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  • #76
    Please spare me the big ten crap. That is just laughable! Ohio St. got extremely lucky a couple of years ago and for the life of me I can't think of another strong big ten team let alone the whole conference. Sec=strong. ACC(with the additions)=strong. Big 12 (like it or not)=strong. Big ten is below these three and just above the pac 10 in my opinion.


    • #77
      hahaha ohio state sucks that is why they destroyed your powerful big twelve teams two yrs in a row get real jason white sucky
      rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


      • #78
        Jmarty, I do not speak your language. The fact is that texas the big 12 runner up and a team who did not score on OU beat the big ten champs.


        • #79
          Originally posted by dstrait2
          Jmarty, I do not speak your language.

          ROFLMAO i just spit diet pepsi on my screen.
          2013 NCAA POD Record

          8-3ATS +3.80 units

          2013 NFL POD Record

          1-2 ATS -4.50 units


          • #80
            Did'nt michigan get destroyed by usc the year before in the rose bowl? Argue sec, acc, even pac-ten (only because of usc) but please don't bring that boring style of play, big ten into the argument.


            • #81
              didnt know jason white played defense my fault
              rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


              • #82
                The fsu reference was in response to all this talk about the big 12 being weak. Just ask bobby bowden how weak they are.


                • #83
                  better yet lets ask LSU or USC how weak Jason White is


                  • #84
                    ok, is this done yet?

                    we all agree jason white was overrated, played for a good team, had NO NFL career, and we're all glad he's gone, except for of course dstrait2


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by RJeremy
                      ok, is this done yet?

                      we all agree jason white was overrated, played for a good team, had NO NFL career, and we're all glad he's gone, except for of course dstrait2/KBSOONER
                      please KB we know you love jason white but this is starting to drag out.


                      • #86
                        USC-no argument there. LSU- very good team and not taking anything away from them but I was there and that was as hostile an atmosphere as I have seen. That played a HUGE part in that game. Again, if that game is played in oklahoma instead of louisiana there is probably a different outcome. That being said, that lsu defense I saw on the field that night was AWESOME.


                        • #87
                          For all JW did at ou, any sooner fan would stand up for him. Like I said earlier, beating texas 5 straight times automatically elevates him to a level very few are at in ou history. So, if you guys let me have the las word, I will let it die. HA HA!


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by JBC13
                            BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Thats a good one, there are so many other qb's that would have been good on that team!
                            let me name a few

                            Eric Crouch
                            Chris Weinke
                            Danny Wuerffel
                            Charlie Ward
                            Gino Torreta
                            Ty Detmer
                            Andre Ware


                            • #89
                              Chris Weinke wishes he played at ou. He would not of had to endure what bobby bowden said was a nightmare he never woke up from.


                              • #90
                                u can have your jason white i will take ou defense over him any day
                                great defense end of sub
                                rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers

