Basically it all boils down to this. Of course some of the time (or majority of the time as some may think) I may create arguments or look for trouble or whatever but if you look closely 9 times out of 10 its stemmed from the people that antogonize me. Kapt I mean you primarily. Didnt you notice when you said you were gonna ignore me how nothing was fueled for that time period. Then of course you come at me in full fledge one day AGAIN and low and behold here we go again. You are one of the main antogonizers of them all towards me and please I dont need to hear it from you anymore. You make me angrier than any other member with your constant obsession with responding to every single word I post. If you can please ignore me I bet you will see the drama and everything regarding me cut in half. Just do it, watch, and you will see it deminish immensely I guarantee it!!! The ones who always feel the need to get involved in tracking every post I make. The ones who know how to push my buttons and send my off my rocker and are the first to jump their big nose right at me and attack in full force. I have received many e-mails telling me when they see "the attackers in full force" and all over me they begin to wonder who the immature ones are. Ever think of that for a second and I am not meaning to dis-credit my immatuiry one bit cause I know defintely can be. As long as nobody is swarming all over me in any which way they can, the drama isnt fueled on a consistent basis. The improvement Kaz may be referring to is the one in which I dont go crazy on every single member like I used to and I dont do it to the ones that have shown respect for me. Havent you noticed that? I do not do it to anyone who has had my back from day one and its like others said too with people beating the shit out of me and attacking me, jumping on me like a street fight. I also joke around with the ones that have respect for me and see me for the kind individual I actually am aside from the anger I may show some members whom I do not like but we cant all get along with everyone in life. How about look at the positive side of myself like I know Spark and others do. Kapt you say I always listen to him. Well maybe its because HE HAS ALWAYS SHOWN RESPECT FOR ME AND PRESENTED ANY CONcERNS HE HAS HAD FOR ME IN A RESPECTABLE AND POSTIVE MANNER WITHOUT JUMPING ON ME AND SHOVING IT DOWN MY THROAT. He has put me in my place many of times on the site but after he does it is over with We converse through email regularly and he says that I can be immature and an attention seeker at times but he can see through it. For the most part I enjoy this place cause I have a ton of respect and like WAY more members than I dislike. These are the ones that can see my humour come out. The ones that appreciate me wishing them luck in their threads on a daily basis, congratulating them for good picks, picking them up from a bad day or night, and being positive and supportive with different aspects of any dillema or question they may have. If you cant see that I am truly a caring individual then you do not know me at all. I do have anger issues and of course I have issues in general that may have lead to my drug addiction but am working one day at a time to better myself and I really enjoy this place. Anyway enough of my rambling my main point is that for the people that need to throw their 2 cents about me down my throat and follow me from post to post those are the ones that really fuel the anger and drama. Imagine trying to fend of people with your sword every where you go and put yourself in my shoes for once and you may notice the anger and frustration where I cant say anything without being attacked. I can guarantee that if you just let me be me. Let me bitch when I am losing a wager. Allow for me to have an opinion and dont ATTACK ME LIKE A PREDATOR GETTING THEIR PREY than you will see the good side in me. The one who has a great sense of humour, shows support to the majority on a regular basis, wishes everyone good luck consistently, tries to help out and contribute to the forum, has a genuine heart and does care as much as you guys dont think but I do in real life and everyone who knows me PERSONALLY will tell you the same, and last but not least show me respect and I will show you yours
......Anyway enough of my rambling my main point is that for the people that need to throw their 2 cents about me down my throat and follow me from post to post those are the ones that really fuel the anger and drama. Imagine trying to fend of people with your sword every where you go and put yourself in my shoes for once and you may notice the anger and frustration where I cant say anything without being attacked.......Allow for me to have an opinion and dont ATTACK ME LIKE A PREDATOR GETTING THEIR PREY than you will see the good side in me.
