Take care Savage and the very best of luck to you and your bride to be.
No announcement yet.
I'm Going on a Romance Tour
Thanks guys for all the good wishes-I was going to try to get a little rest before I leave for the airport at around 3:45 AM, but I decided I would feel better not sleeping at all until I get onto the plane rather than trying to get up an an ungodly hour.
I actually just finished speaking to my lady, and after 15 weeks+ of not having seen her, something tells me when I arrive there tomorrow afternoon, my mind and hopefully hers will be on the "spread" and I don't mean the point spread.Last edited by savage1; 02-26-2006, 12:35 AM.
Hi guys,
Just a quick hello to let you all know everything is great here-my fiancee, the weather(everyday sunny and hot in high 80´s and not a drop of rain so far).
I will bew back next Monday evening with the wedding to take palce on 3-11(the end of my freedom).
I hope you are all cleaning up.
Take care for now.
Glad to hear the good news Savage. Us degenerates will hold the fort down till you get backQuestions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Just a quick update for those like Jcindaville who are still following this story:
My fiancee and I arrived(finally) safe and sound Monday evening;we were both tired and had very little sleep for the day and half preceding our arrival(she had a going away party which got over at 2:00 in the morning and our we had to be at the airport for 4:45-enough said.
So far everything is great;she was astonished at how cold it can get;when we stepped off the play it was 30 degrees (which isn't that bad during the evening in New England) and was shocked.
For the last few days I have bee taking her to huge supermarkets(probabky 10 times the one she is used to seeing and stores like Walmart(beyond her fantasies) and huge shopping malls.
There is a lot for her to learn in addition to the language, all of which I am committed to helping her to do.
Its been a long and at times difficult ride but well worth it based on what I have seen and the way in which we get along.
The wedding is Saturday, and I "probably" at this point won't have my pager turned on at 1:00 to get the scores or to interrupt the ceremony to get a last minute phone call in to the offshore to bet a game.
I will update again (date uncertain).
Savage, i have imposed on myself a childish 30 day ban on not posting here cause i blew my goy. I know that is stupid, but i cant wait 29 more days to tell you how happy and excited for you that i am.
I'm sure New England is FAR different that what she is used too. I'm sure you know this already but give her an enormous amount of attention and love. It has to be very intimidating for her being here without the support of her family.
As i have said before i am so happy for you, and continue this thread with updates anytime. Take care buddy and CONGRATULATIONSQuestions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]
Jcindaville and TwoTonTony-you guys have stuck by me and have been very supportive of me for this entire venture. There have been a few rough spots along the way, and your encouragement and good wishes now and along the way means and has always meant a lot to me.
Thanks again and of course I wish YOU guys the best in your personal lives and of course in your wagering efforts.
Originally posted by savage1Jcindaville and TwoTonTony-you guys have stuck by me and have been very supportive of me for this entire venture. There have been a few rough spots along the way, and your encouragement and good wishes now and along the way means and has always meant a lot to me.
Thanks again and of course I wish YOU guys the best in your personal lives and of course in your wagering efforts.
Originally posted by savage1Jcindaville and TwoTonTony-you guys have stuck by me and have been very supportive of me for this entire venture. There have been a few rough spots along the way, and your encouragement and good wishes now and along the way means and has always meant a lot to me.
Thanks again and of course I wish YOU guys the best in your personal lives and of course in your wagering efforts.
Savage, enjoy your new bride buddy. Glad your back on U.S. soil. Not a sox fan(Braves fan), but i do hate the yankmeesQuestions, comments, complaints:
[email protected]