He chose to use drugs Chado, just like you did. Crack didnt jump up in the air and land in his mouth, you need to check yourself before you call someone and idiot.
He chose his path, it didnt choose him.
Great minds think alike.Different words but I think we were typing the same shit at the same time
Of course it is the individuals initial decision to "choose" to try it for the first time but what you guys are unaware of is that in all walks of life in childhood upbringing, there are numerous environments, bad neighbourhoud, no mother or father figures, no role models, physical and sexual abuse, growing up where you are brought into that lifestyle and never given a chance, emotion abuse, etc. etc. etc. that really do not allow for a logical conscience on right and wrong, what is or is not acceptable on wheter or not to make that initial rational first decision to use drugs or alcohol nor whether you would get adddicted or not. That is what the average Joe who has not personally either directly or indrectly been affected by it are unaware of. It is not always necessairly or primarily the individuals fault for the beginning.
Of course it is the individuals initial decision to "choose" to try it for the first time but what you guys are unaware of is that in all walks of life in childhood upbringing, there are numerous environments, bad neighbourhoud, no mother or father figures, no role models, physical and sexual abuse, growing up where you are brought into that lifestyle and never given a chance, emotion abuse, etc. etc. etc. that really do not allow for a logical conscience on right and wrong, what is or is not acceptable on wheter or not to make that initial rational first decision to use drugs or alcohol nor whether you would get adddicted or not. That is what the average Joe who has not personally either directly or indrectly been affected by it are unaware of. It is not always necessairly or primarily the individuals fault for the beginning.
Im sorry but i disagree with it not being the individuals fault. Your background up bringing, etc..., we all have choices, and if you choose to do crack, heroin, meth, etc then you are at fault.
It is idiots like you that need to be educated that we as addicts did not "choose" to get addicted or do it ourselves. You need to take a class and learn about why people become addicted to drugs and alcohol before you ever have the slightest clue. He is a hero and everything he has done is one of the most remarkable things I have ever heard. What you do not know is that only a SMALL percentage of people do not go back to their old life and VERY FEW succeed in beating this desease before they are either in jails, institutions, or dead....
So the drug addict isn't the idiot, I am? Hmmm....interesting theory. So an addict has no responsibility for their addiction? Addicts don't "choose" to put the alcohol or drugs into their system the first time? Gimme a big fucking break!
I love how our liberal society has successfully convinced most people that everyone is now a victim. No accountability for anything. If you are a big enough idiot to ever try crack, heroin, or any of the drugs that are 1000% known to be highly addictive, then you are an idiot, and are 1000% to blame for becoming an addict. Sure there are sitautions that make is more understandable to do drugs, but that doesn't make you a hero in my book.
Maybe he is a hero to a recovering drug addict, but he ain't no hero of mine. I'm glad he is better, and doing good things with his life, but I still don't need him to be a role model for my kids.
Im sorry but i disagree with it not being the individuals fault. Your background up bringing, etc..., we all have choices, and if you choose to do crack, heroin, meth, etc then you are at fault.
Yea what if you grow up in an environment where both your mother and father are alcoholics and/or drug addicts and most kids look for guidance during their upbringing and when these figures they look up to are showing them a lifestyle that they deem as "acceptable" and "normal" not even to mention the other traumatic factors that are known causes then no John you are not given a fighting chance to make a decision like someone not in this siutation would have...
Of course it is the individuals initial decision to "choose" to try it for the first time but what you guys are unaware of is that in all walks of life in childhood upbringing, there are numerous environments, bad neighbourhoud, no mother or father figures, no role models, physical and sexual abuse, growing up where you are brought into that lifestyle and never given a chance, emotion abuse, etc. etc. etc. that really do not allow for a logical conscience on right and wrong, what is or is not acceptable on wheter or not to make that initial rational first decision to use drugs or alcohol nor whether you would get adddicted or not. That is what the average Joe who has not personally either directly or indrectly been affected by it are unaware of. It is not always necessairly or primarily the individuals fault for the beginning.
From what I gather from all your OPEN discussins you didn't grow up with any of those problems and neither did Josh Hamilton so it was you guys that chose to go down that road.Alot of STRONG people have made it out of poor neighborhoods and made it with out getting caught up in all the shit.Some people are much weaker and give in but that is up to each individual.And also no matter if it's from TV,school or a grandmother or aunt these kids know right from wrong Chado.They all made it thru High School with passing grades and I'm sure was surronded by plenty of counselors.That is the point Harold was trying to make.
It is idiots like you that need to be educated that we as addicts did not "choose" to get addicted or do it ourselves. You need to take a class and learn about why people become addicted to drugs and alcohol before you ever have the slightest clue. He is a hero and everything he has done is one of the most remarkable things I have ever heard. What you do not know is that only a SMALL percentage of people do not go back to their old life and VERY FEW succeed in beating this desease before they are either in jails, institutions, or dead....
