Why is everyone falling over themselves to talk about what a great story this kid is? Yeah, I understand he overcame adversity and all that, but let's not make this guy a hero. What he overcame was himself! The idiot had the world by the balls and fucked it up by getting hooked on crack. He pissed away four years of his life/career by getting hooked on drugs, and is probably quite lucky to even be alive. Wow, what a role model!
Look, I can respect the fact that he kicked drugs, and is now talking to kids about the dangers, but let's see this for what it is. He is by no stretch of the imagination a hero. I sure as shit don't want my son following in his footsteps. What is the message, be great, fuck it up by getting hooked on drugs, and if you get clean (and have amazing ability), you too can be a hero someday.
What am I missing?
Look, I can respect the fact that he kicked drugs, and is now talking to kids about the dangers, but let's see this for what it is. He is by no stretch of the imagination a hero. I sure as shit don't want my son following in his footsteps. What is the message, be great, fuck it up by getting hooked on drugs, and if you get clean (and have amazing ability), you too can be a hero someday.
What am I missing?