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  • #46
    Originally posted by kbsooner21
    Congress has created these loopholes, but I guess the rich shouldn't use their knowledge to their benefit?

    Listen to yourself Kaz. You can't be serious. You can't make excuses for these people their whole life. If they want something done about it, they've got to get off their ass and make it happen. It just isn't going to show up on their doorstep one day! can't argue with people who have never been there or live in their own world. It's not an excuse. There are so many less fortunate and so many that don't abuse the system, and there are a few who have all the power and money in comparison. If I was to take a stab at the percentages, it would go something like this.....

    50% work their ass off and pay their fair share of taxes
    35% are in the middle class and do the same
    5% are dirt poor and have nothing
    5% abuse the system but make less than what can be lived on by most standards
    5% have 90% of all the wealth in this country and don't pay the taxes that the other 95% do

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #47
      I would nail Hillary if I had a chance. I'd even let her dip a cigar...

      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #48
        Originally posted by KazDog can't argue with people who have never been there or live in their own world. It's not an excuse. There are so many less fortunate and so many that don't abuse the system, and there are a few who have all the power and money in comparison. If I was to take a stab at the percentages, it would go something like this.....

        50% work their ass off and pay their fair share of taxes
        35% are in the middle class and do the same
        5% are dirt poor and have nothing
        5% abuse the system but make less than what can be lived on by most standards
        5% have 90% of all the wealth in this country and don't pay the taxes that the other 95% do


        Go to work Noble one
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • #49
          Originally posted by KazDog
          I would nail Hillary if I had a chance. I'd even let her dip a cigar...



          • #50
            Originally posted by longnex

            she could be his grandma

            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • #51
              Originally posted by KazDog
     can't argue with people who have never been there or live in their own world. It's not an excuse. There are so many less fortunate and so many that don't abuse the system, and there are a few who have all the power and money in comparison. If I was to take a stab at the percentages, it would go something like this.....

              50% work their ass off and pay their fair share of taxes
              35% are in the middle class and do the same
              5% are dirt poor and have nothing
              5% abuse the system but make less than what can be lived on by most standards
              5% have 90% of all the wealth in this country and don't pay the taxes that the other 95% do

              It is a FUCKING excuse!


              • #52
                I'm going to make this my last argument in this thread, and hopefully, although I doubt it, you will see my point.....

                KB, you stated that the rich have a right to get any tax loophole and shelter they can. I agree. Just as any person can collect unemployment because it is something the government provides.

                Now....In one instance, you have one man, say John Doe who abuses the system and collects say, $10k per year in unemployment benefits and sits at home eating chips. Is he getting rich off the 10k? Nope. There is about 5% or less of the population that's in this category.

                Now....You have a guy like Bill Gates let's say. He is also one man. He makes billions of dollars per year and gets out of paying billions of dollars in taxes through loopholes and shelters. To the tune of $10,000,000,000. There are roughly 5% of the population that are in this category as well.

                So I ask you, who should I be more likely to side with or take a stand against? Seeing how I pay my fair share of taxes every year?????

                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • #53
                  Originally posted by kbsooner21
                  It is a FUCKING excuse!
                  Stupid argument....

                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by KazDog
                    I'm going to make this my last argument in this thread, and hopefully, although I doubt it, you will see my point.....

                    KB, you stated that the rich have a right to get any tax loophole and shelter they can. I agree. Just as any person can collect unemployment because it is something the government provides.

                    Now....In one instance, you have one man, say John Doe who abuses the system and collects say, $10k per year in unemployment benefits and sits at home eating chips. Is he getting rich off the 10k? Nope. There is about 5% or less of the population that's in this category.

                    Now....You have a guy like Bill Gates let's say. He is also one man. He makes billions of dollars per year and gets out of paying billions of dollars in taxes through loopholes and shelters. To the tune of $10,000,000,000. There are roughly 5% of the population that are in this category as well.

                    So I ask you, who should I be more likely to side with or take a stand against? Seeing how I pay my fair share of taxes every year?????

                    Obviously, you bleeding heart pansy, would side with the guy who has never done a bit of work in his life, yet is content to abuse the system and get by with life, rather than side with Bill Gates who spent many years of his life working his ass off in college who came up with his "own" ideas and made a fortune off his own hard work!


                    • #55
                      Hahahahaha.....Bill Gates working hard. That's a good one. I would give it to the guy who has nothing every time. Most of those people have nothing and barely make ends meet. Meanwhile Gates gets out of paying billions to the government in taxes. It's liberal ideology and Right wing ideology.

