut: 42nd district, 25 jobs created with zero stimulus dollars, but the district does not exist.

    The list of spending and job creation in fictional congressional districts extends to U.S. territories as well.

    U.S. Virgin Islands: $68.3 million spent, and 72.2 million spent in the 1st congressional district of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    $8.4 million spent and 40.3 jobs created in the 99th congressional district of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    $1.5 million spent and .3 jobs created in the 69th district and $35 million for 142 jobs in the 99th district of the Northern Mariana Islands.

    $47.7 million spent and 291 jobs created in Puerto Rico's 99th congressional district.

    None of these districts exist.

    They exist in the mind of the greatest Popularity Contest Winner of all time
    Did you READ the WHOLE story Pol, or just the parts that make your fear mongering look more credible????

    Let me HELP you out with LARGER type....

    Late Monday, officials with the Recovery Board created to track the stimulus spending, said the mistakes in crediting nonexistent congressional districts were caused by human error.

    "We report what the recipients submit to us," said Ed Pound, Communications Director for the Board.

    Pound told ABC News the board receives declarations from the recipients - state governments, federal agencies and universities - of stimulus money about what program is being funded.

    "Some recipients clearly don't know what congressional district they live in, so they appear to be just throwing in any number. We expected all along that recipients would make mistakes on their congressional districts, on jobs numbers, on award amounts, and so on. Human beings make mistakes," Pound said.

    Maybe the type was too small for you to read it....

    How about discussing the trillions of dollars spent by tax payers and the thousands of human lives that the war cost with those NON EXISTENT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION????

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #17
      Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
      It's about the level of coverage my friend. If this was going on under Bush it would be front page news in every newspaper out there, and the lead story on CNN, MSNBC, Good Morning America, etc.

      That really isn't the point of the post anyway. Care to defend the real point of the story?


      • #18
        they really think the media is fair??????????????

        wow, they truly are blind!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by KazDog View Post
          Did you READ the WHOLE story Pol, or just the parts that make your fear mongering look more credible????

          Let me HELP you out with LARGER type....

          Late Monday, officials with the Recovery Board created to track the stimulus spending, said the mistakes in crediting nonexistent congressional districts were caused by human error.

          "We report what the recipients submit to us," said Ed Pound, Communications Director for the Board.

          Pound told ABC News the board receives declarations from the recipients - state governments, federal agencies and universities - of stimulus money about what program is being funded.

          "Some recipients clearly don't know what congressional district they live in, so they appear to be just throwing in any number. We expected all along that recipients would make mistakes on their congressional districts, on jobs numbers, on award amounts, and so on. Human beings make mistakes," Pound said.

          Maybe the type was too small for you to read it....

          How about discussing the trillions of dollars spent by tax payers and the thousands of human lives that the war cost with those NON EXISTENT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION????

          I knew you would. I just didnt expect it to take so long.

          I for 1 would ALWAYS get District #42 mixed up with the 5 DISTRICTS WE HAVE IN THE WHOLE STATE......................

          So it is clear they can confuse the number 86 WITH the number 18 or less

          No one knows their districts, yet THEY KNEW WHAT FUCKING BANK TO GO TO TO DEPOSIT THE MONEY

          Fear Mongering / NeoCon

          What page of The Liberal Handbook of Denial are these names on ?? Are they before or after the Chapter with recipes from Saul Alinsky ??
          He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


          • #20
            I don't know about you, but I've had it with "BlueDog" Democrats.
            They claim to be "fiscal conservatives," but they voted for George Bush's trillion-dollar tax cuts for the rich, which turned President Clinton's $6 trillion projected surplus into Bush's $5 trillion added debt.
            They voted for Bush's trillion-dollar invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and spend billions more every month getting our soldiers killed to protect dictators.
            And now they're blocking healthcare reform that would save billions for taxpayers and patients.
            We need to run progressive challengers against them in Democratic primaries. Help us get started with small contributions to three great candidates:
            ActBlue — Healthcare Not Warfare


            • #21
              Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
              I don't know about you, but I've had it with "BlueDog" Democrats.
              They claim to be "fiscal conservatives," but they voted for George Bush's trillion-dollar tax cuts for the rich, which turned President Clinton's $6 trillion projected surplus into Bush's $5 trillion added debt.
              They voted for Bush's trillion-dollar invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and spend billions more every month getting our soldiers killed to protect dictators.
              And now they're blocking healthcare reform that would save billions for taxpayers and patients.
              We need to run progressive challengers against them in Democratic primaries. Help us get started with small contributions to three great candidates:
              ActBlue — Healthcare Not Warfare

              Trust me Monte,

              Your party is dead if you lose those blue dogs. The majority of this country is right of center.

              9/11 had the biggest impact on losing the surplus.

