Obama gives us Marxism 101
By Judi McLeod Monday, October 18, 2010
Chilling as it may be to hear the President of the United States of America resorting to the lexicon of Star Wars to gin up the crowds in Ohio, there is an upside.
Obama’s “The empire is striking back” speech yesterday is Marxism Dialectic 101—right there on YouTube as indisputable proof to teach your children.
Parents from coast to coast should use the 1-minute video of Barack Obama in Ohio to teach their children what a real Marxist looks like when the mask comes off.
“They’re fighting back. The empire is striking back. To win this election they are plowing tens of millions of dollars into front groups. They are running misleading negative ads all across this country,” was Obama’s Sunday night screed in Ohio.
And get this beaut from a guy who refuses to produce his own credentials: “They (GOP) don’t have the courage to stand up and disclose their identity…they don’t have the gumption.”
“This isn’t just a threat to Democrats. This is a threat to our democracy.”
Radio talk show giant Rush Limbaugh spoke on his show today about the pictures of Obama from the event on the Drudge Report.
“They look demonic and I don’t say this lightly,” Rush told EIB listeners.
“It’s surprising to see these pictures would be used.”
Marxism is demonic in its deceit.
One of its recognizable principles is the practice of its followers to to turn the tables around, blaming the enemy for the very things they have done and are doing.
Textbook example of Marxist lies by omission uttered from Obama’s lips.
“The enemy is plowing tens of millions of dollars into front groups.”
That is precisely what Obama’s largest financier George Soros is doing, “Plowing tens of millions of dollars into front groups.”
Use this teachable moment to bring your children and grandchildren into the light.
The mask of Barack Hussein Obama was lowered in Ohio, Sunday, October 17, 2010.
Come one, come all to see a Marxist at work.