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Wednesday ****MLB GOY***

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  • Originally posted by wayne1218
    I'm the asshole here.



    • Originally posted by The Lovedoc


      • Damn, this thread won't quit. I guess everyone likes a little asshole, every once in a while.


        • Originally posted by ChuckLazar
          Damn, this thread won't quit. I guess everyone likes a little asshole, every once in a while.
          can you imagine how this thread would be if you won your GOY???


          • Originally posted by DeGenerate1
            can you imagine how this thread would be if you won your GOY???
            Way bigger than your big head!!


            • Originally posted by ChuckLazar
              Way bigger than your big head!!

              I think if it would not have any views since there would be no controversy


              • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                I think if it would not have any views since there would be no controversy




                • Originally posted by KazDog
                  Do you know this for a fact Tony? I know the man is getting old, but this is maybe more than I really need to know!


                  wow......i believe this is your cue to offer old spark the "knuckle shuffle"...but i do not think he goes that way....Maybe pop on a wig and some lipstick and you will have a chance......


                  • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                    MCP is always on his ass. I've had talks with him about it before on this site. And he continues to bring up past shit over and over. Every once in a while he'll post a play.
                    What would you like me to do Monte?

                    Start posting 100 unit bombs every other there ZERO integrity around here that one can post anything w/o having to answer about it?



                    • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                      I think if it would not have any views since there would be no controversy
                      I concur!


                      • Originally posted by ChuckLazar
                        Way bigger than your big head!!
                        bigger than your GOY's?


                        • Originally posted by kbsooner21
                          He adds about as much around here as jordanrules did.


                          • Monte

                            Originally posted by BettorsChat

                            There is an ignore button that you can put any member on then you control what you see or don't see.
                            I'm well aware of the Ignore BVutton on this site.....Ignoring a problem, is not resolving a problem..........

                            Based on your replies to most of the previous statements, it's apparent to me, that Chuck for some ungodly reason, is in the favor of your eye..........

                            If you feel Chuck is not a problem, and he is the kind of person you want in this Forum, and you constantly taking up for him and protecting his tactics, then you pretty well dictated to me the Caliber of person you want here....

                            And as far as the Ignore button, you must have it locked in on everyone, cause I don't think you really know how disgusting it is to go anywhere, and the Chuck BS strikes you in the face....

                            My reply to Jimmy being astute, percecptive and fair, and complimenting his insight, had nothing to do with the clicks/views/$ from, it was regarding him pegging Chuck as to what he is.....Geez----give me some credit Monte.....

                            You have a great site here, and I've made some pretty special friends here, and probably a few enemies (in the CL range of intellect and personality), but that is life......

                            I've been here a while, and probably have read 98 % of the posts since I'm here.........Thats make me pretty aware of who is who in my opinion.......I've disagreed with many, argued/debated with plenty, differed with Wayne on several subjects, but level headedness always prevailed.......Opinions will always differ, and I or you can't control that, but the company I keep, I can control.....

                            Do I think I'm better than most here, hell no, but just as damn good a person as they are.....Do I think I'm better than that piece of shit Chuck Lazar, hell YES.......

                            I promised to finish up the 2007 NCAA FB Dogs like I had last year, I'm about 98 % completed updating my record, I'll post them both, and then I am gonna use your advice re the IGNORE button.....

                            I'm gonna put the whole site on IGNORE for a while, till I feel that I want to participate any more.....I've said it many times, ARROGANCE, EGOTISM, PREVARICATION, are attributes I can't tolerate or surround myself with.....Chucl reeks of em all.....

                            I'm gonna commend your 2 Moderators for doing what I call an almost impossible job.....but they get it done....Wayne and Spark, you 2 guys have done super here.........

                            Now Monte, if you would just listen a lil more to them, back em up when needed, make a damn decision for banishment, and don't be so naive as to let someone like Chuck talk his way back in....He's a Master at it, he's had plenty of practice....

                            In no way am I saying, Chuck stays, and I go, or Chuck has to go before I stay.....I don't condone extortation/blackmail.....One of the 3 WM, my good frien CoverBoy (Neil) used that tactic, and I didn't agree with it then, and I don't now....what I am saying is,

                            You have pretty clearly defined to me, what CALIBER person you want here, and I think you should re look/re consider, cause I think it's hurting you and the Forum altogether.....IMO....

                            I'll finish up what I said I was gonna do, post em when done, put the site on IGNORE for a while, and then decide what I want to do.....

                            This time PAPI....."say good night Gracie", does indeed mean what you mistakenly thought it had meant before.....Love ya PAPI........a man has to do what a man has to do......know what I mean Verne......

                            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                            • Originally posted by Kaptain
                              I'm well aware of the Ignore BVutton on this site.....Ignoring a problem, is not resolving a problem..........

                              Based on your replies to most of the previous statements, it's apparent to me, that Chuck for some ungodly reason, is in the favor of your eye..........

                              If you feel Chuck is not a problem, and he is the kind of person you want in this Forum, and you constantly taking up for him and protecting his tactics, then you pretty well dictated to me the Caliber of person you want here....

