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I'm Going on a Romance Tour

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  • Originally posted by savage1
    Does anyone have any ideas for a name for a boy?
    We were thinking of Jacob, but we were very much surprised to learn that this name is the most popular one.
    We might put a little twist on it and name him Jacoby after, well take a guess if you know who my favorite baseball team is.
    My wife is very religious and thus a bibilical name if possible (provided it is not common like Jacob, Joshua, etc.) would seem in order-all suggestions are welcome.
    ps Phil is not an acceptable name-Chungster and some of you others know why.
    How about Stu Steele Savage?


    • For now it looks like Jacoby is the favorite for choice of the first name and David for the middle name(that was my father's name).
      For short, just call him JD(any Sox fan knows the significance of that).
      Last edited by savage1; 06-23-2008, 11:09 AM.


      • Congrats on the lil one having one in late August and we went with Christian Adriel


        • going to go with Christian Adriel i should say...he isnt here yet, but I cant wait...


          • Originally posted by ogarza
            going to go with Christian Adriel i should say...he isnt here yet, but I cant wait...
            Congratulations to you also ogarza and thanks for the clarification on who is having the baby.
            ps I love the name you have chosen;it is beautiful with great alliteration.
            Last edited by savage1; 06-24-2008, 09:55 AM.


            • Jacoby David arrived yesterday-fine looking baby-looks like mom rather than me lol-small but vocal-6 lbs. 1 ounce-mom and baby are doing great(as is dad)!
              JD and mom (the initials a coincidence of course) will be coming home by the weekend.


              • Originally posted by savage1
                Jacoby David arrived yesterday-fine looking baby-looks like mom rather than me lol-small but vocal-6 lbs. 1 ounce-mom and baby are doing great(as is dad)!
                JD and mom (the initials a coincidence of course) will be coming home by the weekend.
                Congrats Savage on the new addition


                • Originally posted by vols fan
                  Congrats Savage on the new addition
                  Thanks vols fan-you know the joy of something like this happening really does diminish(at least for now) the importance of politics no matter what you believe.


                  • I agree.My second one is due May 24th.Seems along way away.We see things different but I have no problems with you and wish you and your family the best


                    • Originally posted by vols fan
                      I agree.My second one is due May 24th.Seems along way away.We see things different but I have no problems with you and wish you and your family the best
                      I also wish the best to you and your family, and congraulations on your new baby to me!


                      • Congrats Savage!
                        2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                        21 - 20 - 0

                        2012 - 2013 NFL

                        14 - 10 - 1


                        • Originally posted by savage1
                          I also wish the best to you and your family, and congraulations on your new baby to me!
                          oops-new baby to be that is.


                          • Congrats saavy ...

                            Send me some pics of the new baby .. i will post them on the forum ...


                            • Savage Congratulations to you and your wife on the new baby.


                              • Thanks guys.
                                I kiddingly said to my wife before my baby was born "Wouldn't it be something if on the day he was born, it was first game of playoffs and Jacoby Ellsbury had a great game(we knew long in advance that baby would be born during first week of playoffs).
                                Well, I was pretty close-Jacoby had a great game in the first game of the playoffs(yeah I know it was the day after Jacoby was born but still pretty nice!).

