They have the power to cut funding, which they have already threatened.
They have the power to live up to their campaign promises which apparently were either lies or hollow bullshit.
They have the power to offer suggestions, implemented or not, to show the people who elected them that they are doing what they promised.
None of this gets us out of Iraq....Only Bush can....Bad answer
Yeah I know....Same answer you've had all along. Blame the Democrats for not getting us out of this war that Bush started, in three months that the new Congress has been in office....That's all you got
I didn't ask them to "get us out". I asked where there plan they promised is. Look at all the accomplishments in the first 100 hours. Surely they are capable of at least offering suggestions to better the situation right?
None of this gets us out of Iraq....Only Bush can....Bad answer
Kaz, it's time for me to call it a night. Sometimes you sound bright, other times like a typical Dem with NO answers. I never claimed to know the answers like the Dems did. I never claimed to have a plan like the Dems did. Where's the "new direction?" I didn't know back in the fall all these promises were to start in 08.
I didn't ask them to "get us out". I asked where there plan they promised is. Look at all the accomplishments in the first 100 hours. Surely they are capable of at least offering suggestions to better the situation right?
Sorry, Rome wasn't built overnight. It's not an easy answer. This is a complex war which that asshole buried us into....Just hope somehow, a new plan will be devised by the next president and congress....time will tell. Just like we had to deal with him getting us into this mess, we'll just have to see if more troops is the answer. My guess is it is not. And yet, billions are veing wasted daily, including countless lives.....
Doesn't feel too good to have the screws put back on you....does it?
Screws? I feel sorry for you Kaz. If Pelosi allows me to, I will say a prayer for you before I go to bed. Turning off my energy efficient light bulb of course!
Well, good night Gbell....No hard feelings. I appreciate your opinions, tho I may not agree with them. To end this, at this point, my opinion is, there is no real answer. It's going to take a lot of time for this mess to end. Many smart people in politics have said the same thing. But for sure, Bush has done enough damage. So I don't care what his plan is right now....And I think the voters in the last election felt the same way
I said screws, because you have been trying to put the screws to me all night....Just thought I'd turn them on you for a bit. Hard to come up with all the answers......Later
They have the power to cut funding, which they have already threatened.
They have the power to live up to their campaign promises which apparently were either lies or hollow bullshit.
They have the power to offer suggestions, implemented or not, to show the people who elected them that they are doing what they promised.
Democrats are trying to do the things that they said they were going to do. You have to get a certain % of the vote in order to pass something
I didn't ask them to "get us out". I asked where there plan they promised is. Look at all the accomplishments in the first 100 hours. Surely they are capable of at least offering suggestions to better the situation right?
Finally got a minimum wage increase passed which they said they would do, but that was after Republicans put in a big tax break for small companies.
my big question to you replicans is...what did saddam ever do to america? it has and always been, and was personal with the bush family(inregards to saddam. ) what ever happened to g-w's #1 enemy? ben laden oh yea mr veitnam coward said " i'm not concerned with ben laden('05) a fact your man said those words all we can wish for is a swift impeachment of the fool
my big question to you replicans is...what did saddam ever do to america? it has and always been, and was personal with the bush family(inregards to saddam. ) what ever happened to g-w's #1 enemy? ben laden oh yea mr veitnam coward said " i'm not concerned with ben laden('05) a fact your man said those words all we can wish for is a swift impeachment of the fool
I will ask other "replicans" what they think, but I believe the comment about "Ben Laden" was in reference to his lack of concern for one person, and moreso concerned with Al-Qaeda (sp) and terror as a whole. If "Ben Laden" walked into the US right now, the war on terror wouldn't end. As far as "veitnam?" coward, I assume you are talking about President Bush, who isn't "my man".