Basically it all boils down to this. Of course some of the time (or majority of the time as some may think) I may create arguments or look for trouble or whatever but if you look closely 9 times out of 10 its stemmed from the people that antogonize me. Kapt I mean you primarily. Didnt you notice when you said you were gonna ignore me how nothing was fueled for that time period. Then of course you come at me in full fledge one day AGAIN and low and behold here we go again. You are one of the main antogonizers of them all towards me and please I dont need to hear it from you anymore. You make me angrier than any other member with your constant obsession with responding to every single word I post. If you can please ignore me I bet you will see the drama and everything regarding me cut in half. Just do it, watch, and you will see it deminish immensely I guarantee it!!! The ones who always feel the need to get involved in tracking every post I make. The ones who know how to push my buttons and send my off my rocker and are the first to jump their big nose right at me and attack in full force.
I have received many e-mails telling me when they see "the attackers in full force" and all over me they begin to wonder who the immature ones are.
Maybe you and Gholden Greak should combine your anti Kaptain e-mails, forward em to the proper authorities, Monte/Wayne/Spark, and let them disciplne or BAN me.....If all this is say you e-mail Spark, and not on the Forum....well good for you....send him your anti Kapt e-mail list, and I'm sure he'll get on me for it...
Ever think of that for a second and I am not meaning to dis-credit my immatuiry one bit cause I know defintely can be. As long as nobody is swarming all over me in any which way they can, the drama isnt fueled on a consistent basis. The improvement Kaz may be referring to is the one in which I dont go crazy on every single member like I used to and I dont do it to the ones that have shown respect for me. Havent you noticed that? I do not do it to anyone who has had my back from day one and its like others said too with people beating the shit out of me and attacking me, jumping on me like a street fight. I also joke around with the ones that have respect for me and see me for the kind individual I actually am aside from the anger I may show some members whom I do not like but we cant all get along with everyone in life. How about look at the positive side of myself like I know Spark and others do. Kapt you say I always listen to him. Well maybe its because HE HAS ALWAYS SHOWN RESPECT FOR ME AND PRESENTED ANY CONcERNS HE HAS HAD FOR ME IN A RESPECTABLE AND POSTIVE MANNER WITHOUT JUMPING ON ME AND SHOVING IT DOWN MY THROAT. He has put me in my place many of times on the site but after he does it is over with We converse through email regularly and he says that I can be immature and an attention seeker at times but he can see through it. For the most part I enjoy this place cause I have a ton of respect and like WAY more members than I dislike. These are the ones that can see my humour come out. The ones that appreciate me wishing them luck in their threads on a daily basis, congratulating them for good picks, picking them up from a bad day or night, and being positive and supportive with different aspects of any dillema or question they may have. If you cant see that I am truly a caring individual then you do not know me at all. I do have anger issues and of course I have issues in general that may have lead to my drug addiction but am working one day at a time to better myself and I really enjoy this place. Anyway enough of my rambling my main point is that for the people that need to throw their 2 cents about me down my throat and follow me from post to post those are the ones that really fuel the anger and drama. Imagine trying to fend of people with your sword every where you go and put yourself in my shoes for once and you may notice the anger and frustration where I cant say anything without being attacked. I can guarantee that if you just let me be me. Let me bitch when I am losing a wager. Allow for me to have an opinion and dont ATTACK ME LIKE A PREDATOR GETTING THEIR PREY than you will see the good side in me. The one who has a great sense of humour, shows support to the majority on a regular basis, wishes everyone good luck consistently, tries to help out and contribute to the forum, has a genuine heart and does care as much as you guys dont think but I do in real life and everyone who knows me PERSONALLY will tell you the same, and last but not least show me respect and I will show you yours
And of your pet peeves/sayings to me, were that, "you were tired of my long winded novels"......what is this.....
Chado I've heard all this shit B4....for 2 years now.....I don't care to hear it again......
Stalk you----follow your posts.....everyone here would have to follow your posts, cause you immediately, respond to everyone, so one has to follow your post....
