Gonna go out on a limb here so VOL's boredom can be quenched. 88 WILL WIN AT DAYTONA ON SATURDAY....Seriously, I do think Junior is gonna WIN this week....
Gonna go out on a limb here so VOL's boredom can be quenched. 88 WILL WIN AT DAYTONA ON SATURDAY....Seriously, I do think Junior is gonna WIN this week....
Gonna go out on a limb here so VOL's boredom can be quenched. 88 WILL WIN AT DAYTONA ON SATURDAY....Seriously, I do think Junior is gonna WIN this week....
Gonna go out on a limb here so VOL's boredom can be quenched. 88 WILL WIN AT DAYTONA ON SATURDAY....Seriously, I do think Junior is gonna WIN this week....
Is hell freezing over??
Are all the other drivers not going to participate?
I am not sure Jr could win if he was the only one who showed up to race, probably wreck
Classically HILARIOUS ToDa...I do understand where you're coming from, but...if Jr, is EVER gonna win again (ughhh, he might not), I'm pretty sure it will be at a plate track??? Ugh...we'll see. A happy Independence Day to all.