The fact she's bringing her kids tells me that she doesn't want a fuck buddy like these other virgins are telling you. She wants a relationship if that.
That was my thought also Monte, whats she going to do, tell them to go skate why Chado rams her in his chevy malibu
The fact she's bringing her kids tells me that she doesn't want a fuck buddy like these other virgins are telling you. She wants a relationship if that.
Come on. What do you know about relationships other than what Oprah tells you?
These suggestions are pretty far-fetched...geez...I dont wanna fuck things up by coming on too I said we have been friends for a while and work together...cant just make this transition right away or might fuck it up....but thanks for sure guys...
I went to Seattle twice. From Seattle, Vancouver is an easy drive. So actually I been to Vancouver twice. I also been to Tecumseh, Chatham. Went to a wedding in Chatham.
The fact she's bringing her kids tells me that she doesn't want a fuck buddy like these other virgins are telling you. She wants a relationship if that.
It tells me she is desperate.
Bro never go with a single mom who lets you even see her kids for the first month + that you date. That is scary. Think about it bro, how stable is it bringing a guy into her kids lives not even knowing what you are all about (work together or not).How many of you were there before, is she just trailing dude through her kids lives? It is unsafe and unstable for them and their heads, and she is doing it so what does that say?
Bro never go with a single mom who lets you even see her kids for the first month + that you date. That is scary. Think about it bro, how stable is it bringing a guy into her kids lives not even knowing what you are all about (work together or not).How many of you were there before, is she just trailing dude through her kids lives? It is unsafe and unstable for them and their heads, and she is doing it so what does that say?
Just think about it.
I believe most guys on this site must be virgins as they don't get it.
Bro never go with a single mom who lets you even see her kids for the first month + that you date. That is scary. Think about it bro, how stable is it bringing a guy into her kids lives not even knowing what you are all about (work together or not).How many of you were there before, is she just trailing dude through her kids lives? It is unsafe and unstable for them and their heads, and she is doing it so what does that say?
Just think about it.
Her kids will be calling Chado daddy before the date is over.