                              And as far as the Ignore button, you must have it locked in on everyone, cause I don't think you really know how disgusting it is to go anywhere, and the Chuck BS strikes you in the face....

                              My reply to Jimmy being astute, percecptive and fair, and complimenting his insight, had nothing to do with the clicks/views/$ from, it was regarding him pegging Chuck as to what he is.....Geez----give me some credit Monte.....

                              You have a great site here, and I've made some pretty special friends here, and probably a few enemies (in the CL range of intellect and personality), but that is life......

                              I've been here a while, and probably have read 98 % of the posts since I'm here.........Thats make me pretty aware of who is who in my opinion.......I've disagreed with many, argued/debated with plenty, differed with Wayne on several subjects, but level headedness always prevailed.......Opinions will always differ, and I or you can't control that, but the company I keep, I can control.....

                              Do I think I'm better than most here, hell no, but just as damn good a person as they are.....Do I think I'm better than that piece of shit Chuck Lazar, hell YES.......

                              I promised to finish up the 2007 NCAA FB Dogs like I had last year, I'm about 98 % completed updating my record, I'll post them both, and then I am gonna use your advice re the IGNORE button.....

                              I'm gonna put the whole site on IGNORE for a while, till I feel that I want to participate any more.....I've said it many times, ARROGANCE, EGOTISM, PREVARICATION, are attributes I can't tolerate or surround myself with.....Chucl reeks of em all.....

                              I'm gonna commend your 2 Moderators for doing what I call an almost impossible job.....but they get it done....Wayne and Spark, you 2 guys have done super here.........

                              Now Monte, if you would just listen a lil more to them, back em up when needed, make a damn decision for banishment, and don't be so naive as to let someone like Chuck talk his way back in....He's a Master at it, he's had plenty of practice....

                              In no way am I saying, Chuck stays, and I go, or Chuck has to go before I stay.....I don't condone extortation/blackmail.....One of the 3 WM, my good frien CoverBoy (Neil) used that tactic, and I didn't agree with it then, and I don't now....what I am saying is,

                              You have pretty clearly defined to me, what CALIBER person you want here, and I think you should re look/re consider, cause I think it's hurting you and the Forum altogether.....IMO....

                              I'll finish up what I said I was gonna do, post em when done, put the site on IGNORE for a while, and then decide what I want to do.....

                              This time PAPI....."say good night Gracie", does indeed mean what you mistakenly thought it had meant before.....Love ya PAPI........a man has to do what a man has to do......know what I mean Verne......

                              kapt....well said ! tell jt i said , hey !

                              monte? is chuck you ? wtf !

                              omg this is a joke !
                              today alone chuck tried to middle a total : over 10 / under 11
                              still the 30 unit play , but he only played it small..takes the cake !
                              now wtf is that ! thats drama ? or not !

                              been here 6 months still dont get whats the rules?
                              guess bullshit , is in these days ....just cant follow ,lol


                              • Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                                i find this comical.....CL is crazy delusional......I love how he portrays himself as whatever suits him at the time. Here are some of the characters he plays:

                                1) victim
                                2) expert capper
                                3) friend
                                4) enemy
                                5) master manipulator of people (always a step ahead)
                                6) independently wealthy
                                7) christian (yet he drops personal gernades on peoples wives, mothers, etc)
                                8) tough guy athlete
                                9) name dropper
                                10) Kaptain Stoobing


                                i have seen you straighten folks out around here who need straightening. I believe you are the voice of reason. I never even knew you were a teacher or a big time manager. (I actually thought you had a big ship that you sailed around on and got cocked )....

                                but Chuck is crazy overestimating his popularity here. He mistakes the clicks for people liking him. Remember, people love a trainwreck (its why people watched the Osbornes)....I really can not think of anyone who would use his picks......

                                He wins then he says he bet more on the side....He loses and he really only bet it for 1 unit and it doesn't matter because all 7 of his offshores are giving him 16% of his losses.......

                                I am only 5'10" so i can no longer see over the pile of Bullshit this guy lays....

                                I respect the mods, the owners and the other members. I am sure this will be dealt with properly and i would say eventually Chuck will cease to have an audience.....

                                Like i said before.....It is like pissing in a fan.
                                Your always trying to belittle me.
                                Like I said before, it doesn't matter what articles I post, because you'll turn them around because that's the kind of person you are. You don't know me, but always making things up. Here is a little something to help straighten you out. I can post any article you want, that will back this all up.

                                I'll clarify a few things up for you and everyone else ....
                                Differences between The Pgh Chuck vs the Ca. Chuck!!!!
                                The Pgh Chuck was a person who worked very hard every day of his life at what ever he did.
                                After graduating out of College in 79, I used my degree to work for my Grandfather's and Father's Construction Business. I talked my Dad into joining the Master Builders Assoc, and to have a pension plan for all the workers.
                                I continued to work for the Family business until 98, and took a Project Manager- Superintendent job with another Co. and worked on both PNC Park and Heinz Field. The last few years I worked on the Jacksonville Stadium, a few Sam's Clubs, and ended out at Cal Poly, where I finally retired.
                                Along the way, I brought up a few properties that I have turned over for a very nice profit.

                                While in College, I lettered in Football, Baseball and track, while playing in the summers of 78-79 for the Pgh Hardhats (A Professional Softball Team).
                                In the summer of 79 while playing both for the Pgh Hardhats and The Pgh WolfPak ( A semi-pro foot team). I landed a free-agent try-out with the Steelers.
                                I was able to play in 3 Exhibition games that year, but didn't make the final cut. I continued to play both softball and Semi-pro football with the Pgh Colts, and took on a Defensive Backfield Coach with Carnegie Mellon University, along with still working full time for my Family Business.

                                Over the Years, I had try-outs with The Detroit Lions, and Hamilton Tigercats. An ACL injury, during camp in Hamilton, basically ended my career. But during that time, I was privileged to be on a Professional Championship team with the Hardhats, beating out a team from Detroit. And was also privilege through those years to play in a National Semi-Pro football Championship game with the Colts vs a team from Yuba City Ca. I earned a MVP award in that game for returning a punt and a kick-off each for a TD. There were 75,000 fans at the game.

                                Between the years from 83-2005, I was on 6 different USSA- ASA National Championship Teams in Class A, B and C. My wife and kids loved going to different cities every weekend during the summer and watching us play, and seeing many sites along the way.
                                In 85 I played for a Flag Football team from Verona, Pa called Hippos, and won a World Championship in St. Louis, Missouri, by beating a field of 30 teams.

                                I also continued to teach kids, along with my own, and coach Football and Baseball and Track during this time.
                                I was lucky enough to have 2 holes in one in Golf and also lucky enough to roll a 300 game in bowling. 2 hobbies that I have enjoyed to this day.

                                I made many friendships along the way, and collected many trophies, autographs, pictures and other memorabilia that as a sports fan today, have cherished the friendships the most
                                The Hardhats team was run by one of the biggest Italian Gambling Organizations in Pgh, and my first acquaintance towards gambling. They don't have a Softball team any more, but still have businesses through Pa, Ohio and WV.
                                Every thing I did was an all out effort, with many ups and down. I had some good and bad experiences with services, and I learned from a bookie friend, that services know as much as I do.
                                I wasted a lot of money, along with making a lot of money during the years. I had a blast along the way and wouldn't change it for any thing in the world.

                                I found Bettorschat from any other and made a few more friendships from here. I was an arrogant person, but also a humbled person. But in order to be the best, you have to pay the price and with that comes people who envy or hate you.
                                I padded a few units to my totals, but I know a few who also have. The only lie I have ever made on this site was to post a false ticket, because I couldn't prove a bet from a local. I have fucked with a few people, who fucked with me.

                                The Ca. Chuck is a more laid back guy, that is enjoying his family. I'm 50 and retired and doing odd jobs to make extra cash to piss away on hobbies, such as gambling, golf and bowling. I enjoy spending some down time on the Internet, but not as much as before, and Bettorschat is my favorite place.
                                My daughter is involved in Gymnastics competition and playing for the traveling 11 and under softball team. Almost all of my time is with her. My 7 yr old granddaughter is playing golf. I'm looking forward to following them the next few years, and being their biggest fan.

                                Being this is where we can get this off our chests.
                                All I can say is if you don't like me, than ignore me, because I'm not out to get even like some of you out there. MTRCty Pimp, Husker, and TTT to name a few.
                                For those that are not up to date with why and what started all this drama to begin with.
                                Husker started tracking me at another forum, because he wasn't allowed to do it on BC.
                                Pimp went to that site to back me up. It didn't matter what anyone said, because there were many people who were banned here, that came running to that thread to bash any one from BC.
                                I made up a ton of stories up, just to piss off Husker and the bashers. The next thing I know is Pimp is here at BC, saying that I have been lying at every thing I said.
                                I guess he figured if I was lying over there, than I was lying over here.
                                TTT is totally clueless with what went down, and as a person who always throws his 2 cents in without getting all the facts to a story straight to begin with.
                                Well The Mods at the other forum have stopped Husker from tracking any one at any other site. I guess he'll be bored to death and may be, like I said, maybe, get involved a little more and posts some plays here.
                                TTT constantly calls me a drunk who does nothing but, sits on a bar stool and tells stories. The real problem here is,if he really was a good son, he would have helped his mother along time ago, to over come her addiction any way he can. Not be little me for some thing he didn't do. I respect that he is helping her now and I have been praying that she'll get better soon. Because I hate to see any one have to suffer in their lifetime, no matter the reasons.

                                When football season rolls around to full time in a few weeks, most of my good buddies will be back. Football to me, along with college basketball, is the easiest sport to make money from, but that's only my opinion.

                                I am nothing more than an average gambler that enjoys having fun, joking around, and making a few dollars on the way.
                                I bet $50 on every play under 5 units. I bet $100 on 5 units. I bet $500- $900 on GOM- GOW and I bet $1000 on my GOY.
                                I hope this answers a few questions. From now on when I'm asked about how I bet, I'll refer to this post.
                                Remember, if you don't like me, just stay out of my threads and don't read my useless babble.

                                If you still like me, that's fine, and if you don't, well that's fine also.

