Dino- let it go my man. you can't ask a question with a know it all guy who lives in Maine..... Wayno is the man !
tash, What do you have to do with any of this anyway? Do you just enjoy jumping in to get your shots in or have i said anything to you? Mind your own business if you are going to act that way.
Hey tash, GG, I just looked and Spark moved that thread, not me. Apology accepted. See why i didn't waste my time arguing over something so stupid.
hey tough guy- this is what i have to do with this- you avoided a legit ? with your power MOD responses....WHO GIVE A FUCK ? PUT THE THE FUCKING SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT ? HARD AZZ !
I'm sticking up for long time member here, is that a bad thing ?
GG, Tash. really what does it matter? Bump it up on the main page and if people want to talk about it, they will, no matter what forum it is in. Are you all trying to say he gets Mod privileges??? Guess what, he is a MOD I'm sorry, but this thread is ridiculous. It doesn't need my 2 cents anyway, but this thread should have had 59 less posts to begin with
hey tough guy- this is what i have to do with this- you avoided a legit ? with your power MOD responses....WHO GIVE A FUCK ? PUT THE THE FUCKING SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT ? HARD AZZ !
I'm sticking up for long time member here, is that a bad thing ?
Like i said, mind your own fucken business. I NEVER go looking for you or ever say a word to you. You come to these threads and you take shot after shot at me. I fucken done watching you do it. I don't take shots at you and i expect the same in return.
GG, Tash. really what does it matter? Bump it up on the main page and if people want to talk about it, they will, no matter what forum it is in. Are you all trying to say he gets Mod privileges??? Guess what, he is a MOD I'm sorry, but this thread is ridiculous. It doesn't need my 2 cents anyway, but this thread should have had 59 less posts to begin with
Like i said, mind your own fucken business. I NEVER go looking for you or ever say a word to you. You come to these threads and you take shot after shot at me. I fucken done watching you do it. I don't take shots at you and i expect the same in return.
I am minding my own bus....wheres the shot ? your done watching me? PLEASE.....TAKE YOUR BALL AND GO HOME...
when you don't agree with some members here- your same attitude shines like the fucking moon everytime.....MY WAY or the Highway ....
GG asked a legit question- and all you can say is " I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK "....that's nice !
pretty small question to ask if you ask me . really no need for all this crap ! have a good night .
GG, Tash. really what does it matter? Bump it up on the main page and if people want to talk about it, they will, no matter what forum it is in. Are you all trying to say he gets Mod privileges??? Guess what, he is a MOD I'm sorry, but this thread is ridiculous. It doesn't need my 2 cents anyway, but this thread should have had 59 less posts to begin with
KB -- First I figured I would tease him about this thread. It is a pointless homer thread.... Then go back and look at the way he answered my original question.
Also its diffrent to have MOD powers and to abuse MOD powers. Might as well change the name of the board from "bettors chat to" "Boston teams only chat" OR "Whatever I think is intresting chat" or I guess "if you dont like it get the fuck out chat "
GG, Tash. really what does it matter? Bump it up on the main page and if people want to talk about it, they will, no matter what forum it is in. Are you all trying to say he gets Mod privileges??? Guess what, he is a MOD I'm sorry, but this thread is ridiculous. It doesn't need my 2 cents anyway, but this thread should have had 59 less posts to begin with
It would have if he would have answered - "GG I have no idea what your talking about - it wasnt me-- let me try to find out why"
As Wayne said he did not move your thread and has no clue as to why it was moved. Check with Spark and ask him why he moved it instead of drawing this thing out.
When did he say that ? Post # 20 when the shit already hit the fan - If he said that at post # 4 , the thread would have died right there.
I've known women who nag less than you guys. Jesus christ, get a hobby or read a box score or something. You 2 guys are wound tighter than a golf ball.