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  • I let my wife read this whole thread and she got so pissed she wants to have another baby.Got it last night and this morning. Thanks Savage,your crazy ass communist ideas got me laid twice.


    • someone should mention to savage that his LIB boy John Edwards had a child with a lover who he has denied fathering yet he infact did. That is pathetic. You libs are soo sad
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      • Originally posted by vols fan
        I let my wife read this whole thread and she got so pissed she wants to have another baby.Got it last night and this morning. Thanks Savage,your crazy ass communist ideas got me laid twice.
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • This forum really sucks ... good guys calling each other names ... bashing ... making rude and ignorant remarks to each other ...

          Yeah, this forum is just great to let off steam ... if you want to let off steam go to a different site or the gym ...

          Hate this forum .. I may start locking threads and suspending for bashing and calling names ... totally not needed .. Grow the fvk up guys and discuss like adults


          • jc, if savage feels we are over populated what is the big deal?? if he says we should only be limited to 2 kids so what??? ..

            does that give you a reason to be so damn ignorant and rude to the guy on this site?? ...
            and you are usually the first one to point out when someone is out of line ... maike no sense to me


            • Originally posted by Spark
              jc, if savage feels we are over populated what is the big deal?? if he says we should only be limited to 2 kids so what??? ..

              does that give you a reason to be so damn ignorant and rude to the guy on this site?? ...
              and you are usually the first one to point out when someone is out of line ... maike no sense to me

              sorry you feel that way Joe, i just felt that was an insane comment on his behalf.

              and this is the rant section, so if its here and i see something i disagree with, then i will comment.
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • Originally posted by jcindaville
                sorry you feel that way Joe, i just felt that was an insane comment on his behalf.

                and this is the rant section, so if its here and i see something i disagree with, then i will comment.
                absolutely comment John ... but do you honestly need to be a jack-ass about it?? I always thought better of you ... others I expect it from ... not you

                Little disappointing ...


                • Originally posted by Spark
                  absolutely comment John ... but do you honestly need to be a jack-ass about it?? I always thought better of you ... others I expect it from ... not you

                  Little disappointing ...

                  It hit a nerve with me Joe, that happens you know.
                  Questions, comments, complaints:
                  [email protected]


                  • The bottom line is that no one addressed my questions if whether they beleive there is an overpopulation problem in this coun try and world, and if there is, what steps if any should be taken to alleviate it.
                    Besides the name calling, which didn't really surprise me, I find it very disappointing that no one took the time to come up with a thoughtful response to some very legitimate questions i posed problems, which while not apparent in their own lives at this particular second in their own lives, are ones which exist and will only get worse for our posterity if we do not do something about them
                    Perhaps next time I will take issues like this to a different forum, where folks consider them important and relevant.


                    • Originally posted by savage1
                      Perhaps next time I will take issues like this to a different forum, where folks consider them important and relevant.


                      • Originally posted by savage1
                        The bottom line is that no one addressed my questions if whether they beleive there is an overpopulation problem in this coun try and world, and if there is, what steps if any should be taken to alleviate it.
                        Besides the name calling, which didn't really surprise me, I find it very disappointing that no one took the time to come up with a thoughtful response to some very legitimate questions i posed problems, which while not apparent in their own lives at this particular second in their own lives, are ones which exist and will only get worse for our posterity if we do not do something about them
                        Perhaps next time I will take issues like this to a different forum, where folks consider them important and relevant.
                        I'll comment for you....I'm never at a loss for words.

                        Yes, there is already a huge overpopulation problem. However, making a mandatory 2 child per family household quota, would be taking away our freedom. Which of course is the very core which this country was founded. Once you allow the government to take those freedoms, you are allowing them to take any others as well. THAT IS JUST WRONG! It is called Communism. So any attempt to take away that freedom, whether it be abortion, gambling, pornography or anything else, is usually negated by the populous. The last thing we need is to have the government take away any of our freedoms. You might as well toss out the constitution at that point......So your 2 kid quota will more than likely never happen.

                        Now, as far as over population goes. We can come up with a much better solution than a quota. For example.....How about, giving tax incentives for those who only have one child? It would cost some to give it, but we'd get a lot more in return because one extra child is a lot less of a tax burden. Or, how about giving money, YES I SAID MONEY, to women or men who have had only one child or none and get a vasectomy or hysterectomy? You can also limit a prison term for getting one, or by having the implants put in your arm that make a prisoner infertile......

                        My point here is, that yes we are facing an overpopulation problem. It can be alleviated and helped out by other less deplorable measures as a quota method which is taking away our freedom.....

                        Your message about overpopulation was right Savage, but your method to correct it was completely 100% wrong......

                        [email protected]

                        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                        • I forgot one....This is for JC. I think there should also be incentives for guys and girls who only engage in anal sex. Last time I checked, it's impossible to get pregnant that way.

                          Just think JC, getting cash in the mail for not having any more kids and only having anal sex with your wife. Would life get any better for you?

                          [email protected]

                          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                          • Savage seems like a good guy, and I disagree with him on this topic, but who cares. Why does everything have to be so black and white, can't the guy have his own opinion? Does he have to follow his so called party affiliation? That's bullshit, fuck all that.


                            • Thanks Kazdog for your thoughtful response.
                              I would certainly try what you suggest first before putting limitations on the number of children a family can have.
                              If they worked, then all fine and good.
                              My opinion though is that what you say is more theoretical than anything else, and that the problem goes beyond tax incentives and monetary incentives.
                              In the first place,your tax and monetary incentives would have to be huge to garner any interest-not the type that we have all received in under the Bush administration.
                              Also, whose to say that if a family accepted the money, they couldn't turn around at a later date and have another kid anyway and simply say the birth control method they used didn't work? Then what would/should the government do-throw them in a jail and/or ask demand that the money(which had probably already been spent) be returned?
                              As I stated in another post, I feel it is just a matter of time before the government out of necessity will impose limitations of the number of kids families can have, and that the loss of freedom issue you cite will be of no relevance.
                              Last edited by savage1; 09-03-2008, 12:28 PM.


                              • Kaz,

                                Never thought I would say this, but your post to savage makes you sound conservative. Are you converting?

                                I agree with very little about Obama but I applaud his stance on keeping family out of this crap, when you start attacking candidates children on either side, its just lower than low.

                                You and I dont agree much but I respect your opinions and hope we can keep the debates more civil. There are some who I care not to discuss or debate anymore with.

                                We are all Americans and when government or individuals want to start taking your freedom away its time to stand up against it. I have been a consistent supporter of smaller government for this very reason. In fact this is one of the problems I had with Bush, expansion of spending and more government.
                                NBA is a joke