              Please put forth more liberal candidates and see.
              NBA is a joke


              • #22
                Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
                I knew you would. I just didnt expect it to take so long.

                I for 1 would ALWAYS get District #42 mixed up with the 5 DISTRICTS WE HAVE IN THE WHOLE STATE......................

                So it is clear they can confuse the number 86 WITH the number 18 or less

                No one knows their districts, yet THEY KNEW WHAT FUCKING BANK TO GO TO TO DEPOSIT THE MONEY

                Fear Mongering / NeoCon

                What page of The Liberal Handbook of Denial are these names on ?? Are they before or after the Chapter with recipes from Saul Alinsky ??
                How did Obama cause the mistakes???? And it was reported that a Democrat issued a statement wanting clarifications and correct reporting of the funds, including updating the site. What's your big beef????

                Yeah, I'd call all of this kind of "uproar", fear mongering. It's preached daily on the Rush Limbaugh show. I'm sure you're a loyal listener.

                Let's look at the bigger picture Pol.....Still waiting for you to respond to why Bush was allowed to spend trillions on a war for non existent weapons of mass destruction??? It wasn't a billion, it's in the many trillions. And the TAX PAYER is footing the bill. Including human lives. Has the war started helping our economy yet? Just curious???

                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • #23

                  Is that a new Pre-Brush mouthwash ??
                  He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                    Trust me Monte,

                    Your party is dead if you lose those blue dogs. The majority of this country is right of center.

                    9/11 had the biggest impact on losing the surplus.

                    Please put forth more liberal candidates and see.
                    LMAO....How did the last couple of elections work out for ya?

                    [email protected]

                    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                      LMAO....How did the last couple of elections work out for ya?


                      Only way your guy got elected was to win the independants by hiding what a radical he really is. Now he is being exposed as the radical that he is.

                      Closing Gitmo

                      Calling cops stupid

                      Rights for terrorists

                      Socialist agenda
                      NBA is a joke


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                        How did Obama cause the mistakes???? And it was reported that a Democrat issued a statement wanting clarifications and correct reporting of the funds, including updating the site. What's your big beef????

                        Yeah, I'd call all of this kind of "uproar", fear mongering. It's preached daily on the Rush Limbaugh show. I'm sure you're a loyal listener.

                        Let's look at the bigger picture Pol.....Still waiting for you to respond to why Bush was allowed to spend trillions on a war for non existent weapons of mass destruction??? It wasn't a billion, it's in the many trillions. And the TAX PAYER is footing the bill. Including human lives. Has the war started helping our economy yet? Just curious???

                        Once again, hate to disappoint you loyal followers but I do not listen to Rush

                        How many on the left voted for the wars ??

                        How many are still on Cap. Hill spending away ??
                        He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                          Only way your guy got elected was to win the independants by hiding what a radical he really is. Now he is being exposed as the radical that he is.

                          Closing Gitmo

                          Calling cops stupid

                          Rights for terrorists

                          Socialist agenda
                          Everyone sing along with the fear mongering Neocons.....

                          Oh, a hatin' we will go, a hatin' we will go, High ho Obama no, a hatin' we will go....

                          [email protected]

                          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                            LMAO....How did the last couple of elections work out for ya?

                            2010 is right around the corner.

                            ps im still waiting for an answer to this question.....quote from Dear leader "if we pass this stimulus package unemployment will NOT go above 8%" what is unemployment today?
                            2013 NCAA POD Record

                            8-3ATS +3.80 units

                            2013 NFL POD Record

                            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                              Let's look at the bigger picture Pol.....Still waiting for you to respond to why Bush was allowed to spend trillions on a war for non existent weapons of mass destruction??? It wasn't a billion, it's in the many trillions. And the TAX PAYER is footing the bill. Including human lives. Has the war started helping our economy yet? Just curious???

                              kaz you cannot be this dumb. how many times do i have to tell you Bush didnt spend $$$$ on the war congress did. Both parties voted!!!! HELLO!!!! wake up bro you are smarter than that
                              2013 NCAA POD Record

                              8-3ATS +3.80 units

                              2013 NFL POD Record

                              1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by 10DimeBry View Post
                                2010 is right around the corner.

                                ps im still waiting for an answer to this question.....quote from Dear leader "if we pass this stimulus package unemployment will NOT go above 8%" what is unemployment today?
                                And I told you once before....He never said that. Economists were saying last year that unemployment was going to be over 10% by the mid point this year. He isn't that stupid.

                                I asked you the last time you posted that, to show me a reliable source of where he's quoted saying that???? He wouldn't say something so unrealistic when everyone last year knew the economy was spiraling downward.

                                Quit believing crap the right wing propaganda machine sends you in your email account....

                                [email protected]

                                I'm just here so I won't get fined....