                      [email protected]

                      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                      • #56
                        You don't think Bill Gates ever worked hard?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by KazDog
                          Hahahahaha.....Bill Gates working hard. That's a good one. I would give it to the guy who has nothing every time. Most of those people have nothing and barely make ends meet. Meanwhile Gates gets out of paying billions to the government in taxes. It's liberal ideology and Right wing ideology.


                          Bill Gates has paid his fair share buddy.....What about all the jobs he created....I bet he has created an economy on his own that is larger than most 3rd world countries....Many of these breaks encourage wealthy people to re-invest in more opportunities which in turn creates more jobs.....

                          People do not get ahead by begrudging others who have done well....This is a country of abundance and it is there for all of us....Also Bill Gates as well as many wealthy at one time risked it all and for all the ones like him who made it there are many who are the carnage of biz failures....Never...ever.....tear down a successful man......Abe Lincoln said it is only the weak who attempt to tear down a better man to his level......whereas a strong man elevates himself to success....

                          Kaz....not trying to judge but i would say you are the type to be angry or kealous of someone who does well......

                          I love to see success stories.....period


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by kbsooner21
                            Congress has created these loopholes, but I guess the rich shouldn't use their knowledge to their benefit?

                            Listen to yourself Kaz. You can't be serious. You can't make excuses for these people their whole life. If they want something done about it, they've got to get off their ass and make it happen. It just isn't going to show up on their doorstep one day!
                            Congress also created Welfare so why shouldn't people take advantage of it?


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by BettorsChat
                              Congress also created Welfare so why shouldn't people take advantage of it?

                              I think when it was designed in 1935 it was for people to use until they got back on their feet. As the country grew there became more single parent households and the welfare system grew.

                              I do not like to use the word take advantage of.....I read an article that described welfare something that many people felt humilitated to be on until things got better. I think it is great for those people who really need it but i know people who know the system and are able bodied yet are the 3rd generation welfare recipients. I think we can all agree that there are some people who get a free ride from it. I for 1 do not want to be footing the bill for babies having babies because statistics show that these babies end up either #1 having more babies #2 end up in our jails if male

                              So if someone is down on their luck...hell yeah....give them a hand until they can make ends meet....but do not make the system take the incentive out of working.....JMHO


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                                Bill Gates has paid his fair share buddy.....What about all the jobs he created....I bet he has created an economy on his own that is larger than most 3rd world countries....Many of these breaks encourage wealthy people to re-invest in more opportunities which in turn creates more jobs.....

                                People do not get ahead by begrudging others who have done well....This is a country of abundance and it is there for all of us....Also Bill Gates as well as many wealthy at one time risked it all and for all the ones like him who made it there are many who are the carnage of biz failures....Never...ever.....tear down a successful man......Abe Lincoln said it is only the weak who attempt to tear down a better man to his level......whereas a strong man elevates himself to success....

                                Kaz....not trying to judge but i would say you are the type to be angry or kealous of someone who does well......

                                I love to see success stories.....period
                                For someone who claims he's not a Republican, you sure are full of right wing ideology.

                                You couldn't be more wrong about me being jealous of someone who does well. I've have seen both sides of the fence. I've been around the poorest of the poor and wealthiest people around in my line of work. Three of my friends and one of my family members are millionaires. I couldn't be happier for them. I have decent wealth myself. I'm not going to list it, but I'm doing better than average. So your assumption is completely wrong. I like to pull for the underdog because I know where they come from, have walked in their shoes and know most people genuinely need it.

                                Yes it's true Bill Gates has employed many people. He couldn't do or have what he has without them, could he?

                                So he needs employees as much as he supplies them with employment. He also pays nowhere near the % of tax that 90% of American's do. I'd estimate that if he had to pay the same percentage as anyone in the middle class, that it would literally be in the billions of dollars. Hence the reason why the flat tax will never pass. The wealthy see to that...

                                It's simply a matter of liberal ideology and right wing ideology. My feeling is that the more the rich get, the more they want in their pockets. The trickle down philosophy is a flawed one at best. Because it rarely trickles down. Reagan, who everyone loves, had us in a near depression at the end of his term with his trickle down philosophy.

                                I will tell it to you like I told it to KB.....Is it better that one man gets a billion dollars out of the government by not paying taxes or using the system to get loopholes and shelters. Or that one million men get $10k out of the government by means of welfare which they are entitled to as well and most of the people who are on it, need it? Do you think any of the people who get welfare or need welfare are getting rich off it? Fuck no they're not. They barely make enough to live on. There will always be those who abuse the system. Any system....

                                I will pull for those people who need welfare every single time.

                                So, if because I pull for those less fortunate, you want to call me jealous, that's certainly your prerogative but only shows your ignorance in making that assumption.

                                [email protected]

                                I'm just here so I won't get fined....