He did choose - he chose to use drugs with the possibility he could end up where he did. I am happy he pulled himself out of it and should be commended for it. But should my children think of him as their hero? I think not, I would rather they think of someone who has always chosen the right path and worked hard with what they were given. I would rather my son look up to a $10/hour laborer who works hard for an honest living than to Josh Hamilton...
Of course it is the individuals initial decision to "choose" to try it for the first time but what you guys are unaware of is that in all walks of life in childhood upbringing, there are numerous environments, bad neighbourhoud, no mother or father figures, no role models, physical and sexual abuse, growing up where you are brought into that lifestyle and never given a chance, emotion abuse, etc. etc. etc. that really do not allow for a logical conscience on right and wrong, what is or is not acceptable on wheter or not to make that initial rational first decision to use drugs or alcohol nor whether you would get adddicted or not. That is what the average Joe who has not personally either directly or indrectly been affected by it are unaware of. It is not always necessairly or primarily the individuals fault for the beginning.
Of course people are dealt shitty hands in life, and it is more understandable for someone that is sexually abused and beaten their whole childhood to end up using drugs. However, kicking the habit still doesn't make you a role model. A role model to me is someone that went through shit and DID NOT use drugs. That is a story kids need to look up to.
I also know that there are quite a few drug addicts that had a normal childhood and still became addicts. I've read no stories about Josh Hamilton being abused or having a messed up childhood. Assuming that is the case, he is...or at least was a very weak minded individual that CHOOSE to take drugs. Again, let's remeber the topic, I'm talking about Josh Hamilton, not that poor kid that was raped everyday of his childhood. Josh Hamilton is the one being made out to be something great. In my opinion that guy was just a loser, and I'm not calling him a hero for doing something that 90% of the world already does, which is not be a drug addict.
From what I gather from all your OPEN discussins you didn't grow up with any of those problems and neither did Josh Hamilton so it was you guys that chose to go down that road.Alot of STRONG people have made it out of poor neighborhoods and made it with out getting caught up in all the shit.Some people are much weaker and give in but that is up to each individual.And also no matter if it's from TV,school or a grandmother or aunt these kids know right from wrong Chado.They all made it thru High School with passing grades and I'm sure was surronded by plenty of counselors.That is the point Harold was trying to make.
What he overcame was himself! The idiot had the world by the balls and fucked it up by getting hooked on crack. He pissed away four years of his life/career by getting hooked on drugs, and is probably quite lucky to even be alive. Wow, what a role model!
Years ago I would have felt the same way. It changes when a loved one fights any addiction.
I can tell you addiction for many is not a choice. Many suffer from some form of mental illness. It's not a life they truly want to live. Do you really think an addict wakes in the morning and chooses to get high? Some do. Many don't! They battle each and every day trying to fight and overcome their addiction.
Is he a role model? YES! There's different types of role models. He's NOT a role model for children. He is a role model for millions that fight addiction.
Please don't be naive with your ignorant statement. Honestly, until you live through, until your life is touched with addiction you truly are clueless. Do yourself a favor. Attend an AA meeting. Listen to their stories. Their nightmares. I can tell you your opinions of addicts will change.
It is idiots like you that need to be educated that we as addicts did not "choose" to get addicted or do it ourselves. You need to take a class and learn about why people become addicted to drugs and alcohol before you ever have the slightest clue. He is a hero and everything he has done is one of the most remarkable things I have ever heard. What you do not know is that only a SMALL percentage of people do not go back to their old life and VERY FEW succeed in beating this desease before they are either in jails, institutions, or dead
I don't normally agree with Chad. In this case I agree 1000%
As I stated in my previous post until your life is touched by someone that fights addiction it's sooo easy to pass judgment. Until then please reserve your uneducated and ignorant opinions to yourself.
He chose to use drugs Chado, just like you did. Crack didnt jump up in the air and land in his mouth, you need to check yourself before you call someone and idiot.
He chose his path, it didnt choose him.
Originally posted by vols fan
You or he didn't choose to be an addict? You might not have thought you wouldn't become one but YOU chose to do it for the first time and YOU let it take over your life.Iv'e been to all those classes myself and if you don't ever touch it you can't get addicted to it.I'm glad you stayed clean but when it's all said and done who else can you or Josh blame.
Originally posted by kbsooner21
No need to call him an idiot Chado. I personally think people throw out the word "addiction" as an excuse. Alcoholics "choose" to drink their first beer, imo, it is not something ingrained in the human DNA. Just as crack addicts don't go searching for their next hit, without "choosing" to do it first. No doubt, once you start and the more you do the harder it is to quit, but a lot of these people lay the foundation for themselves with the "choices" they make to begin with. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of you and the Josh Hamilton's of the world for getting off that junk as it is not easy to do once you get started, but I just don't believe all the excuses of "I can't help it, I'm an addict," type stuff because that person had a choice not to take their first hit of crack.
Chado jumping into a thread and calling someone an idiot right out of the gate again? No, really?? Chad, you are about as immature as it gets here. It shows every time you try convincing people you are a good guy and you do this. It will be great talking to you someday after you grow up. At that point, you will probably enjoy conversations more because you might understand one for once.The guy ripped nobody and had a valid question.