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  • Smoking!!!!!!!!!

    For anyone out there that has smoked and has quit, I'm looking for a little advice.

    I've smoked for 12 years, and just quit on Sunday. I got the Nicoderm CQ patch and started at Level 1, the damn thing burns when you first put it on, and then it makes me feel nautious, dizzy, and have an upset stomach for about 2 hours. When I wake up in the morning, I feel ok, and then ok for the rest of the day.

    This is one of the hardest things I've had to do, after smoking about 1/2 pack to a pack a day for 12 years, this is tough.

    Anyway, this is my 3rd day now, and I kind of feel depressed. Not sure if it's because of losing a little money on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, or because of the withdrawal?

    Any thoughts are appreciated!

  • #2
    Hay try a Hooka. Its the the ones that look likr a bong.
    NO its not for drugs! Its used in egupt, they smoke fruits.
    sounds wierd, but give it a try. you smoke it just a bit, and helps stop the craving
    Its only .5% nicotine and 0% tar.
    give it try, can't lose.
    I feel sorry for people that do not drink!
    Becouse when they wake up,
    thats as good as they are going to feel all day!


    • #3
      rj cut the patch in half u might be putting to much nicotine in your body at one time or try something else my wife tried to quit 3 times for us and it gave her headaches cause of the nicotine hahaha your girl doesnt smoke and she would love for u to quit not going to happen buddy u have to want to do it 4 yourself and then u will quit trust me on this one i hope u do it is better 4 u in long run, gl and try that
      rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


      • #4
        RJ... when I quit 7 years ago (quit smoking and chewing) I would carry sunflower seeds with me and use those when I found I was in one of my usual smoking situations. I found I had to keep myself away from really smoky places for a while too.



        • #5

          I dont smoke, I chew skoal. I know its tough to quit. I cannot stop chewing. My brother quit smoking jan 1. been month and a half and he was a pack too a pack and a half a day smoker of Newports. He chews on them pixie straws they give you for your coffee. He's constently got one of them in his mouth. He says its mental. He felt it necessary to have an object in his hands/mouth to supliment a cig. It worked for him. I hope you stay off the smokes, you'll be better off. GL my friend stay strong.
          2013 NCAA POD Record

          8-3ATS +3.80 units

          2013 NFL POD Record

          1-2 ATS -4.50 units


          • #6
            Only way to quit is Cold Turkey, takes 21 days to get nicotine out of your system I couldnt do it with patches I smoked 4 packs a day for years had my last one on March 28 1994 the first few days were pure hell but it was worth it.This is no bull if I can help you let me know I am 54 and the odds are good that if I had continued I would be Dead If this isnt good enought you will smell better to the Ladies Good Luck Pal
            never give a sucker an even break


            • #7
              Thanks guys, i appreciate it. Wow John, 4 packs a day?? I was around a pack a day, but cut down to about 1/2 pack. This is just miserable, but I'm a pretty strong willed person, and I can do, and I will do.......just miserable right now.

              The urges come and go, especially after a meal.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Robber John
                Only way to quit is Cold Turkey, takes 21 days to get nicotine out of your system I couldnt do it with patches
                Exact same thing here ..Tried acupuncture... Hypnotist ... patch .. Nothing worked .. I had my last cigarette in 1989 after smoking for 20 yrs ... Cold Turkey .. never had another one .. It is very tough at first and you will always have the urge .. hang in there RJ .. These are the tough days right now ... Best of luck my friend


                • #9
                  Cold Turkey..smoked close to 2 packs a day...even more when I was drinking beer.. one in the ashtray and lighting up another. I made my mine up..I WANTED to quit. It was one of the hardest things I've done..but I conquered it. Smoking wasn't going to get the best of me. Its been 18 years since I had one, and I thank God everyday..RJ, everytime I was tempted I throw Tic Tac's in my mouth.

                  RJ, I wish you the best..Keep on telling yourself you can lick it, before it licks you. Life isn't so bad.

                  Good Luck
                  On the Outside Looking In


                  • #10
                    28 Yrs 2 Packs A Day Quit 15 Yrs Ago, Went To Behavior Modification Class At Local Hospital, Learned That You Can HAVE A Meal Without Cig After, Sex WithOUT Cig After, A Shit Without A Cig, It Takes Time, Suggest You Get A Squeeze Ball And Work It Constantly In Your Hand, Drink Water When The Urge Hits You, Excerise Kills The Urge, Strange Behavior For The First 30 Days Until You Retrain Your Behavior WithOUT A Cig...................once You Quit, The Feeling Of Beating It Empowers You WILL Try Anything Because Your Will And Determintation Beat The Worst Addiction...............good Luck, May Find Someone Else Who Is Experiencing The Same Withdrawl, Buddy Up
                    Last edited by BUD GREGG; 02-15-2005, 12:37 PM. Reason: GRAMMER


                    • #11

                      I quit about 4 yrs ago, smoked about the same as you(more when i out at the bar). Cold turkey for me, chewed gum when i had a craving and drank alot of water.


                      • #12
                        Add On To Previous Post, Carry An Empty Pack Of Cigs With You, Inside The Cellophane List Three Strong Reasons Why You Are Quitting, I Am Letting These Kill Me, I Want To See My Kids Grow And Be Happy, This Is Anti Social Behavoir In Most Places, This Is Too Expensive, Etc...........get Involved In Just Say No Program At Your Kids School, Think How Can I Expect My Kids To Say No If I Can't To The Drug Of Tobacco, Last But Certainly Not Least Is Prayer.................again Good Luck, Keep Posting If You Need Anybody To Talk To0 Or Encourage Can Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          RJ... one other reason I quit... my uncle had to have his voice box removed... they had previously operated on his throat and told him never to smoke again... he didn't listen, and now he breathes through his stoma (hole in his neck). Man has a ton of health problems. I stopped chewing tobacco after seeing the pictures of people who lost jaws, tongues, etc. because of tobacco... really made me think twice about doing it again.

                          Sunflower seeds are great... a little salty, but great to keep your mouth occupied.



                          • #14
                            Buried my mother 3yrs ago from emphysema, COPD(70yrs old) ... Found out last month my Mother-in-law(74yrs old) has the exact same thing .. she lives with us .. Going through everything again is a living hell ... God Bless you RJ and I hope he gives you the strength ... Happy you reached out for some help ...


                            • #15
                              Thanks SPARK. You know what really made me wanna quit? Freakin' J.O.H.N.N.Y. Carson. His last couple days in the hospital before he died, he said "Those damn cigarettes." I don't want it to end like that.

