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Shocking Senatorial Votes

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  • #61
    Originally posted by KazDog
    Gbell doesn't know when to shut the fuck up....I don't either, but he's the one that opens ALL these political right wing threads and then pushes the buttons like some sort of political propaganda machine.....

    Today was NOT a good day to push Monte's buttons....

    I don't think he will be opening anymore


    • #62
      Originally posted by BettorsChat
      The democrats didn't want lieberman as he's too busy sucking bush's dick while bush fucks you in the ass. Duh I guess you forgot that one or were you getting fisted by Republican Bill Frist

      I couldn't imagine owning a company and speaking to one of my clients/customers like you did in this post.


      • #63
        Originally posted by kbsooner21
        P.S. I think it's a total crock of shit you just banned gbell cause he has a different opinion!
        I agree. It's not the first time Monte had banned a member because their political opinion differs from his. He banned me for a day because I questioned why a member was banned for expressing their political opinion.


        • #64
          Originally posted by 10DimeBry
          ok guys the joke is over. the gig is up

          unbann gbell already
          I say we all post other capper from other sites plays until Monte brings back Gbell....

          It's a joke Monte...You can go back to burning your bras and reading your English to Spanish dictionary.

          that to is a joke.
          Remember the three R's:
          Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


          • #65
            Originally posted by rwall
            Let me chime in.......ALOT of Bush bashing threads get opened, it's the same thing. I am Republican but don't agree with some of their beliefs i.e. I HATE having religion in my politics. So I guess I'm not a staunch rep, but when Bush and Republicans get negative threads posted you open the door to negative Democrat threads. If you allow one you need to allow the other.

            .....PS .....I agree Gbell should be allowed back but who the hell am I here
            The anti Democrat threads far, and I mean far outweigh the anti Republican threads....And he is responsible for opening a lot of them. I don't have a problem with it, but the guy knows how to get under a person's skin. Monte had enough. Esp today....The guy is a bulldog when it comes to this right wing propaganda....

            [email protected]

            I'm just here so I won't get fined....


            • #66
              The Only Positive Thing That I See Here, The Aliens Get Enrolled Into The System So They Can Be Tracked And To Start Paying Taxes. But Lets Not Avoid The Fact That The Aliens Are Illegal To Begin With, They Broke The Law And Your Politician Is Willing To Look The Other Way. Rotten Bastards (politicians).


              • #67
                Originally posted by KazDog
                The anti Democrat threads far, and I mean far outweigh the anti Republican threads....
                Only recently...go back about 6 mos to Savage starting multiple threads every day...I don't believe he was banned....
                Three Jack's Record


                • #68
                  On the first page of the Non Gambling section here's a list of the anti Democrat threads VS the anto Republican threads...


                  Shocking Senatorial Votes...Gbell

                  Democrat Tax Plan explained....Gbell

                  Be Careful Of Hillary Clinton....Baseball Dave

                  Wonder Why Lib media hasn't picked up on this...Gbell

                  Libs are u kidding me.....10dimebry

                  Libs at it again.....KBsooner

                  Al Gore doesn't practice what he preaches....10dimebry

                  Air force to become Pelosi Air.....Gbell

                  Book Report....Gbell

                  A well oiled defense.....KBsooner

                  Dark and best kept secrets about Our Social Security...KB sooner


                  [email protected]

                  I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                  • #69
                    I agree Kaz and i think most of them were started just to get Monte going. Who knew he was going to go Rambo on us this morning over it.

                    ACE-ACE or Democrats. You will get destroyed talking about either of them here. They both have the United Nations behind them. For the record, I consider myself an Independant voter but right now i'm VERY anti Republican and Anti Bush. I agree with Monte on most of his posts but i refuse to get into a political or religious debate here. We all have our opinions on those 2 subjects and i have no interest in changing anyone's here. The ACE-ACE thing actually deals with what the board does which is gambling but whatever, many are on opposite sides of the fence on that one and my side doesn't seem like the "Right" one i guess. I thought it would be a cold day in hell before i was ripped over ACE-ACE here at BC. At another site, i would understand it. Here, i don't.


                    • #70
                      It just seems to me that someone who owns a business would want to remain as neutral as possible on 2 topics (religion and politics).

                      When i owned my company i steered clear of all topics like that. In what way can they help the business? We have all seen how normally nice people get furious when these 2 topics rear their ugly head. I was gulity when i went at it with savage too. So why even risk it?

                      My personal opinion (which does not matter) is this:

                      #1 - No good can come of this (wayne & BC are unhappy with each other)
                      #2 - Monte is very rigid in his views ......(never gives an inch and seems more interested in winning arguments and showing his cerebral prowess when it is all said and done is just simply his opinion). He also never knows when to let an argument die and infers alot of he is playing the hurt feelings card when I would DIE to have an employee like Wayne (and wayne does not get paid)
                      #3 - When things do not go his way he brings up all the shit in his life. (life is rough for many. some medical.. some financial.. some marital...some spiritual....some family....(life is not what happens to us, but how we deal with it)..nobody should compare sour me that should have nothing to do with the site)....We have a saying in our business that your personal life gets checked at the door.......that is being a professional, but here it gets used as a crutch or excuse.

                      * I would never say this before when i was betting because Monte could have a hair trigger response (his right since he owns the site), but i do not bet anymore and pop in for entertainment 1/2 days a week....but i have nothing to lose now

                      ** I should probably say so long since i fully expect to be banned....Continued success too Monte


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by wayne1218
                        I agree Kaz and i think most of them were started just to get Monte going. Who knew he was going to go Rambo on us this morning over it.

                        ACE-ACE or Democrats. You will get destroyed talking about either of them here. They both have the United Nations behind them. For the record, I consider myself an Independant voter but right now i'm VERY anti Republican and Anti Bush. I agree with Monte on most of his posts but i refuse to get into a political or religious debate here. We all have our opinions on those 2 subjects and i have no interest in changing anyone's here. The ACE-ACE thing actually deals with what the board does which is gambling but whatever, many are on opposite sides of the fence on that one and my side doesn't seem like the "Right" one i guess. I thought it would be a cold day in hell before i was ripped over ACE-ACE here at BC. At another site, i would understand it. Here, i don't.
                        My respect for you has grown exponentially....

                        [email protected]

                        I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                        • #72
                          Bring back Gbell!


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by zittiboy
                            if you vote for the repulican 's then you must be in the top 1% of the earning wage . 'cuse if your not...then your a fool . 'cuse the right wing is just for the upper bread winners not the other 98% just look at the tax breaks there for the hilton ' s not for the regular ppl
                            I agree 100%.....if yer not in the top 1% and u vote 'RIGHT' you are F'ing yerself



                            • #74
                              Originally posted by frankb03

                              I couldn't imagine owning a company and speaking to one of my clients/customers like you did in this post.
                              I can't imagine that you actually replied to me in a negative way


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Three Jack
                                Only recently...go back about 6 mos to Savage starting multiple threads every day...I don't believe he was banned....
                                No savage got attacked strongly in a political thread and hasn't commented since or opened one since.