I'm not changing my mind, or the way I do things, till I see a definite change in your attitude, and if the Powers to be want to ban me, I can live with it....Can You....
Why do you keep responding if you don't like what he types all the time? Pretend he doesn't even type anything. Much easier then beating your head against a brick wall.
I really think we all need to give it a break. You, me and Chad included. We have all made our points 100 times each and like others have stated, there really is no need to keep beating each other up over this. I have had many issues here with Chad that i do not like. He thinks he knows more than he actually will in another 10 years and that is not a slam on him. It is the truth and i do know we have all been there at that age. I really do hope for the best for Chad. I think he has alot more work to do but that will still be the case 20 years from now after that addiction. I also hope he reads this thread again without getting angry at anyone's post and just lets it all sink in a bit. I think there are alot of things to be learned in this thread alone. Everyone has opinions and right, wrong, or indifferent, i have just been trying to let them all sink in while letting it go myself. I want great things for Chad and a bright future and i'm really hoping he takes that 2 minutes before talking sometimes to realize not everybody has lived like him. He needs to ignore the negative and absorb the positives ... but that can only happen if he carries himself in a positive way too towards others.
Just finished reading this thread from the first post through
the last post. Nice read, Thanks Harold, I agree with you.
Here's my two cents.....
A Bear walks into a bar in Billings, Montana and sits down. He bangs on the bar with his paw and demands a beer. The bartender approaches and says, 'We don't serve beer to bears in bars in Billings
The bear, becoming angry, demands again that he be served a beer.
The bartender tells him again, more forcefully, 'We don't serve beer to belligerent bears in bars in Billings.'
The bear, very angry now, says, 'If you don't serve me a beer, I'm going to eat that lady sitting at the end of the bar.'
The bartender says, 'Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears in bars in Billings
The bear goes to the end of the bar, and, as promised, eats the woman. He comes back to his seat and again demands a beer.
The bartender states, 'Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears in bars in Billings who are on drugs.'
The bear says, 'I'm NOT on drugs.'
...You're gonna love this........
The bartender says, “You are now. That was a barbitchyouate “
P.S. Can I recieve any college credits for completely reading
this thread from start to finish?
I was Born my Pappy's Son,
When I hit the ground, I was on the Run! Jon E. Checkers
believes his opinion is the 11th commandment
cares less about others feelings, only his own
shows no respect for others opinions
flies off the handle when questioned"
Geezus....Yeah, you're right Kapt., you're not egotistical or one sided in the least bit.
Look hard in the mirror. And if you think I'm the only one with this opinion, YOU ARE WRONG.
I'm an open minded individual. That's why I am where I'm at today in life. You, unfortunately, are not. I've read and comprehended everything you've typed. No matter how long winded it has gotten. And I provided ample reasons why you are just as much to blame and are as misguided sometimes as Chado.
I don't think I've misinterpreted a damn thing. Show me just how I've misinterpreted the English Language? If anything, I misinterpreted YOUR narrow version of what YOU believe is correct.
Keep hating and belittling Chado, because that's certainly the answer and YOUR way has certainly worked. One of us can take the higher road.
I really think we all need to give it a break. You, me and Chad included. We have all made our points 100 times each and like others have stated, there really is no need to keep beating each other up over this. I have had many issues here with Chad that i do not like. He thinks he knows more than he actually will in another 10 years and that is not a slam on him. It is the truth and i do know we have all been there at that age. I really do hope for the best for Chad. I think he has alot more work to do but that will still be the case 20 years from now after that addiction. I also hope he reads this thread again without getting angry at anyone's post and just lets it all sink in a bit. I think there are alot of things to be learned in this thread alone. Everyone has opinions and right, wrong, or indifferent, i have just been trying to let them all sink in while letting it go myself. I want great things for Chad and a bright future and i'm really hoping he takes that 2 minutes before talking sometimes to realize not everybody has lived like him. He needs to ignore the negative and absorb the positives ... but that can only happen if he carries himself in a positive way too towards others.