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What am I missing on Josh Hamilton?

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  • Originally posted by wayne1218
    Isn't the old saying treat others how you want to be treated?
    If that's the case, give me the ban button for a day. I've seen you have little patience with people who have a different opinion than yours. You've changed that tune to a certain extent and are more cautious with the auto ban button. But if YOU are going to treat others how you want to be treated, I would have banned your butt for disagreeing with me about baked lobsters......

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • Originally posted by KazDog
      If that's the case, give me the ban button for a day. I've seen you have little patience with people who have a different opinion than yours. You've changed that tune to a certain extent and are more cautious with the auto ban button. But if YOU are going to treat others how you want to be treated, I would have banned your butt for disagreeing with me about baked lobsters......


      Spark has banned more people than i have here Kaz. For everyone who thinks i'm quick with that button they all talk about, that is probably pretty surprising huh? I'm more vocal than Spark, but when it comes to banning people, we have both been fairer than most know or want to give credit for.


      • Kaz

        Originally posted by KazDog
        I don't miss most of it. I've seen him fly off at the handle. I've also seen him recognize that as a mistake.

        Continously for 2 years, and it's no less today than it was 2 years ago

        Haven't you? That's part of the change. Small? Yes. But a change for the better in my opinion.

        you obviously haven't read the threads I have....go back read em, then reply

        Like I said Wayne, we're of a different ilk. I'm not saying you are a bad person. I'm trying to find good in all of this and in Chad....Take it for what you will.

        KAZ KAZ KAZ

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • Originally posted by Kaptain
          not to mention he himself said he can't get on the forum during the day like he used to.....

          Yeh Kaz----he cut back, voluntaruly.....
          I've said it once Kapt and I'll say it again. You only picked out one thing I said and ran with it. You got nothing from the posts I made and honestly, can be just as stubborn if not more than Chad.....

          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • Originally posted by wayne1218
            Spark has banned more people than i have here Kaz. For everyone who thinks i'm quick with that button they all talk about, that is probably pretty surprising huh? I'm more vocal than Spark, but when it comes to banning people, we have both been fairer than most know or want to give credit for.
            I said you've changed your tune on the ban button. To your credit. You like to argue and are passionate about your views. I have no problem with that! I think you're off on the Chad issue. And I think Kapt goes way overboard on him as well......I feel it goes in one eye and back out the other with any of the points I just made. And I think they are valid.....

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • Kaz Kaz Kaz

              Originally posted by KazDog
              Great point!

              Tell the Dr. Son this....I'd rather see him on here typing away and mingling with us, than going back to a crack pipe.....If this is the worse thing he does in his life from here on out, then I'm ALL for it!

              Dr Son....never said he didn't want him on a Forum rather than a crack pipe, Dr Son said, it was replacing one addiction with another, and chad was easily stressed, and he feared failure in this Forum, would make chad revert back to the in the hell do you people misconstrue the english language so easily...

              And isn't just something that we, as adults, should try and understand Chad and be here for him,

              I already said, I'm not adopting another kid.....and one can help another, only, when they're willing to help themselves...

              as supposedly "the BC Family?' Rather than constantly trying to argue and pick fights with him or bring out the worst in him to a point of getting banned?....

              pointing out his many faults, after trying for 2 yearsa to guide him, doesn't constitute picking fights, and trying to argue.....and by the way, it's easy to bring out the worst in Chado, he does it voluntarily, on a daily basis to others....go back and read KAZ....educate yourself to who/what chado is, then I'll respect your obviously have read just one chapter of a multi chaptered book...

              Think about it for minute Kapt!

              already have----think about my aforementioned posts also....have a nice night KAZ....I'm burnt out on trying to help people interpret the english language....

              Time to end it....Don't you think?

              AGREED----you do the same----get updated on the events, and what creatwed em, then see if you just might re evaluate

              good night KAZ----I have plenty to do...

              Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


              • Originally posted by KazDog
                I think you're off on the Chad issue.

                Chad has already been banned twice here Kaz and almost a dozen other times. Both bans were by Spark, not me, and he is lucky to be here today. You think what you want 'cause it really doesn't matter to me.


                • Kaz

                  Good night KAZ......I''m gonna go in the other room, visit with my wife, and one of my sons, who's here, and see what it's like to converse with open minded people.......

                  you see what you want to see, and you're arguing just to be arguing.....If you haven't seen, or can see what I'm talking about, then there's no sense in us two trying to converse....

                  Hardheaded----damn right I am....never have denied that....but I can read, and understand what I read, and see when people are trying to manipulate.......

                  and if you want to join the "POOR CHADO" class....go right ahead......I'm not falling for it....

                  good night KAZ----lets get lock and loaded for NCAA FB....

                  Good night wayne.....I'm gonna go piss in the bathroom, I'm tired trying to piss in the wind here....see ya tomorrow

                  Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                  • Originally posted by Kaptain
                    good night KAZ----I have plenty to do...
                    Interpret the English language? You want me to point out how many spelling errors you've made in your posts? Interpret it for yourself first.

                    You continually come into Chado's threads and write nauseating novels about something he's done and how intelligent you and your sons are. We've had this discussion before. Look in the mirror Kapt. Get off his ass. You're right, you have more important things to do, I'm sure.

                    You can go on and on about what a POS he is. I will continue to hope Chad stays here and as I told you before......IF THE WORSE THING CHAD DOES, IS COME ON HERE AND TYPE SOME MISGUIDED COMMENTS FROM TIME TO TIME, AND NOT HIT THE CRACK PIPE, THEN HE IS IN A GOOD PLACE...

                    I will sleep just fine knowing where I stand. Good night to you sir.

                    [email protected]

                    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                    • Kaz Kaz Kaz

                      Originally posted by KazDog
                      Interpret the English language? You want me to point out how many spelling errors you've made in your posts? Interpret it for yourself first.

                      Typical interpretaion by you.......I'm talking about how one interprets the english language, and pays attention to what they read, and comprehends what he reads, and you go off on how one spells.....typical KAZ you know why I question what you've read and what you've interpreted towards chado....

                      You continually come into Chado's threads

                      negative----I go into other threads where he reared up his're mis interpreting yet once again....see what I mean

                      and write nauseating novels about something he's done and how intelligent you and your sons are.

                      have never used the word intelligent, re myself or my sons (though they are)....I merely pointed out they were successfull....proud DAD....damn right.....can you say that....and yet, another misinterpretation....keep proving me right KAZ

                      We've had this discussion before. Look in the mirror Kapt. Get off his ass. You're right, you have more important things to do, I'm sure.

                      one of em is probably trying to get you to understand what you read....for a guy that's a Professor at a west coast university, you dazzle with the lack of correct interpretations of the english language.....not spelling einstein....those are typos.....I don't see well...

                      You can go on and on about what a POS he is. I will continue to hope Chad stays here and as I told you before......IF THE WORSE THING CHAD DOES, IS COME ON HERE AND TYPE SOME MISGUIDED COMMENTS FROM TIME TO TIME, AND NOT HIT THE CRACK PIPE, THEN HE IS IN A GOOD PLACE...

                      I also agree with that, and have previously clarified that for you to understand in an earlier statement....merely said what my PROFESSIONAL son had to say re Chado if he left here....
                      Misguided comments, when you tell some one to fuck off, you're an idiot, are those misguided or're the Professor

                      I will sleep just fine knowing where I stand. Good night to you sir.

                      Hope you sleep well, also.....I know I will, I'll wake up in the morning, have my coffee, read the paper, and guess what, understand what I read.....
                      Oh by the way----did I tell you my Oldest Son is the Senior Scientist for the WORLD's largest Pharmacutical new Medicine supplier.........that's right my man....Sr Scientist....he just put on a seminar in Conn., and he's just 41 years old.....would you say he's intelligent.....I can't cause I'll be chastised by be the judge.....

                      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                      • Can we get a group hug?
                        NBA is a joke


                        • Originally posted by Kaptain
                          Oh by the way----did I tell you my Oldest Son is the Senior Scientist for the WORLD's largest Pharmacutical new Medicine supplier.........that's right my man....Sr Scientist....he just put on a seminar in Conn., and he's just 41 years old.....would you say he's intelligent.....I can't cause I'll be chastised by be the judge.....
                          Let's see here.....You said about Chado:

                          believes his opinion is the 11th commandment
                          cares less about others feelings, only his own
                          shows no respect for others opinions
                          flies off the handle when questioned"

                          Geezus....Yeah, you're right Kapt., you're not egotistical or one sided in the least bit.

                          Look hard in the mirror. And if you think I'm the only one with this opinion, YOU ARE WRONG.

                          I'm an open minded individual. That's why I am where I'm at today in life. You, unfortunately, are not. I've read and comprehended everything you've typed. No matter how long winded it has gotten. And I provided ample reasons why you are just as much to blame and are as misguided sometimes as Chado.

                          I don't think I've misinterpreted a damn thing. Show me just how I've misinterpreted the English Language? If anything, I misinterpreted YOUR narrow version of what YOU believe is correct.

                          Keep hating and belittling Chado, because that's certainly the answer and YOUR way has certainly worked. One of us can take the higher road.

                          [email protected]

                          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                          • Kaz I see both sides but think you have the much more level headed approach. I think you've made your point though at this point.
                            Great Day To Win

                            MLB 2008 (19-23-1) +3.0 units

                            NBA 08-09 (10-7) + 1.59 units

                            GOY (4-1)


                            • Originally posted by ELJUGO
                              Kaz I see both sides but think you have the much more level headed approach. I think you've made your point though at this point.
                              Thanks man...

                              [email protected]

                              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                              • Originally posted by ELJUGO
                                Kaz I see both sides but think you have the much more level headed approach. I think you've made your point though at this point.
                                Kaz never has made his point clear enough
                                Questions, comments, complaints:
                                [email protected]

